multi level topic status

Recently, there's been a lot of closed topics. Some of them obviously deserve it, but others I feel could have been saved if the direction they were heading could have been steered back towards the positive.

Would it be possible for a topic to have a "warning" status, rather than just being closed all together ?
Maybe a "two strikes & your out" kind of thing ?

One moderator could "mark" the topic, the color scheme would then change to yellow or orange. They could offer some advice as to what is wrong with the thread, and give the posters a chance to turn the conversation into something positive, dealing with the same subject.

If the thread continued to be negitive or violate the rules, then it could be closed...but here's the catch (and I think this will protect posters from overzelous mods too) - it would have to be closed by a different moderator.

I think this would be more fair to the posters, and would serve the purpose of not only improving the conversation, but also getting people who usually post nonsense to think more about their posts, rather than just ticking them off and alienating them when their topic is closed.

Back to the "color scheme" would be cool and informative if there was a "green-orange-red" scheme for open, warning, and closed topics.

I welcome everyone's input on this...

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*** This post was edited by Joe Carroll on 8/13/2001. ***
I think the warning status is a good idea, but I'd be concerned that the types of people that are posting controversial topics/replies would just take offense at it, and turn around and attack the moderator for doing his/her job. People that will do things like that just aren't mature enough to handle the constructive criticism. How about something like a warning bar that would give a standard "This topic may be in violation of the community rules; Read the FAQ before continuing this thread..." that would go in any topic that's displaying those characteristics? Then it wouldn't be singled out to a particular poster or moderator, even though the specific targeting would probably be more effective.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
Those are great suggestions.... and I totally agree with them, but that may be too much work for the moderators. Their jobs are heard enough already to watch the forums and now you are giving them even more work to deal with concerning the forums. Moderators also have jobs in the daytime and work on Coasterbuzz after they get home. I love the suggestion but it maight be too much of a hassle... and anyone who reads the FAQ first should know what a good topic is. I have been on Coasterbuzz for about 10 months and I have had only one topic closed (a stupid topic) because I know how to post correctly. If members took the time to read the FAQ, then there should be no problems with warnings or closed posts.

Well it seems that the mods already add a comment to the topic every time they close one, so giving a warning + advice, instead of just closing it wouldn't be any different. Then, if things don't improve and it needs to be closed, they could just close it - plain and simple. If they want to add a comment, fine, but they've already been warned, so the only effort required is a click of the mouse.

As for people taking offense - I think the current system is more prone to that. When giving a warning, it wouldn't have to be directed at a specific poster - just a general warning, and maybe some suggestions as to direction the topic should go from there. Just closing it all together is more of a slap in the face to everyone than it is to say, "hey...this topic could have merit, but we've sorta gotten off track here...let's focus on this...blah, blah, blah...". Do you see my point ?

Concerning topics or posts that entirely violate the rules, that might be another story, as people should be expected to know the rules and abide by them (and yes, I know I am not perfect and probably haven't done that 100% myself), but there should be some flexibility too...Yes, this is Jeff's site - to do with whatever he pleases, but there's no need for a police state either (and I am NOT saying that's how it is, or implying that the mods are not usually fair). I just think that some of the closed topics could have been kept open if only they were given some direction. I also think that sometimes topics are closed for trivial reasons and that they could have turned themselves around with a little nudge from the right people.

Also, I know there has been talk about somehow restricting postings from new members - this could tie in with that too - You could restrict new members from posting to "warned" topics. A way to keep from pouring gasoline on the fire, so to speak...

In fact, you could even have the status of a topic be variable. When it is flame bait, it goes to "orange" status. When things have calmed down, and the topic is worthwhile again, then it could return to "green" status. If it get's totally out of hand, then it is closed and given "red" status. Sorta like the "flame" indicator in the newer Eudora e-mail client...which leads me to another idea: could a script be written that could automatically detect topics that are potential flame bait ? Then we wouldn't even need the mods to change the status - it would actually make their jobs easier, because they could then focus on the topics that the computer flags as potential trouble.

Ok. I'm thinking about this too much now. I'll let you guys add to this from here.
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*** This post was edited by Joe Carroll on 8/13/2001. ***
ACE15 nailed it! If everyone would read and understand the FAQ's of the forum, we shouldn't encounter closed topic threads. Sadly, this will never be the case as some people will continue to think that this forum is like others out there.

Our main goal is to keep the discussion on topic, fresh and fun and with as little noise as possible. Those who have been around these parts for some time know that. I, for one, make a point to point out the FAQ guidelines to the newer buzzer's who don't seem to follow these guidelines when I close a topic.

The system we have in place seems to work. For the most part, people like it. As stated in the FAQ's, a moderated forum is not for everyone, and it does take some getting used to. I think adding a warning system will just add confusion, hostility and unwanted criticism.
Jeff's avatar
It's not an issue of work for the moderators, it's an issue of work for me, the programmer!

One of the things that will be addressed in v5.0 of the forums (now testing at if you're curious) is forced acceptance of the TOS. When you make your first post after the TOS has been changed or updated, you have to agree to it to make that first post live. At the very least, this doesn't give anyone an excuse to not know what the rules were.

The thing about moderation is that it just can't be made more complicated. As it is, a lot of people don't like it in the first place. I don't want to add more complexity to what I think is currently one of the easier forums to use.

While it won't make v5.0, there has been a lot of interest from my customers to have a personal ban list of sorts, where posts by people you don't like don't appear. That might make the next version.

Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Well, even without changing the software to support the above mentioned concept, I think there should be more "2nd chances" given when a topic starts getting too noisy. The mod can chime in and tell us that things are spinning out of control, and he/she can try to put it back on track, instead of simply killing it.
Maybe a 24 or 48 hour "probation" on the topic or something ?

I see many topics that I expect to see closed continue for many days, and other topics that might not be the greatest topics, yet at the same time are interesting, get killed right away. Some sort of "middleground" should be allowed.

Ohhh...I just thought of another idea - how about a "rate this topic" option ? Let us vote to keep a topic going or not. One vote per IP address, with the mods/Jeff getting the final say (in the event that someone is cheating with the votes or it is a hostile topic or specifically violates the rules).

I know I am just a poster and not a POP Forums customer, but if I were I would strongly want these features.

Thanks for listening all the same :)

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Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze
Jeff's avatar
Actually, there are a lot of topic that I know the other moderators and I clean out extensively if we think it's worth saving. So if I see something I'm really interested in, or think someone else might be, I'll delete four or five posts if they have nothing to do with the topic. Trust me, we don't get off closing stuff, sometimes it's just necessary to keep things flowing.

Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"

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