MiAdv 2003 Updates?

You brought up a topic from a while ago, to put something up that has been there FOREVER? What's the whole point?????

Kara, do you have an off-season updates yet? I hope to be up there soon to take pics, but I'm not sure if anything's happening, so can someone please inform me when some GOOD construction starts. (Like the ... oops. Sorry CBuzzers, you're not supposed to know that one!)

I just love all of this off-season speculation, especially with Cedar Point's new coaster. It's nice to know the inside scoop on that one. ;)

Aww its cute that you think you're cool because you think you know stuff.

GOOD construction? I hope you mean of the absolutely fabulous new barn scenery we're getting for the train...and the new train route too! :)

As for offseason pics...I have a few from inside the park, but nothing great yet...my season just ended earlier this week!
Kara (car-uh)
1024 Laps
621 in '02
52 visits to 4 CF parks in '02 with a season pass, free. Knowing I saved $1603, priceless.

Kara, can you PLEASE send those pics to mia_jon@mailbolt.com ? I need to start my off-season.


Robodud's avatar

OMG OMG I have pictures of construction!!!!

It's not at MiA though...

Depends on what you want the pics for...but drop me a line about it.

Robodud, r u that hott guy that was tearing it up on the DDR machine last Sunday? If so...do u have a gf? U r sooo hott.

Kara (car-uh)
1024 Laps
621 in '02
52 visits to 4 CF parks in '02 with a season pass, free. Knowing I saved $1603, priceless.

john peck's avatar
Kara, your so hot! But Im taken!

Fist off I said it was kind of an update and it got people talking about the park. One point.

ST chick you said this in another thread that's closed: Oh, and I hope none of you have a huge attachment to Falling Star or Thunderbolt... I guess i'm the only one that remembered that. Since these rides are apparently still in the ride problems, I would assume they will be in the park. Two points.

Just because you act like you know everything, don't insult someone you don't even know. I've been around the block a few times myself.

Oh, and what happenend to the July announcement?


Waiting to hear the secrets of the Universe from the great almighty one...

ST chick said:
Depends on what you want the pics for...but drop me a line about it.

Kara (car-uh)
1024 Laps
621 in '02
52 visits to 4 CF parks in '02 with a season pass, free. Knowing I saved $1603, priceless.

Just would like to see what's going on @ MiA. It's not fun living far away from your favoirte park... ;)

Millennium Timbers - 310 foot tall wooden GG comming to the Michigan's Adventure nearest to you

I've got a question for you Car-Uh. Where do you get all your information on Michigan's Adventure. And why is everyone looking to you for answers are you the knowledge master of Michigan's Adventure? Besides why wont you tell anyone whats going with the park next year?

Because she did such a great job of updating us -- photos and all -- last year.


(who's way too lazy to do that sort of crap for the park 20 mins from him)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

What is it that corn grows on? Those long tall reed like things?

Oh yeah stalks.......

Coming in 2003
The Spawn Of Magnum!

I was the last non employee through Maggie's turnstile this year. Woo Hoo.

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 11/4/2002. ***

AmErIcAn EaGlE GuY said:
I've got a question for you Car-Uh. Where do you get all your information on Michigan's Adventure. And why is everyone looking to you for answers are you the knowledge master of Michigan's Adventure? Besides why wont you tell anyone whats going with the park next year?

1st of all, she LIVES near MiA. 2nd of all, like CoasterPlaya said, she kept us WELL updated last year. 3rd of all, she's not exactly allowed to tell anyone by management. Did I say it right Kara? Plus it's fun to see people struggle at what'll be new...

Millennium Timbers - 310 foot tall wooden GG comming to the Michigan's Adventure nearest to you

*** This post was edited by MiA Jon on 11/4/2002. ***

Here is the strange thing. When I was riding the miniature train I was thinking "they really need to do something else with this train ride" and now they are.

Yeah, ok lets all praise Kara, she is a god. please

What has this turned into, Kara bashing?

Come on...it's a trust issue. I genuinely believe that the management of MiA have told her the things she knows on the condition that she doesn't come outright and tell us. You all know what happens when things hit the internet, it spreads like wildfire. Cut her some slack American Eagle Guy. Sounds like you're just frustrated that someone knows and it's not you. That goes for you too Gecko. It might pay to check some of our info before bashing us on here, Mr. 13-poster. She's been around here far longer than you have. Personally, I believe what Kara hint-drops around here based on the fact that she doesn't strike me as the type of person that wouldn't tell the truth if she knew it. And don't say that I don't know what I'm talking about, b/c yes I have met her in person and online.

"The moose says you're closed, I say you're open!" - Clark W. Griswold
Proud member of the Walley World Park Security

*** This post was edited by JFNJ on 11/5/2002. ***

To add to what JFNJ has already so eloquently said:

First of all, there is a very famous quote by a certain Coasterbuzz webmaster who will remain unnamed: "Those who know don't tell, and those who tell don't know." Kara can drop all the hints she wants...whether or not it was sanctioned by management or not, I don't know, and quite frankly it's none of my business. But the whole idea behind "inside information," like John said, is trust. Someone up high trusted her enough to tell her something...and you indict her because going onto some website and telling all the overly obsessed fans everything she knew wasn't the first thing she thought to do. I'm dying to know the truth behind Cedar Point's new coaster, as are we all. But am I going around like some insane stalker begging people for hints like a lunatic? No.

The fact is, she knows. Trust me. I've been privy to my own share of inside info, and all the hints that Kara has dropped to me in privacy have seen the light of day. So she knows things. And you don't. Instead of pissing and moaning and making her out to be the enemy, why don't you take a little time for some introspection and figure out what it is about you that makes no one want to tell you anything.

And in the meantime, show just a tad bit of that wonderful little virtue called patience and lighten the hell up. She's a smart girl and no one needs to tell her what to do, most certainly not some online dudes she's never met before. Takes a whole lot of balls to talk smack about someone through a keyboard, ya know.

[Nitro Dave -- 118 Laps] [Track Record: 64 and counting...]
WALLEY WORLD PARK SECURITY -- The Moose is Loose...at a park near you!
[Proud Credit Whore, Woodstock Express Triple-Lapper, & Dragon Coaster Quadruple-Lapper]

Davie the Luv Monkey said:
"First of all, there is a very famous quote by a certain Coasterbuzz webmaster who will remain unnamed: "Those who know don't tell, and those who tell don't know.""

There is one flaw with this theory...on second thought maybe it's just a corollary. But those that *do* know also let it be known that they *know* but then will not tell that which they *know*.

So my point is: Why tell that you know something you cant tell? Methinks that it gives them some sort of satisfaction *knowing* that they *know* something you dont *know*. But it isnt nearly as satisfying if they dont ley *you* know that they are in the *know*.

Ya know?!?
lata, jeremy

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

Jeff's avatar

Don't be hatin' on my little sister, especially if you can't even figure out how to type your screen name without blatant disregard for the correct use of the shift key.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Draegs's avatar
Kara love fest! Kara love fest!!!

Gather around the fire kids...we're going to be singing Cum Bye Yah in a minute :)

James Draeger
-Captain Sarcasm

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