Excellent and well timed editorial, I agree.
I love how these things are all over the news, all the time. In a mere 7 weeks while I worked on Disaster Transport at CP, we had to walk people off the ride once, twice false-dispatched a shuttle -- one time injuring an employee crossing the shuttle (nearly broke her leg), one time with guests in the shuttle (bumps and bruises only) -- and had I couldn't count how many general setups. And this on just one ride in a park with 60+ different moving, mechanical attractions. Did any of these make the news? Not a bit, local, national, or otherwise. It's getting so that I roll my eyes whenever I see something like this on television or otherwise reported, because it just seems to be a modern-day form of sensationalism. Absolutely injuries and accidents are always concerning, but not the life-and-death-live-team-coverage-breaking-story-world-headlines that they've been made out to be on a number of occasions this season.
Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.