More stuff for the account/bio pages

How about more text boxes in our account page for things like the following...

Home Park
Favorite Park
Favorite Coaster (Steel/Wood)
Your Website

Or anything like that, more or less. I think it would be cool to fill that account page up with a bunch of our favorite coaster info. :)

Paying extra to cut in line sounds like cheating...who likes a cheater?!
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Bandwitch it is a lot to have that is everyones

Jeff's avatar

Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow:

Paying extra to cut in line sounds like cheating...who likes a cheater?!
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Jeff, would you do that? I would like to see you do that.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhhhh Yaaaaa!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)

It could cut down on the noise in the signatures by eliminating the need for people to put the stuff in them...
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
I had a bandwitch for lunch today.

Joe E. said:
I had a bandwitch for lunch today.

LMAO!!!   Would that be on white or wheat bread??

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!

You guys keep mentioning bandwith. You can't just have a website and whenever an idea pops up say, "Uh oh, that will use a little bandwith!" Websites would never get anywhere. True, I don't have a website in which I pay for that has it's own server, so I don't know really what it's like to pay for everything, but I know adding a little stuff here and there isn't going to kill you.

The one who drops the Spirit Stick goes to HADES!
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Though I don't agree with the direction that some of the people in this discussion are taking this suggestion, I do agree on creating more extensive user profiles, I would like people to know more about me, also I would like to know more about the other members of CB. I don't think that "Favorite Park" categories would be useful, but perhaps people could list their hobbies and other things of that sort. Of course I don't know if this would require Jeff to go through a whole heap of trouble, but just a suggestion.
Cedar Point- The Amazement Park!
A few lines extra of text on a page isn't going to kill your server... Some people use that as excuses. I can think of one site that begins with a D.
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
I would love to see that happen.

It would be easier to know more about a CoasterBuzz member.

Don't Fight It: Ride It! Raging Bull

FYI, it's bandwidth, not bandwith or bandwitch or bandwif or bandwhiff or anything else. Think about how "wide" your connection is - a "wide" connection can carry more data per second like a wide road can carry more cars per second. Come to think of it, this isn't exactly what we mean when we say bandwidth anyways :)
A bad day at Cedar Point is better than a good day at work.
I still support this idea...:)

The one who drops the Spirit Stick goes to HADES!
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For one thing, who would really care what your favorite coasters are.  Your website can go in a signature, people would see it more anyways!!!  Those are just little extra things which serve no purpose mainly.
It's just a suggestion...hence the forum name "Suggestions for CoasterBuzz". You don't have to go apes on me for 'suggesting' that idea.

The one who drops the Spirit Stick goes to HADES!
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Glitch01 said:
I still support this idea...

Me too! This a great idea. It would prob. keep the topics of "Whats your favorite X" down. Jeff please add this!

I dont particularly think "favorites" are a good idea, but anything else to help get to know the other buzzers is good. I once mentioned that it should be searchable, so you can find others who have something in common. If I want to know what Jeff has in his profile, I have to find somewhere that he posted so I can click the info button. This isnt so bad when the person posts often, but otherwise can be frusterating.
Hey Glitch! It is a great idea. the more we know about everyone ,the better and EASIER it is to get to know everyone. Jeff, How about it?
Beer,coasters and Hooters. Is this a great country or what?

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