Millennium Force from marina gate

LostKause's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:
The smartest people have a room on-site and have been riding for an hour by the time the gates even open. ;)

I'm not so sure how "smart" one would have to be to shell out $300 a night on a hotel room that isn't even worth $50, and only one hour of "ERT" with a thousand other people, but to each his own.

kpjb's avatar

RideOn said:
You rode Delirium, Raptor, and Millennium Force in one hour? Just how fast were you driving down the interstate? :)



Lord Gonchar's avatar

LostKause said:
wonk wonk wonk...spending money is bad...wonk wonk wonk...

Well, if you put what I said back in context with the post above mine, it makes a bit more sense.

But since you asked, a room can be had for much less than $300 and I need a room when I go to CP regardless, so paying a little more than you would off-site to bang out a bunch of rides before the gates even open is a very smart thing to do if you're worried about getting on rides quickly or in abundance (as was the point of this thread)...then yes, it is a pretty smart thing to do.

Of course, you could also stand around in lines all day or only get a lap or two on the bigger, more popular rides if you like. Like you said, to each his own.

Breakers Express rooms can be had for around $70.00.

Or you could have a Platinum Pass, park free, and still get a cheap room plus ERT.

I have done 3 laps on Maverick, 2 on Millie, and been in line for Raptor in 1 hour of ERT.

Last edited by Bozman,
LostKause's avatar

Well, if one could get many rides in throughout that hour, yea, it's cool. But from what people have been saying in other threads, for the last few years, is that for that hour of ERT, Maverick has an hour long line, and Hotel Breakers is not worth the price. That's where I was coming from.

Go to CP on a less busy day, and you get ERT all day, and you don't have to stay in Rip Off Motel to do it.

Yea, $70 for a room is pretty good, especially when you consider the perks.

Kick The Sky's avatar

We did Breakers Express a few years back and will never go anywhere else. The extra ERT was but one perk of the hotel. They actually treat you like a human being unlike the other hotels we have stayed at in Sandusky. We have had some of our worst hotel stays ever in Sandusky.

Certain victory.

ridemcoaster's avatar

LK, you always stay in the right lane in a multi lane highway dont you?

By that I mean it seems like you dont have the ability to see the point of the other lanes if you are happy in your right lane and therefore the road should be one lane with everyone else in it.

Im seeing a common trend.. If it costs more than your comfort level, its viewed as poor idea, or a hindrance to your experience. Im just not sold that any of these things have or will depreciate any experience of your own or others to be that against it. I guess Im trying to understand the rant is all.

Some people like the left lane; it has the ability to pass others and get to their destination a bit faster. Just let 'em go by, you will get there too ;)

LostKause's avatar

lol. Funny analogy, ridem. I actually drive in the left lane unless I am passing up traffic. I probably pass traffic about 50% of the time. It's probably the same as an analogy to life for me as well. But it was pretty clever, I must say.

I just keep hering people complain about how long the ERT lines are, and how crummy and expensive Hotel Breakers is, and then all of a sudden, I am hearing how wonderful they are. It's just strange. that's all.

I'm smart enough to figure out that on less busy days, the ERT is not overcrowded so that's a good thing, I suppose.

Last edited by LostKause,
LostKause's avatar

And then Kick The Sky commends the guest service of the hotel, which has been ridiculed a lot in the past. It's somewhat confusing. :)

Kick The Sky's avatar

Just saying it is SOOOO much better than the local hotels not operated by Cedar Fair. It's almost as if Cedar Fair hired all the good people in town and left the rest to staff the other businesses in the city.

Certain victory.

I agree, LK. When you read some of the other threads, decrepit, moldy, hopelessly-out-of-date-with-what-a-resort-should-be Breakers was one of the reasons all the peasants were ready to light torches and march on Castle Kinzel.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

If you guys go back and read the comments again, you'll see no one said a single good thing about any of the on-site hotels.

KTS is the only one who remotely mentioned quality in that Breakers Express (which is offsite and not Hotel Breakers) is where he stays because it's better than most of the dumps in Sandusky.

