More Enthusiasstic Behavior

Tooly coaster idiot hypocrites who I used to stand up for really piss me off.

Jeff you may want to know your delete account box doesn't work.

And by the way, in restrospect Ron Toomer IS an idiot afterall.

Giggity Giggity Giggity

Thanks to all the cool people.

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce 10/29/2003 6:36:07 PM ***

I don't think Jeff said illegal...just dorky in a beam-me-up-Scotty-Trekkie-fan-makes-me-cringe sorta way.

Then again, I have no clue why I'm debating with people I should be lampooning. Well, guess I'll have to get started tomorrow...


The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of REALLY stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check local listings for events.

Raven-Phile's avatar
Yes, because everytime someone wants to do something nice for someone, they're automatically doing something wrong.

I don't know about you guys, but I don't give a **** what anyone but my friends think anymore - I know who my real friends are - Call it a clique if you want, but they're not going to judge me because I breathe wrong on a coaster. I follow all the rules, and I know there's nothing I can do to stop those that don't. I don't act like an "enthusiass", and I don't act like a model citizen. I like to people watch, I like to run into trash cans, I like to play DDR. I don't film on rides when I'm not allowed, my seat belt always stays on, I ALWAYS stay seated. Most people act this very same way. What more do you people want from everyone?

"oh noes, person X snaked a re-ride!!1 B&!"

PARKS ARE FUN, STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THAT. Seriously, lighten up, stop pointing fingers, and live your own life.


We can't buy more time, cause time won't accept our money. -Bad Religion

*** This post was edited by Raven-Phile 10/29/2003 8:10:41 PM ***

This is getting blown way out of proportion. I do not know what happened over at TTD, but at MF, some people did complain to the ops, but no one was swearing or cursing at them, we weren't crybabies about it, we were just a little pissed off that the ride op let more people in after he had closed the ride and that the ops were catering to these people, at least one who was an ACE member.

Like I said in the TR, it was the first and the last time that I did it.

I personally did nothing that would embarrass Jeff or any other coaster buzzer. I believe that most of the people in the initial group were just regular GP who thought that it would be neat to have the last ride of the year.

If I would have arrived at MF to find that there were already 32 people assembled for the last ride, I would have simply boarded a different train and thought nothing of it.

I'm sorry that I mentioned any of this in my TR.

2003 Parks: Cedar Point, SFWOA, Kennywood, PKI, MIA, SFGAM, SFKK and HW.
Still deciding where to go in 2004.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Jeff said:

AR&R already has the best enthusiast clothing item ever made. It's hard to top that.

LOL! Classic!


I know i haven't posted in a while but i really see why i haven't.

This "getting the last ride" thing has to be the most dumbest thing i've heard on this site.

Come on really people are getting burned out of homes in SoCal, troops are dying every day in Iraq, and people are arguing over the last train on MF!

Who gives a Rat's a** really some people need to really get a grip on life or get a life, period.

Your Park only has 1 good coaster! That's too bad!

Hold on a sec... I do understand this last ride thing. It would be pretty cool, I think, to get the last (non-employee) ride of the season on a coaster I love. Not to brag about, or anything, but just because it's kind of neat. And I could easily see myself running up te exit line to ask the ride-ops about getting on a non-full last ride.

But, I also see myself knowing that I'm... running through the exit line and asking a ride-op to let me on! I would do it not actually expecting to get on, and would be very, very grateful were I to actually get the ride!

Anyone who feels entitled to a last ride... needs to get a reality check.

I love coasters! But I must admit that I have felt like a big old dork at the few events I have attended over the years. I have no clothing that would identify me as an enthusisast! I actually follow the posted ride rules. You would never differentiate me from the GP.

I guess what I am trying to say---is that based upon a small sample size of events I have attended---I have left with an almost embarrassed feeling about being associated with ACE or other coaster groups! I love the rides, but there is an exclusive cultlike culture that has developed that is frightening.

I was not there, but I have a clear picture of the coaster geek types duking it out for the all important last ride. If this did not happen---it really does not change the perception that I have of the enthusiast community. Unfortunately, after the terrible season we've had as a community---I fear that the parks now have the same opinion of these coaster groups that I do!

This is sad!

Give me wood! :-)
328 and counting!

ApolloAndy's avatar

darienlakefan said:

This "getting the last ride" thing has to be the most dumbest thing i've heard on this site.

I don't know. That last sentence was pretty close. ;)(Normally wouldn't pick on it, but trying to lighten things up.)

