New Coaster Ideas

This isn't really a coaster but I was thinking of a S&S SpaceShot type tower, but it is twisted so when you get spun. But that probably would not work because of the gs.

No Bad Coasters, Just Some Better Than Others.
Great idea MFRULES, but your right the g's could kill.

This wonderful post was brought to you by the CoasterBuzzer formally known as MindBender!
I like that idea den!
I had the same idea MFRULES. It would be possible to have it twist right at the top of the turbo drop. It wouldn't have as much momentum so that the G's wouldn't be as bad.

I also had a coaster type idea also. I thought that you could take one side off of an S&S Space Shot car, and only leave a "lip" type thing to hold it on. Then you could shoot it up the tower, but when it hits the top, it curves. It then navigates a course just like a coaster, only you're in the Space Shot cars. The side of the car that you took off would be where the supports would go. Just an idea, thought it'd be a different experience:).

I pledge defiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republicans, whom I can't stand, one nation, under smog, indespicable, with liberty for just us, not all.
I had a crazy dream of a Space shot that shot up a tower that curved over and down another tower, like an upside down 'U' and back up over again! The seats flip over 180 degrees so that you're always the right way up when 'shooting' up.

It could work. It needs an extra set of rails to control the pitch of the seats i.e. a S&S '3D' Space Shot. Normal Shots are just 1D, add the curve over and seat flipping, that's 3. :)

My other idea is another 4D Coaster, only the cars are similar to the Floorless ones. This time, the extra rails control the rows of seats spinning from side to side. Instead of spinning perpendicular to the track, it spins inline with the track. Kinda like riding heartline coasters - Ultra Twister.

This means the cars can switch from 'Inverted' to 'Floorless' depending on whether the track is the right way up or not! I've thought up of inversions such has a 'Rolling Loop,' 'Rolling Cobra Roll' etc. In other words, their first halves are Inverted & the 2nd Floorless or the other way round. The track just rolls over at the top/middle. Then there is a 'Trick Roll' where the cars are in 'Floorless' mode and as they go over a bunny hop, the seats spin 360 degrees.

Australia's No.1 Coaster Nut

*** This post was edited by CoasterGod on 4/22/2001. ***

Coasterman J said:
"I say, take the old suspended coaster idea, remove the outer casing and the floor on the coaster car and replace the existing seats with ski-lift style seats like on the B&M inverts. Then let the cars swing freely like they do already. It would be like extreme hanggliding. ;) I think it would be moderately simple to modify the existing suspended coasters to fit this idea, and it would breath new life into a great concept. I've always loved the Arrow suspended coasters, although I've only been on one. Peace. :)

YEA that would be so cool! An inverted swinging coaster! It's like B&M meets Arrow Dynamics!

Life Sucks.
So Does PGA's Grizzly.
Oh and for those with the S&S ideas, do you even know HOW the cars moved up and down the tower? There are four cables that are linked onto the car that run down and up through the sides of the tower. If the tower 'track' was twisted, it would cause the cables to snap from bending with the tower.

CoasterGod said:
"I had a crazy dream of a Space shot that shot up a tower that curved over and down another tower, like an upside down 'U' and back up over again! The seats flip over 180 degrees so that you're always the right way up when 'shooting' up.

I thought of that too, but I think it should take you up and drop you like demon drop at CP.

We need an Inverted Hyper.. Kind of with a Nitro layout with diving turns. Also, someone must be working on a twisting drop.

Oooooh, my freekin' head!!!
Ive got a few ideas which when i'm qualified fully I am going to try and design. Let me know what you think:

1) TA2000 in the fling position or on your back.

2) An inverted stand up.

3) X but inverted below below the track not to the side, and spining uncontrolled.

4) A barrel coaster a la ultra twister but where the cart is free to spin (sort of like the arrow pipeline coaster but with an interesting layout).

5) I want to bring back the virginia wheel in both wood and steel, maby with slow controled spinning and huge 200ft+ drops, but facing outwards.

These are just a few but what do you think???

Den said:
"I think a great coaster would be like an Arrow suspended, except instead of cars there would just be bars hanging down perpendicular to the track. You would grip the bar and hang on as long as you could. The whole ride would be built over water or something soft, so when you fell off it would be OK. The ride would be built to increase the Gs as you went, and if you made it all the way through, you'd get a pin or something. :)"
LOL!! That would be the best ride in the world. I would sure ride it. I doubt the GP would dare get within a couple of miles, though (pansies... ;)).

And Stephen, how would one make an inverted standup? It seems that it might be a little painful for the male riders, don't ya think? :) One ride on that, and the day would be done for you.
I have one that I thought up of while listening to Battery by Metallica so I called it Project: Battery.

It's basicly a vekoma-type coaster with the "Face/Off" cars being rotated 90 degrees.

Here's the link:

I was the one that came up with the idea of a sit-down/floorless/stand-up on top and an inverted on the bottom. I know, I know I'm a genius :).

Anyway, I thought of another variation on the S&S Tower rides. Take out those stationary seats and add ones that could revolve 360 degrees freely, like the Arrow 4D seats, but they aren't controlled revolutions. Imagine being hauled to the top of a Turbo Drop tower, and as you drop your seat completely inverts and you're staring straight down at the ground as you fall. Sounds like fun! :)

Den's idea sounds awesome, but while thinking about it I thought of a little problem. Coasters needs supports, right? Well, that could be a very dangerous idea (letting go and slamming right into a support...yuck!). You were right when you said it could never happen, but still, and AWESOME idea.

Skyboss01 said:
"Also, someone must be working on a twisting drop."

Check out that twisting/vertical drop on Expedition G-Force man!

- Peabody
I had the same idea as Den's, only with loops! :) As if. Have the track toatally suspended from above, i.e. from the ceiling in an indoor water park or something.

Australia's No.1 Coaster Nut
I had what I thought was a good idea, and was going to make a model of it (I have no building skills , so that idea fell through). Anyway, the car would be a combo floorless-inverted. At points during the ride, it would switch to on or the other, kinda like a flying coaster (but with a track change instead of a change in the car).

Lothar said:

And Stephen, how would one make an inverted standup? It seems that it might be a little painful for the male riders, don't ya think? :) One ride on that, and the day would be done for you."

Sort of like the huss Fly Away but with little footplates adjustable in height, loading time would be sky high though. Oh, I dunno, just an idea to toy with:)

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