Mitch's Wood Coaster Poll '06

I'm willing to be that Balder has the advantage here. While many people have clearly expressed a love for Voyage (and with very good reason!), I know of quite a few people that prefer other highly-ranked coasters to Voyage, which may end up hurting it. I'm really curious to see this year's results, even more than the results in years past!
I love that nobody else in here has yet mentioned that other great woodie up in NJ...El Toro, anyone? That should be a top-10 contender, if not higher...correct?

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

Personally Im gettting sick of people voting down some darn fine coasters just to make their favorite look much better.

Stuff like having Cornball as number one and Raven as number 80.

NO way in hell is that either fair or honest voting.


matt.'s avatar
Chuck, find the ballot and point it out. I'd be interested.
Chuck, You can't expect everyone to like the same coasters as you. I have SoB at the bottom, but some people probably have it in their top 10. Is that fair and honest voting?
I never said anything about liking the same coasters I do.

Fact, Two mid sized woodies that are both fun, Never been rough and are relitivly forceful and both usually run in good to great condition.

No reason why they'd be that far apart.

Chuck, who will matt if I can find it again, It gets hard going through 250 ballots.

You didn't say anything about liking the same coasters as you, but you are throwing around opinions as fact. You can't assume that the coasters you list as fun, smooth, and relatively forceful are going to be on my list of fun, smooth, and forceful coasters, no matter how popular they are in certain circles.

I'm know there are casted ballots where people have voted against the norm in extreme ways. I voted Mean Streak as my favorite coaster last year. I do agree that dishonest ballots suck, but that doesn't mean you should assume motives because someone voted similar coasters so far apart. And if these specific ballot did contain 80 coasters, then I surely the voter has their wooden coaster tastes narrowed.

Either you have to accept them all, or you open up questions about what ballots are "reasonable" and which ones are "not", and how you decide.

I thought his solution last year was a good one: he presented the results with all ballots included, and then he presented the results excluding the ones he felt were trying to game the system.


Dishonest ballots suck!

SFoGswim's avatar
When does the steel one come out?

Welcome back, red train, how was your ride?!
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar

BigJim4Life said:
I love that nobody else in here has yet mentioned that other great woodie up in NJ...El Toro, anyone? That should be a top-10 contender, if not higher...correct?

It landed in the 20's for me.

I have to agree that just because a popular coaster is rated low, doesn't mean it's to fix the poll. Some people just don't get Raven. I honestly don't like El Toro nearly as much as most of you. On the other hand, I love The Boss and Georgia Cyclone more than most coasters, I prefer Twister to Phoenix, and think Revolution and Ninja are two best coasters at Magic Mountain (still). I know it's hard for some to comprehend such "unpopular" beliefs, but get over it.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Lord Gonchar's avatar

matt. said:
Chuck, find the ballot and point it out. I'd be interested.

It's #7 - has Raven at 83.

rollergator's avatar
^^ Ninja, I don't have a hard time with....I'm a big fan of the good suspendeds (in the US, that now means "All but Draggin' Iron").

Revulsion, OTOH....I just shudder at the thought of Hershey doing THAT to SDL... :(

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Despite how hard they've tried to ruin it, I still really enjoyed Revolution the last time I rode it, which was 2002 I think. Hopefully they haven't further ruined it since. I just love the layout and the setting. That scores much more points with me then rotating seats and lots of inversions.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Thanks for the tip, I hadn't participated before because it was so complicated. Voted, and people will think I'm crazy.

RatherGoodBear said:
^coasterfanatics is the site you're thinking of. And yes, it helps a lot.
matt.'s avatar

Lord Gonchar said:

It's #7 - has Raven at 83.

I recognize the screen name and he seems to be reputable poster on another message board.

I'll also note he has Shivering Timbers all the way down at #65, Zeus at #79, Balder at #16, and Grand National at #73.

On a personal, totally subjective level, I think his taste in coasters is pretty much crap (i.e., way different from mine) but the Raven rating would only raise flags for me if it didn't come with some other relatively low rankings for other pretty popular coasters.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I agree entirely.

Just pointing it out for you. :)

I'm going to give it a try this year. I was too lazy and intimidated by the format in years past to give it a go, so wish me(a guy with low low computer skills) luck. :)

Millennium Force Laps-169 **Vertigo Launches-21** Dragster Launches-53

Lord Gonchar said:As of the moment I post this, Mitch is showing 155 processed ballots. Of those, 7 people have ridden both Balder and Voyage.

Where do you find current results, or do you have an insiders view? I combed the website and cant find a thing.

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