Overrated: Millennium Force (Sob way more intense, and i kind of thought it was boring.)
Underrated: Vortex (the best looper around IMO)
Underrated:Vortex(PKI),Gemini,B:TR,and Big Dipper(SFO)
This topic is making me laugh......... Millennium Force boring..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
"I feel like I'm stuck in Stand By Me." - The Ataris
*** This post was edited by punk on 8/20/2000. ***
Punk, in reality, people are different, i.e. different things they like and dislike. Try to understand this, because not everyone is gonna think MF is the greatest ride ever.
Underrated: Raptor...My stomach drops everytime on that drop, and the final helix is awsome!!!
Overrated: Montu. Didn't feel a thing...Raptor even has some air just before the final inversion.
Closed topic.