new 2001 rides page

This is similar to CoasterGod's "New for 2001 Forum" post but I figured it's worth saying anyway. It might be too late for this year, but how about a new rides page where members could go and rate new rides on a scale for their opinion of how good they are and maybe throw in some comments? I know this already exists to some extent in the "Coasters" section of the site, but I'm sure the new rides will be a huge topic once the season starts. This kind of thing would make it easier to see them all and rate them.

I'm sure not everyone sees a need for this or a good reason to set it up, but there you have it.
beast7369's avatar
I like this idea......if it is feasible....I second the notion.

What is life without it's ups and downs
***MSN Messenger = ***
As far as rating the coaster, you can do that directly on the coaster info page. If you care to write a review, feel free to submit one. However, if you just have a few comments about a particular coaster, that's what the "general" forum is for.

The idea for a "New for 2001" forum was scrapped, the same forum for last year saw very little traffic.

Pittsburgh, PA
How about a New for 2001 section, arranged by ride, with relevant links to all of the news items and to posts in the forums.
All time Top 5: (1) Millennium Force (2) Alpengeist (3) Hulk (4) Ice Dragon (5) Raptor
I like this idea to but we should add pictures to.
Pictures aren't going to happen.

Pictures = Bandwidth
Bandwidth = $$$$$

Pittsburgh, PA
If you re-read the 2nd and 3rd line of my last post, your query will be answered.

Pittsburgh, PA

Closed topic.

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