Any indication of quality at the Point's onsite hotels is being read into it, because no one has said anything like that in this thread (with the possible exception of KTS).

All I see is a discussion of how to get the most rides early - which gate to enter, running of the bulls, morning ERT, etc.

Jeff's avatar

LostKause said:
lol. Funny analogy, ridem. I actually drive in the left lane unless I am passing up traffic. I probably pass traffic about 50% of the time. It's probably the same as an analogy to life for me as well.

You're supposed to drive on the right, pass on the left. Nothing annoys me more than morons who drive in the left on the open road, get over to the right when someone approaches, and then go back to the left. The traffic laws in most states mandate the opposite.

Last edited by Jeff,

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

ridemcoaster's avatar

::giggles to self::

Was hoping someone would latch onto that :)

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Holy Jesus LK. Not to start a war but hang up your driver's license if you're a left lane warrior. Besides theft, nothing else pisses me off more than some pretentious or oblivious ass sitting in the left lane, going at their own pace creating a bottleneck or dangerous situation. As Jeff said, you pass on the left and stay on the right. As an Ohioian, I wish our great state would pass a law like all the other states around us in regards to the use of the left lane and make it a ticket-able offense.

So yeah, getting to Millennium Force from the marina gate is a good idea if you are a boat owner and actually come from the marina. Otherwise it's a pain to get to the gate entrance from the main parking lot, at least that was my experience.

~Rob "I will go back to lurking now" Willi

LostKause's avatar

OOPS! I meant pass on the left. Wow. Umm...It was late when I posted, and I was half asleep. I suppose that's a good excuse. :)

I hate (hate is such a strong word, but I do) it when people drive slow in the passing lane too. Hate it. I mean, I curse out loud even when no one is on the car. I drive a lot for work and I'm on a schedule. I have to be where I have to be at a certain time. No roads rage here, but I do blow the horn sometimes to tell people to get the heck in the other lane so I can pass. :)

Gonch, not in this thread, but I can only recall one time that someone said something nice about Hotel Breakers, other than the location. I also remember not-so-long ago, in a thread somewhere in time, someone said that the service at HB was the worst that they have ever encountered, and that that tried to complain about it, and went through many channels to do so, which was even more frustrating. In that thread, it was stated that some seasonals lack the skills necessary to offer good guest service.

I also remember reading on CoasterBuzz, again, somewhere in time, how small, overpriced, and outdated both Hotel Breakers and Sandcastle are.

It's come up many, many times.

Also many, many times, hour long ERT lines for Maverick have come up.

So, why jump on me about bringing it up? I only repeated what I've read other CoasterBuzzers say.

Last edited by LostKause,
Lord Gonchar's avatar

Dude, I'm agreeing.

No one has said anything good about the on-site hotels lately...

...and no one is in this thread either.

They're not? Saying that staying in Breakers gives one the opportunity to bang out an hour's worth of rides before the gate opens is saying something good. People are calling it a perk. Sounds like people are willing to accept that as a trade-off for putting up with some not so great conditions. And that's their choice.

Maybe I lucked out, but I had no problems this past summer staying in the Sleep Inn @ Rte 2 and 250. It's a newer place, so it was clean and quiet and had a pool that stayed open till midnight.

One reason why I'll sometimes drive in the left lane, particularly on concrete interstates, is that truck traffic has the right lane so worn down and the joints so torn up the road noise is unbearable. Who wants to listen to "ba-thunk, ba-thunk, ba-thunk" for 200 miles?

Jeff said:

Nothing annoys me more than morons who drive in the left on the open road, get over to the right when someone approaches, and then go back to the left.

This is the story of my life every time I drive to Holiday World something about those Indiana drivers. ;)

Last edited by KYJoe,
Jeff's avatar

I know! That was actually the example I was going to give. It always happens, without fail, on that drive between Holiday World and Louisville, in either direction. And that's a road where you rarely pass anyone.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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