New Advertisement-ACE Member

Hey Jeff, seeing as you were saying that this is becoming expensive, I think an ACE advertisement would atract many customers. While there are many ACE members on this site already, there are a few non ACErs that I think would like to become one.
Jack, who can't wait for opening day 2001... *** This post was edited by SFGA2001 on 2/21/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
I doubt very much that ACE would spend thousands of dollars on advertising.

Webmaster/Admin -
ShiveringTim's avatar
Remember that ACE is a non-profit/not-for-profit (can't remember which one) organization entirely run my volunteers, so money can be a little tight. Basically, dues go towards publishing costs for the two publications, flyers, and the web site. And to be perfectly honest, ACE gets plenty of exposure thanks to all those Discovery Channel specials that features ACE in some way, shape, or form every time. For a ~7000 member organization, that is plenty.

Scott W. Short

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