most intense helix

My vote goes to either Steel Force at Dorney or the first helix on S:ROS at SFA. I will agree with a previous comment about Raptor also.
Even though I didn't really like Goliath all that much, I would have to agree that the helix is the best out there that I have experienced.


"Even though I didn't really like Goliath all that much, I would have to agree that the helix is the best out there that I have experienced."

Couldn't have said it better myself :)
the first time i road KUMBA , when it opened, i though it had a pretty intense helix at the end. its got some good g's...
If you get a really heavy train, and sit in the back on Raptor, it's helix is pretty extreme, but I've always heard that Goliath's is beyond compare.
The Beast and its Son
That's a tough one, out of the coasters I have ridden, I love Shivering Timbers, the Beast, and Sonny's awesome inclined helixes of doom.

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
Titan will kill Goliath's because we have two.

Goliath and B:TR.

Get wrapped in the coils of Viper at SFGAm.
I haven't been on Goliath, so I'll have to say the SOB, and the Beast.

MF Drops-15
SOB Rides-2
kpjb's avatar
Most intense helix? STEEL PHANTOM!!! (That's why it's not there anymore, of course.)
I think you need to define "intense".

Intense=high G's?
Intense=most fun?
Intense=most exhilarating?

I think hands-down the "best" helix is The Beast.
Honestly, I've not been on a coaster that really spooks me with intensity - whether it's high G-forces or whatever. There are wonderfully exciting rides, that's how I define intense. The only coaster I've been on that really qualifies as having a helix is Raptor, and while it's impressive, not that heavy.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
LESS than 10 VOTES left in the POLL! Don't miss out!
The Beast's helix, to me, is mind-numbing.
Raptor is somewhat intense.
Batman Knight Flight's ending helix, depending on where you sit, can be a little intense.

SFWOA: An Unofficial Guide
Well, since things got pretty "gray" for me while sitting in the last row, I'd have to Raptor. The Beast is also quite invigorating.

Thank you for riding America's Roller Coast
The Beast's final helix is the best out there by far in my opinion. It's the only ride element that's made me really scared that the train was going to fly off the track. SoB's helix is also good for speed and G's, but nothing like that of the Beast.
Why can't I remember a helix on Raptor? Must've not been very intense.

A Monster is Rising!! Be very afraid!
Reptar's revenge-April 7, 2001
PKI-Kings Mills, Ohio
my vote goes to the beast.

that is unless you like vertical vibrations so rough you'd sware the train has no wheels

the beast by far !!!!

countdown:23 days
Beast, hands down (or hands up, if you can). No other has come close. Distant second is Raptor, then Goliath.

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