Michigan's Adventure-Live up to the CF Rep?

CPLady's avatar

I went to Timbersfest, and can attest the ride/trains need to "warm up". I also think as the day cools off toward evening, ST runs even faster. During ERT at TFest, we were practically standing with the airtime only to be thrown hard back into our seats (especially after the 3rd hill) before rising into the next hill. The positive g's in the helix were awesome.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Unfortunately, ST has become overrated and overhyped in the enthusiast world. Now people come to Michigan's Adventure expecting to be absolutely blown away by the greatest thrill ride ever built. ST is still number 1 in my book by far, surpassing Beast and SOB, but it is so sad to see other people being let down by this coaster. Don't expect a twister when riding the Timbers, because all it is is an out and back coaster. Please ride in the back seat and just enjoy your ride!
Mamoosh's avatar

Craig - I knew that Timbers was an out-and-back and never expected extreme lats, although what existed in the turn and helix were nice. Timbers is indeed a fun ride and I expect it to place firmly in my Top 20 when I do Mitch's Poll. I'd have no problem pitching camp in the back seat and riding all day.

But I agree with you...its overrated and overhyped [and also better than SOB and Beast, too].

N.U.T.S. - National Union of Thrill Seekers! Be a member and tell everyone you're NUTS! [Brought to you by the maker of LoCoSuMo! NOTE: NUTS is not a real club; void where prohibited; your mileage may vary; where's the beef?]

You could try the front seat for an ultimate thrill, however the seatbelts are very tight and don't allow for the ultimate thrill of popping airtime. Try seat 2, leave the belt slightly loose and enjoy a ride that will make you hang for seconds at a time. I have never been on SOB or Beast. I am heading down the last week of August now that my daughter has turned into a coasterfreak like me. Should be a great time. We are trying everything 48" offers.
They are supposed to make MA into Cedar Point style for next season.(Ex. More landscaping.)

#1 Steel-Nitro
#1 Wood-Shivering Timbers

I think that the landscaping added is perfect. Now it is time for the thrill rides to make Timbers feel more comfortable in its odd surroundings. Timbers must feel lonely being the only big thrill in this now picture perfect park.

With all this Timbers bashing I can bet Car-Uh is having a really hard time keeping quiet! ;)

Welcome "aboard" Wicked Twister. Please keep your hands and arms inside the midway at all times.

Mamoosh's avatar

I'm not bashing Timbers. Its a fun ride and I completely enjoyed riding it. I can easily see why someone would rank it highly, even number 1, but for me its not a Top 10 coaster. I prefer a coaster that gives a more out-of-control experience with a good mix of airtime and laterals and I knew ahead of time that due to Timber's layout I was going to get much more airtime than laterals.

My Top 5 is Raven, Cornball Express, Legend, Boulderdash, Coney Cyclone. Boulderdash is the only out-and-back coaster in my Top 5 and there are only 2 in my Top 10. I haven't fully figured out my ranking for Mitch's poll later this year but I expect Timbers to fall somewhere in my Top 20.

Car-uh shouldn't feel that she needs to defend the coaster, we all have different tastes ;-)

N.U.T.S. - National Union of Thrill Seekers! Be a member and tell everyone you're NUTS! [Brought to you by the maker of LoCoSuMo! NOTE: NUTS is not a real club; void where prohibited; your mileage may vary; where's the beef?]

I haven't been there, but Timbers looks great. While the layout really isn't creative, it's a GIANT out and back, but it looks full of air. The park looks decent too, when CF buys a park, you don't really have to get worried, because they don't take over as much as SF or Paramount would.
rollergator's avatar

Timbers needs no defending it's a great CCI.....not my personal fav either, but a solid airtime machine.....a little faster RUN at the helix wouldn't hurt my feelings, but the coaster defends itself, needs nothing from me.

The PARK needed to improve some operations based on my visit, but I think 'moosh and I caught them on a bad week, the last week school was in session perhaps.....before they run rides to capacity and while all the "kiddies" get their school trips to MiA....

I still think that mouse could take any other non-Reverchon rodent "to school"...

Mamoosh said:
"I prefer a coaster that gives a more out-of-control experience with a good mix of airtime and laterals and I knew ahead of time that due to Timber's layout I was going to get much more airtime than laterals. "

What?!? I thought ALL "woodie snobs" were confirmed "Airtime Whores"? My so-called top 5 (and ten) is even worse than 'moosh's as not a single one is an out and back variant (The Legend, Lighting Racer, Sonny, Viper @ SFGAm (though maybe not for long), Raven) It goes even further down the list. I think Thunder Run @ SFKK is about the only one that I'd put even top 10. (though I think BoulderDash looks GREAT!)

And rollergator, while I think that all mice inherently SUCK anyway, I do not think that you've been on Hershey's yet have you?
--ever a fan of "The Sweetest Place on Earth" (TM)

rollergator's avatar

well, sir, I have to ask if you'll be ab;e to travel up to HP and meet up with us.....you KNOW how much I love to travel for those mousies....;). Mice aren't bad, they're just "family rides"....

But it sure sounds like "HP has the wood for me", so early August, I'm getting 200....Thunder and Lighning.....

