Next looping Woodie

Wood CAN be bent and twisted. They used to build ships out of it.

Possible but EXPENSIVE!

Jeff's avatar

Kevin said:
"Woodies are already becoming scarce..."
You have heard of CCI, right?

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Soggy's avatar
I think the pipeline died because the price tag of an "average size" pipeline coaster would have been around 30 million. And that was 12 years ago!

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Why was it so expensive? Was it the track, cars, launch system or whatever?

It's my opinion!
You ain't going to change it!
Why even try?
It doesn't sound like any of you are aware that the concept of a looping wooden coaster is not new in any sense. There were several built all around the country back in the day. I can look up some dates and coasters if you really want me to but yes they existed. The Flip Flap Railroad was one that comes to mind. Several problems occured due to the design of the loop resulting in too many g-forces. I don't know how popular they were but they dissappeared for a while.

On the other hand I have never ridden SOB (that will change later this summer) so I can't give any opinion as to whether it's a gimmick or an honest to goodness legitimate element. All I know is that when I drove past on Thanksgiving I was extremely anxious to ride that coaster.

beast7369's avatar
Well I rode Son of Beast this year and absolutely fell in love with it. The loop on it is awesome. The ride was smoother than ANY other woodie (including Beast) that I have been on. I just dont understand all the bashing here. I would love to see more woodies with loops. Maybe it is a gimmick but IMHO a great one at that. For those who are bashing Son of Beast did you ride it last year or this year? If you rode it this year then you can keep you opinion. But if not then I think you need to give it another chance as it has been retracked and reprofiled over the winter.

What is life without it's ups and downs
All the pictures I see of SOB look like the loop is all steel, so there's wood on there?
On the loop, there are steel supports that support a woode track. The track is the same through all 7,032 feet of the ride, except in the loop its supported by steel instead of woode like in the rest of the ride!

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I still don't understand how the *addition* of a loop to an otherwise normal wooden coaster can possibly *subtract* from the ride experience.

SoB is just like any other wooden coaster in feel, roughness, etc., except there is a loop added. Why can't the wood purists accept that *addition* and enjoy the rest of the ride for what it is?

It's like saying, "Well, Raptor would be a good coaster, except for I hate the second flat spin, and so the coaster sucks."

It's silly. Get over it.
Soggy's avatar
I think part of it is the fact that vertical loops are everywhere, what's the point of having one on a woodie?

Just imigane SOB, after the first helix, having a series of airtime hills (ala Shivering Timbers) instead of the LONG flat boring tire run & loop. Would it be a better ride? I think most people would say that it would be. That would satisfy the "There's no airtime." reason AND "The loop is a gimmick." reason for not liking the ride. Just a thought.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Jeff's avatar
I think the PKI said, "Why not?" So why not? Personally, I dig the loop on SOB. Combined with the first drop, it's the saving grace of the ride. Otherwise, I'm pretty indifferent about it. Again, I don't dislike the coaster, but the loop helps. Heck, any coaster with a loop and a lapbar scores points with me!

That "tire run" (I assume you mean the block) has to be there to run three trains. Why exactly they haven't done this is beyond me.

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Soggy's avatar
I know that the "tire run" is a block, but why does it have to be so stinkin' long? Most blocks are just a few feet longer than the train itself. It just seems like such a waste of track, way up there. For some reason the same thing on The Beast does not seem so bad, maybe because it is in the back woods?

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Yeah, I agree, It is on Texas Giant to and it seems so long and it cuts into the ride time.
once I saw it stop up there on the tire run. and was there for about 20 minutes, the line got very long!

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