New coaster from Ride_Op Coaster Productions

Posted | Contributed by Ride_Op

Ride_Op Coaster Productions has produced a new coaster, and this one is quite a mean little rodent. Enjoy Rodentia, for the NoLimits coaster simulator!

I clicked the download page and all I got was a bunch of symbols...why can't I download it?

IU shocks the world!

(and screws up 99% of people's brackets. :))

You probably just need to right-click and select "Save Target As..."


Regarding the issue of Ride_Op getting news privelege... Tell you what, when you start consistently making coasters at the same level as Ride_Op, I don't think Jeff would much mind making it news worthy. But until that day comes, whining about it is annoying and unnescessary, so shut your holes. Anyway, good coaster Ride_Op, if not quite up to your usual par. Love the pipeline homage though. All for now,


*** This post was edited by BBSpeed26 on 3/29/2002. ***

oh you shut your hole bbspeed, that was so yesterday. and i beleive i had my grounds for saying what i did, im not bashing ride op at all, im just a little baffled why a simple coaster is in the news section, thats all. ugh, now im mad that people like this always have to bring this up after a day of it being dead, how typical...

I’m sorry, I must have forgotten that this is your web site, not Jeff’s. Did someone give you guys editorial control over the news? I don’t recall everyone and there mothers uncle being able to post news up to the front page. News is submitted. If its worthy it goes up. If its not, it doesn’t. If you don’t like it, don’t come. Build your own better web site.

omg i SO just saw that! what the hell is that! this site has been bragging non stop how its so popular because it is member drivin, so you'd think we would have a *tiny* bit of a say in what gets put in (not the final say, but we do submit the stuff). this site is SO corrupt its not even funny, i think it'll be competing with the LAPD here in a few months. geez, people make me so mad sometimes!!! btw jeff, thanks for banning the guy who agreed with me, you can act like such a nazi sometimes... *** This post was edited by MonkeyMaster on 3/29/2002. ***
stoogemanmoe's avatar
Sounds to me like you're alittle jealous of Jeff and Ride_Op there Master of your monkey. Maybe you should try to build a kick butt web site and maybe you should try to build a kick butt Nolimits coaster like these two guys who work very hard to bring you this site and bring you Nolimits. Maybe you should even try to get a life?

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

Yes it's member driven, but you don't spend the thousands of dollars a month to maintain the server do you? This gives Jeff the ultimate say in what is posted.

IU shocks the world!

(and screws up 99% of people's brackets. :))

HA! ME? JEALOUS! thats funny stooge!! how would i be jealous, these are my coasters for NL (my windjammer coaster was even in the patch smartguy). *** This post was edited by MonkeyMaster on 3/29/2002. ***

Wow. Without getting into name calling, you are one of the most shallow human beings I have had the displeasure to come in contact with. What's even more pathetic, is that everyone that reads this knows who this is directed at. On another note, notice how the quality of the coasters included in the update er... varied? cheers


*** This post was edited by BBSpeed26 on 3/30/2002. ***

lol, you have no idea how happy that just made me!! see, i could care less what other people think of me because they dont even know me on these boards (and i'd rather they didnt anyways), so dont EVEN go making judgements like that based on one thing, thats even more pathetic... and a dur dur dumba*s, that was used WITHOUT my permission (although i could care less) so maybe you should go back to coastergames and read the damn description and how it says "anyone who has seen my coasters knows i am capable of smoothing it out but that would be inaccurate". god, you are absolutely the most frustrating person ive come across, i pitty your parents...

i write? ok, if you want... and i hope i sound like an idiot, heres a quote im gonna throw in your face... "you all laugh because im different, well i laugh because your all the same"...ugh, you people are so normal it scares me...
Can you guys feel the love? I can feel the love.

IU shocks the world..AGAIN!!!! (NCAA Finalists)

(and screws up 99% of people's brackets. :))

Is that what the icy cold wind is?


Round 2 of the NoLimits Tournament of Champions now underway at Ride_Op Coaster Productions!

heh, good times... im so over it, im just pissed that people are still bringing this up after it being dead for so long, it was so yesterday...

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