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph
"Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know." -Jeff

kpjb said:

BTW, Jeff, the only problem with the 0.05% shirt is that it's way too big of a percentage. A park with 1,000,000 attendance I would doubt gets 50,000 enthusiasts. I bring this up only to further exemplify the minutia that are enthusiasts.

And, to further the newfound spirit of levity, I'm sure you meant all 500 enthusiasts, right?

[Nitro Dave -- 145 Laps] [Track Record: 89 and counting...]
Princeton University -- Class of 2007
In the Nation's Service, and in the Service of All Nations
PPP '03 -- High Speed Thrill Coaster Nonuple-lapper

Through very easy research...this kid, Magnum Robert, is the same age, or darn close to that of our beloved friend Jeff Putz.

Didn't know you were that young, Jeff!!

I could care less about first or last ride. Not a big thing.
I am not who you think I am.

darienlakefan said:

This "getting the last ride" thing has to be the most dumbest thing i've heard on this site.

Yea, it's really dumb, probably as dumb as wanting the very first ride. The ride that people pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for, even after all of the media for a 200 mile radius and certain enthusiasts and park employees have riden it. Real, real dumb I guess.

Again, I'm sorry that I mentioned it.

2003 Parks: Cedar Point, SFWOA, Kennywood, PKI, MIA, SFGAM, SFKK and HW.
Still deciding where to go in 2004.

Um, you realize that the CP first ride auction is a fund raiser for the Red Cross, right? How is that stupid?

Last season I was the last person through the Magnum turnstile. All that it got me was on the last public train of the season. You know what I got from that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, and that's exactly what I expected.

Am I glad that I got to be one of the last people to ride? Yeah. Was there a full train or two of employees that jumped on right after I got off the ride? Yes. Who really gives a flying rat's ass? Seriously, it's not that big of a deal. Magnum was still there when I went to the park this year in May, and I'll be there next May.

Although, it was funny to see all the guys wearing ACE jackets smoking at the exit after the last ride as though it were after something else...

- John
Homepark: CP Home-away-from-homepark: PKI
My Campusfish Blog

Okay, Okay i didn't mean "heard" I meant read. Anyways that wasn't the point of the post.

Your Park only has 1 good coaster! That's too bad!

kpjb's avatar

Nitro Dave said:

kpjb said: A park with 1,000,000 attendance I would doubt gets 50,000 enthusiasts.

And, to further the newfound spirit of levity, I'm sure you meant all 500 enthusiasts, right?

Ummmm.... j/k? :)

I'd go up and edit that, but I think it's funny when I screw up, too. Sort of a license to pick on others when they do.

Whoops. Nevermind.

Ok, number one, will you people quit bringing up wars, disasters and all this other stuff whenever a true, hotly debated topic arises on this site as opposed to the usual pointless discussion? Guess what, we all (mostly) realize there are things beyond coasters out there, but in case you hadn't noticed, this is a coaster discussion website, not a life discussion website. Quit trying to act like you're better than me because you value life more than coasters ... guess what, I care about my friends and family too, and I realize that faced with helping fight the fires in CA or riding a coaster, I'd go firefight, as hard as that is for you to believe in your moment of glorious self-righteousness (self-righteous butt nugget as 2Hostyl once so brilliantly stated ... )

Now as far as this debate goes, Michael Darling stated exactly the point of those who defend the "last ride". If you get it, it's cool! It's something fun. Is it any different? No! Most realize that, and those that have started this debate realize that. But is it something cool to have been a part of? Sure! Is a hockey game any different when you win? No! But is it cool to win? Yea. (If you're a warm weather person) If you spend a day at the park when its 75 and cloudy, do you ride less or enjoy it less than 75 and sunny? No, but the sun's nice. It's the same concept people. It's your perception of what is and isn't worth it, and I don't understand why it gets some people so hot and bothered that some of us prefer something different to you.

Resident Launch Whore who thoroughly enjoyed his 7-straight in 15 minutes marathon on Wicked Twister to end the season and if anyone cared would gladly brag for hours about it.

ApolloAndy's avatar
Nobody is saying you shouldn't come on the 'buzz and talk about coasters in whatever way you see fit. I think what people are talking about is getting so pissed off that you have to curse people out because you didn't get a certain ride or a certain seat.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph
"Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know." -Jeff

I cringe when I see satin jackets and enthusiasses wearing those certain logoed shirts. The first Friday of Halloweekends was nothing but these people.

I used to be in a certain coaster group but got out about seven years ago. Wasn't really worth my money anymore.

God help us next summer when ACE comes to CP and SFWoA for Coaster Con. I'll have to avoid these parks during that week.

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