Mamoosh's avatar

Jeremy - the only whore I am is a count whore. If there's a coaster and I can ride it, I will. I don't care what other people will think so I don't mind looking like an idiot riding a kiddie coaster [and heck, many of them have some pretty extreme air and lats!].

I know how you feel about the word "enthusiast" but I consider myself one in its truest form: I enjoy riding coasters, period. Put me on a coaster - ANY coaster - and my day is instantly improved. I'm not a snob [although I admit I do prefer wood to steel] and I'd ride a boomerang, SLC, Hercules, Mean Streak, or any other much-maligned coaster than not ride at all, and I fully understand that just because the majority of "enthusiasts" dislike those coasters they still bring fun to the masses. I try to judge each on its own merits and not compare it to something similar or judge on looks or layout alone.

Frankly I've never understood why anyone has felt the need to defend any park or coaster [and yes, I realize the irony in that when it comes to my passion for places such as Holiday World]. We all have different tastes, and thank god for that!

Anyway, I'm taking this thread *way* off topic, so let me make one last comment about mice:

Despite my best efforts to ride each new coaster w/ an open mind I admit that when I first saw Arrow's design for their mouse-style coaster and saw BANKED TURNS it caused quite a bit of head scratching. Even tho I had never ridden one I thought "well, how could could it be? The freakin' turns are banked!"

MIA's Arrow Mouse, my first Arrow mouse, totally proved me wrong. It was fun with a capital F! My only regret is that due to time restraints I only got one ride. All mice should be run as well.

Ya know, the other mouse that blew me away on my SRM trip was Idlewild's! Why isn't that one talked about more? A totally unique layout, great drops, not too terribly braked...it was a ton o' fun!

Gator - Hershey's mouse is also very well run [or at least was on my visit in May of last year]. However, if you want to experience a really poorly-run mouse, visit Dorney.

OK...back to work [for a while] ;-)


N.U.T.S. - National Union of Thrill Seekers! Be a member and tell everyone you're NUTS! [Brought to you by the maker of LoCoSuMo! NOTE: NUTS is not a real club; void where prohibited; your mileage may vary; where's the beef?]

rollergator's avatar

IMO, most *mices* are overbraked to no end, which is really my only complaint.....I men, it's a mouse and I know what that means when I get in line.....but the MiA mouse, and the Reverchons, provide a much better experience overall....

Dorneys, been there, got the credit.....as it is with MOST mice.....wish we'd had the time for a few more spins on MiA's as well....I want more of THOSE and fewer of the MS-types....esp. now that the mice are INVADING....

Mamoosh's avatar
Gator - ever ridden Quasy's mouse?

N.U.T.S. - National Union of Thrill Seekers! Be a member and tell everyone you're NUTS! [Brought to you by the maker of LoCoSuMo! NOTE: NUTS is not a real club; void where prohibited; your mileage may vary; where's the beef?]

MI is worth the trip for ST alone. I still prefer Cornball and Phoenix, but ST is definately a top 5 woodie.

I found Wolverine Wildcat to be the roughtest woodie I had ever ridden despite the retracking. (I have ridden both Mean Streak and Hercules) I hate to think what it must have been like last year.

I thought the mouse was OK, but not great. Certainly not close to the standard of Hershey's mouse, which I consider to be the best modern mouse.

PS. I loved the beaver in the ponds.

*** This post was edited by Jim Fisher on 7/11/2002. ***

MA's mouse is good, but I'd take any of these over it: Tree Top Racers, Mad Mouse @ Lakemont (Just because it is so "wrong," and the entrance is so funny), or the Wild Mouse @ Hershey. The one at Hershey is really wild, and I prefer it even to the beloved Exterminator. I'll check the one at Idlewild next month. My aunt tells me it's great fun, and she's a mouse freak.

Jim Fisher - WW was so bad last year that I refused to ride more than once, and I am a die-hard wood coaster freak. It just was not fun.

"drop rides, not bombs."

*** This post was edited by chris on 7/11/2002. ***

Mamoosh's avatar

Jim F - As I said, we all have different tastes and thank god for that. Speaking only for myself, having now experienced Timbers and the park I don't feel a trip to MIA is worth it just for Timbers. I'll return when they add another coaster or two. But I'm sure others [like you] would disagree and that's cool.

chris - I agree, I enjoy those mice too, as well as Quasy and Lakeside.

N.U.T.S. - National Union of Thrill Seekers! Be a member and tell everyone you're NUTS! [Brought to you by the maker of LoCoSuMo! NOTE: NUTS is not a real club; void where prohibited; your mileage may vary; where's the beef?]

rollergator's avatar

Have't been to Quassy.....YET! (as it is with all the parks I've not been to)....But the Hershey Mouse is soon to come....Lakemont, we'll see, maybe come PPPPP time....

did forget about Tree Top Racers....but that was a long time ago, LOL. Won't go back to MiA anytime soon, either....too many other parks I haven't yet been to...

gator - Lakemont closes in September. I was gonna stop on the way from Pittsburgh to Knoebel's.

Uh, yeah, so here's an MA reference: ST is in my top 5, and I am an airtime whore.

"drop rides, not bombs."

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