Metal Detectors Gone from KI

LostKause's avatar

I would think that it would be naive to think that so called terrorists are real in the first place.

Tekwardo's avatar

Do explain...

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Frankly I think it's pretty naive to think terrorists and other assorted psychos haven't thought to target amusement parks, because, like sports games or concerts, they draw large crowds. 

Sure, but are you not letting the (perceived) terrorists win if you allow yourself to be terrorised?

I appreciate this might be slightly controversial, but lets use the airplane example for a minute. How many flights have terrorists brought down over the last century? I don't know the figure, but it's not going to be more than two digits world wide. How many flights are there every single day? (A hint - in the US alone it's over 80,000). How many passengers have to go through security screening every day? How much money is spent on this screening? How much time is lost due to this screening?

ApolloAndy's avatar

And, can we in any way demonstrate a relationship between the increased screening and a decrease in flights being terrorized?

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

LostKause's avatar

It's all a show, complete with audience participation.

rollergator's avatar

Due to the fact that we cannot know the unknowable (how many flights WOULD have gone down had we not taken the precautions), it basically becomes a numbers game. Using Richard's logic, we've probably lost more lifetime-hours to screenings and the like than we lost on 9/11...but we can't determine how many could have been lost since 9/11 on "potentially-averted" terrorist acts.

In some way, the terrorists "win" every time we institute additional security measures at the expense of our liberty.

LostKause's avatar

The 911 plot was executed in such a way that ensured the loss of our freedoms, and to further imbalance the power between those who run the world and those who serve them. It was the beginning of the end. 911 didn't end the next day, or even years later. We are still being impacted by 911, as planned from the beginning. Our minds are purposely led to being fixated on terrorists plots. It's in the news, and part of everyday talk between people. Fear controls the population.

Did we have metal detectors at theme park entrances before 911? Not that I can remember.

Or you could not let it bother you and then you are beating the terrorists.

Also...Kings Dominion added their metal detectors in 1996.

LostKause's avatar

Even if you don't let it bother you, which is great, our lives are changed so much now for the worse that we still lose. We lived a different life eleven years ago.

I remember George W. Bush stating in his reelection campaign that if we didn't elect him for a second term, another terrorist attack against the U.S., even worse than 911, was imminent. It was a threat, not a prediction. That was just one example of how the powers that be control the people of the U.S. with fear. Another example was how Bush Jr. connected Saddam with 911, and made us believe that we need to go after Iraq in retaliation for 911. Just in case you didn't know, Iraq had nothing to do with 911.

You can choose to ignore it, and that's fine, but manipulating public opinion for political gain happens all the time. 911 is still paying off for them big time. We used to be afraid of "The Reds" (and the fear of Russian spies in the U.S. has a fascinating history comparable to what is going on in our country right now), but the cold war ended, and now we have an entirely new monster to worry about, called terrorists.

Jeff's avatar

Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but the political rhetoric around terrorism has been greatly reduced since 2009 or so. We don't even have threat level orange anymore!

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

robotfactory's avatar

Oh, I forgot all about that. That kinda disappeared with a whimper, didn't it?

- Julie

kpjb's avatar

Can I take the duct tape off of my windows, then?


ApolloAndy's avatar

What about threat level midnight?

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

LostKause's avatar

Yes, it has died down, Jeff. However, it has effect the citizens of this great country irreversibly. You can't go a whole day without hearing the buzz words that 911 brought us. An event that occurred 11 years ago is still current news.

Jeff's avatar

Apparently it's just you.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

LostKause's avatar

I kindly disagree. Maybe I am hypersensitive to it or something, and some people just let things roll. When is the last time you read a news story about airport security or terrorism? I see at least a few every day. Not only did many people die that September morning, but every day afterwards we have been dealing with more and more oppression, all in the name of safety.

Maybe the unplugged or unmanned theme park metal detectors is a sign that the cycle of fearing Terrorists is almost over. If that is the case, a new enemy is just around the corner. Maybe it's the gays or Christians, maybe it's the rich, maybe it's space aliens living amongst us.

OhioStater's avatar

If you dislike the news so much, why do you watch/read it? You're the consumer. I have not heard a whisper of anything related to 9/11 or airport security since...well, I could not even tell you.

There's more than just Fox news out there (or the typical local sensationalized news which we bid goodbye to about a decade ago completely). I would suggest you change the channel.

Last edited by OhioStater,
LostKause's avatar

Yahoo News and Google News, and sometimes FARK. ABC for my TV news. Maybe you all are just used to and accept the kind of world we now live in because of what happened over a decade ago. I guess it worked.

OhioStater's avatar

I think you need to get laid.

Jeff's avatar

I see stories about how awful everything is on TV, which is consistent with TV from the last 30 years. Despite this, some issues aside, I really enjoy my life and the world I live in.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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