New Coaster Ideas

What do you think the next completely new type of coaster should be? What is an idea that no one has thought of before? Someone had to come up with the idea of X. Similarly suspended coasters first were developed 15-20 years ago and inverted developed from them. Other types of inventions/ideas that changed coasters forever would be launched coasters, shuttles, and the new water coaster. What is the next major innovation in roller coasters going to be, or what do you want to see that is not out there right now?
My idea, which would be very expensive, but I think what would be great would be an ice coaster. A coaster that ran on blades on ice rather than wheels. There would be a track and maybe wheels on the sides of the runners to keep it on the track, but it would be similar to bobsled/ luge. Of course this would cost a lot to air condition and keep the ice fresh, but it would not have to go nearly as high to get just as much of a thrill because there is much less friction with ice then there is with wheels.
This will never, never happen, but it's fun to talk about:

I think a great coaster would be like an Arrow suspended, except instead of cars there would just be bars hanging down perpendicular to the track. You would grip the bar and hang on as long as you could. The whole ride would be built over water or something soft, so when you fell off it would be OK. The ride would be built to increase the Gs as you went, and if you made it all the way through, you'd get a pin or something. :)

I know, totally crazy, but wouldn't it be cool?!?
Sounds like fun!! They do should something like that at a water park! (hey, we can dream;))

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
*** This post was edited by FloridaCoasterRider on 4/19/2001. ***
I still like the idea that someone came up with a while back to boost capacity by having a sitdown coaster on the top of the track and an inverted below.

Randy Hutchinson
Work Harder: Millions of people on welfare depend on you.
I think another good idea (this one is possible!) is a steel coaster that would go up a spike in the track after the first drop, then start to fall down backwards, but hit a switch in the track (like a railroad) and take another course. It could switch from forwards to backwards several times during the course.

Another (impossible) one...and funny...would be a train inside a "circle" of track, and the circle of track would "roll" down another track. :)

OR the entire roller coaster built on a freefall, so you're falling the entire time you're riding! :)

This is the kind of stuff my brother and I talk about in line. :)
When I was 10 (before I had the internet and didn't know too much about the coaster world) I thought up some great ideas for roller coasters.
The Rock n' Roller Coaster: A roller coaster that would play music during the ride. (Darn Vekoma designers)
The Hornet: A coaster on which you layed down on your back, only to go through a half barrel roll just outside of the station in order to create the feeling of flying (Darn Vekoma designers again)
Supernova: a roller coaster, instead of being on or below the track, was inside the track in a type of tube. Then it could do real barrel rolls in a way similar to the way a bullett spins on the inside of a gun (learned that from the spiral background in the beginning of every James Bond movie) (Darn Togo designers)
"We are no longer the knights who say Ni! We are now the knights who say eckyeckyeckyeckypakungloopoingengzourjin." "Ni"
I have been thinking of becoming a designer and i actually came up with a few ideas. Like thrust air 2000 it wasn't the same idea, but i took the space shot ride and spun it into a coaster. Im definaltley sure the ride was in design stages when i thought of this, and it wasn't even the same thing. My ride turned you straight up, shot you and then twisted over and made a course nito the coaster. I know it sounds like it wouldn't work but i have created it in my design. notebook. I have a lot of rides in there and they are cool. I have other coaster ideas i don't want to give away but, that is my one coaster idea that is already in use, sort of. If you would like to know another idea like my Inamin freefall (modern), into a coaster i'll tell ya. I also like the idea of iverted on bottom and sit down on top. That would be incredible. Although there would be a longer line for the inverted side and the ride would have too be less intense because inverteds produce so much g's. That would be an incredible ride.

RCman4 *** This post was edited by Neil H. on 4/19/2001. ***
janfrederick's avatar
I always wanted to design a third-rail/terrain coaster. The way it would work would be to have coaster track following the natural undulations of a valley and/or mountain. Over the river and through the woods so to speak. It would have a third rail and an electric dummy-car in back that would push the coaster through the portions of the course where kinetic energy wasn't sufficient. In this way, you could design a reletively inexpensive coaster (no huge supports), that traveled a VERY lond distance. Perhaps several miles. It would be beautiful and loads of fun. Perhaps they'd need someone to control the speed (sign me up!).

Ok...perhaps it wouldn't be THAT cheap, but hey...this is all imagination here right?

Think of a safe version of Mauch Chunk (sp??)
Pretty good idea, but would it still be considered a rollercoaster if it had it's own power supply like a train? Oh boy, it's another S:TE debate;)

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
I say, take the old suspended coaster idea, remove the outer casing and the floor on the coaster car and replace the existing seats with ski-lift style seats like on the B&M inverts. Then let the cars swing freely like they do already. It would be like extreme hanggliding. ;) I think it would be moderately simple to modify the existing suspended coasters to fit this idea, and it would breath new life into a great concept. I've always loved the Arrow suspended coasters, although I've only been on one. Peace. :)

Medusa at Marine World: the best coaster in the west!
janfrederick's avatar

FloridaCoasterRider said:
"Pretty good idea, but would it still be considered a rollercoaster if it had it's own power supply like a train? Oh boy, it's another S:TE debate;)
Well...if it coasted down hills...why not. I think the old fashioned third-railers were considered coasters.

Ok...Here's another idea...taken from a post regarding DCA a couple months ago. I think they should use the GM test track ride technology to do a careening car chase through the streets of San Francisco!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
This isnt exactly a design but i would like to see the horseshoe turns that are on the flying coasters put on B&m inverts, sitdowns, and florrlesses
A coaster that would jump the track.

------------- for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT
I think a good idea would be a "Gyro Coaster". It is a coaster in the middle of two steel cirlces with different axies, then the train can tilt forward, backwards, and bank into turns. It would be very smooth, and would not always be facing front and completly random, so that all of the rides would be unique!

I have lotsa other ideas, but those are classified. I just hope noone says that a standup-iverted would be cool! *** This post was edited by Not Quite Coaster on 4/22/2001. ***
A suspended coaster that could do barrel rolls. This might be impossible but if they got the exact measurement for the tilt of the track I think this could be done. It probably can't though!
I think the X is going to be the fad in coasters for a long time to come....This coaster can basically do anything you want...My guess is that SW5 will be very similar. If X works look for alot of parks to put in X type coasters...An X would look real good where DF stands eh?
It took me a few trys but I have came up with a new way to propel things.

People think Iam crazy when I talk about coasters, maybe they are the crazy ones.
I wish to be a designer too someday, but I'm just curious, would you start your own company or join an existing one. I want to work for Arrow, that would be awesome! I think I could do it too. I have lots of ideas. I thought up a 45 degree loop before I even knew that Riddler's Revenge had it. And a few weeks ago I thought about joining a sit-down B&M with an inveted one, come to find out I wasn't the only one who did.
have an idea mfor a water ride.You start at about 100ft abouve the ground and you on what looks like a pariglider, you go down the course and when you hit the area were the poool is all of a sudden a huge amount of strong brakes takes to a dead stop and you go flying out the the pariglider and into the water. I call it Spash Down

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