Odd rumor involving KBF and WOF

*Please note before reading the following, keep in mind this is rumor not confirmed - I'm actually curious if anyone has more info or not*

I just caught wind of an odd rumor. WOF may be getting a used ride from KBF for 2003. It is rumored that GranSlammer, a "falling star" type attraction is going to be removed soon and relocated to another CF:LP park. Could WOF be getting it? It would be a fun attraction that the park could have - we could always use more flats. Also if this is the only way WOF will get something new in '03, I'm all for it. I also say put it in Europa behind Dutchman. They could use the access street as the queue for it.

here's a pic of GranSlammer for those who are unfamiliar with it and/or the name:


If rumors are true, yeah, it will be going away, but it has had many problems while at KBF, so it might not go to another CF park. Maybe you guys will get the tumbler too.

Yeah, other sets of rumors point out that Knott's will remove Tampico Tumbler and Gran Slammer for a 2004 attraction, which at this time is confirmed, but unknown.

I honestly wouldn't mind having the Tumbler. That ride is quite unique and the airtime that it produces is a lot of fun. Is it true that Northern Lights is being removed from VF? If so, that makes two of these types of rides being removed from CFLP parks.


I was hoping that WOF would add something, even if they just reinstall the Omega Tron.

It seems as if KBF's ride would fit perfectly into the old aqarium area.

Swoosh said:

I honestly wouldn't mind having the Tumbler. That ride is quite unique and the airtime that it produces is a lot of fun. Is it true that Northern Lights is being removed from VF? If so, that makes two of these types of rides being removed from CFLP parks.

It is! Tampico Tumbler is only one of two permanent Zamperla FireBalls in North America. How's that for unique? The park's HammerHead is also one of only three Zamperla Roto-Shakes in the nation too. D'oh!

And the award for useless trivia goes to... ;)


How's that useless? :)
I would really hate to lose either ride, but I've also heard the rumors of both rides being removed next summer. Very sad to hear if it's true.

Superman:The Escape(1997-2002) May he one day fly again.

ShiveringTim's avatar
That's a nice Falling Star. What's neat about it is the retrofit they had to do to Jaguar! to get the thing to even run. Talk about a close call. Try sitting on the left next time you're on it :)

Scott W. Short

rollergator's avatar

kRaX....I have been wondering about Tumbler for awhile...all in the archives...;). WHERE might I ask is that *other* Zamperla Fireball?

Losing a Falling Star is something that seems to be a trend, a bit of a bummer but maintenance issues seem to arise more often than not (plus there was a fatality on one last year or the year before, right?). I *did* sit on the far left, and on the right side of Jaguar - it IS a very close clearance. But Tumbler IMO is one of the very best flats out there, and it would be a shame to lose it...unless it came closer to home...;)

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Very good well-being lark this....ARN&R...

There was one in Galaxyland in the West Edmonton Mall, but it has recently been removed.

The Other Siebert

There is one (Tumbler ride) at Mall of America in Camp Snoopy.

Krax, you know I was just pickin' on you. ;)


Can someone describe the tumbler ride to me?

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Mamoosh's avatar

Shivering Tim writes:

"What's neat about it is the retrofit they had to do to Jaguar! to get the thing to even run. Talk about a close call."

Jaguar was built after Slammer was installed, so its the other way around: Jag's support was specifically designed so that the Falling Star would clear it...by about a foot or two.


Sig under construction!

ShiveringTim's avatar
My bad, wasn't sure on the build dates for those rides. But still, a close call is a close call.

Scott W. Short

Tampico Tumbler might be taken out? No way! That's my favorite flat ride. If so, I hope that it would be relocated somewhere else in the park.
rollergator's avatar

RCmuzikGuy....here's a pic and description of the Tumbler at MoA: http://www.campsnoopy.com/attractions/tumbler.htm

Basically, it spins in a circle while giving *enormous* amounts of vertical rotation, 2 cars per arm....the airtime is FORCEFUL...:)

And the illusion that you're going to crash into another gondola.

I haven't heard anything about VF's Northern Lights going anywhere, but I'd have to say I wouldn't be shocked. The ridership seems to be low (but remember, it's got great capacity) due to its somewhat obscure location and it's been set to a half-cycle at PantyWaist mode since '99 or 2K. I'd be sad to see it go, but not as sad as I've been since its been neutered.


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