Member's Picture Section

Jeff, how about a section in the forums or whatever where CB members can post their pictures of trips, interest, specifics, etc. And Buzz about each one? If you're worried about space, maybe limit number of pictures per member or something. I'm pretty sure a lot of members have pics they wish to share with everyone.

Coasters - Man's finest creation or is it God's?
Brought to you by Australia's No. 1 Coaster Fan.
I've been a member of GTTP and CB for about half of a year now. I know Jeff runs his own servers for both, so sure, space would be a problem. However, knowing how he is with his photography (the word "outstanding" comes to mind), I'd bet that he'd turn down this idea simply because of quality. A lot of people just grab disposables and run to the park, resulting in often bad pictures. Why would he want those associated to with his site, which has otherwise clear, beautiful pictures.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Fair enough. Otherwise Jeff could approve the pics for quality himself before posting on the site - i.e. moderated pics.

What is GTTP??

Coasters - Man's finest creation or is it God's?
Brought to you by Australia's No. 1 Coaster Fan.

The sister site to Coasterbuzz, dedicated solely to Cedar Point.

Pittsburgh, PA
...You know, the greatest amusement park known to man.
Soggy's avatar
One of the problems related to having "instantly uploading" pictures is that some joker could easily upload porn or anything equally offensive. Not really worth the risk, I would think.

So you want a coaster in your backyard? I hope you have a big backyard.
Jeff's avatar
Yeah, even your profile photos have to be approved before they're live.

I guess one thing I need to do a better job of is communicating the mission and purpose of this site. The truth is, I don't claim to have all things roller coaster on this domain. I do however think that if I don't have it, the site can probably get you to a place that does have it.

For example, say you're a big fan of Cedar Point and Kennywood. You can add those parks to your Personal Buzz, putting a link to those pages on the home page. Then, when you go to those park pages, you've got links to sites on those parks as well as news and rumor items from those parks. Do we have Phantom's Revenge renderings here? No, but we've got links to several places that will get you to them. With more than 500 news items and more than 300 Web sites in our databases, chances are we can get you to what you're looking for. Just imagine what those numbers will be like a year from now!

Webmaster/Admin -
Of course I know GTTP! I just didn't know what words to put to that acronym. And to think I figured out IMO, OTSR etc. myself!

I get what you all are saying, which is why I suggested approving pictures first like with the mug shots. Yeah, be too much work to do this, just a suggestion. Otherwise your site is the best!

Coasters - Man's finest creation or is it God's?
Brought to you by Australia's No. 1 Coaster Fan.

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