biggs said:
"This is speculation, but I'd be willing to bet that Psyclone at SFMM will be a ton better this year than in the past. Its entire drop, as well as significant portions of its track, was reprofiled. Considering how bad this ride was before, I'm sure we'll find it much improved from last season.
yeah, except they redid the whole first drop last year to, and a couple of years before that. The first drop isn't the problem, it's the whole entire rest of the ride that stinks, bashes, bangs, and injures you. And they didn't do anywhere enough retracking/ reprofiling to do anything about it, or the trains that don't work on it's course.
On the other hand, have you been on Ninja since they overhauled it? Wow is it smooth, fast, and wonderful. I've heard that it's running better than it's first year, and as good as it was last week, I wouldn't be surprised.
Viper at SFMM? It's always been smooth for me.
Willow? Yes, my name is Willow. Would you stop pecking on me on this big droooopppppppppp......