Maurer "Xtended" (jawdropping)

TheRIckser said:
That restraint looks like it might be the answer to sob's leg hurting problems not sure tho. Not enough pic's of it. But im sure it would feel better then what they have now.

Yes , let's get Maurer to design the new trains!

Sorry , it just sounded funny. :)

Gotta(heavy breath) get myself(breath)funnier for(breath) offseason.(breath)So unfunny(breath) must.....try....harder.

tricktrack said:
The ride at Alton Towers will be a SC 2000 as well.

I am going to have to disagree with you on that. Take a look at the layout of the SC 2000:

and now take a look at the layout of the Spinball Whizzer:

It may not be a Xtended Roller coaster, but it also most definately is not a SC 2000 or a SC 3000.

If I could have any superpower, it would be divide by zero.

Ride of Steel's avatar
that looks awesome


Six Flags Darien Lake Mania! Your #1 source for DL and other parks!

I think SC3000 is just their name for a custom spinner. It says on the SC3000 page that Wuze Town's Fear/Force coasters are only examples of the SC3000.

I agree that it isn't the SC2000, which is just the 'bog standard' transportable spinner (which is a fantastic ride, especially the MK2 version).

Comprehensive European ride and coaster reviews

Just to make things clearer: Spinball Whizzer will be an SC2000, not an SC3000. The only real difference between the SC2000 and the SC3000 is that the SC3000 features special effects and a vertical lift, like the Winja's at Phantasialand.

Dutch Coastin' :: European coasters, thrills and theming!

Yes, DNRK said it already: The SC3000 incorporates vertical elevator lifts, tilting track segments and "falling" track elements. Spectacular but very complex and maintenance intensive.

You can see one of those "falling tracks " here:

The car will engage in the anti-rollbacks, then the track will drop rapidly about three feet and jumb back up again. This is a nice effect when you experience it for the first time in the dark. The dropping is very smooth and not very thrilling. It is funny however, that this happens while the car is mooving. I guess it could be a huge thrill if the track will drop a bigger distance, but i guess this is a very expensive stunt.

Here are two pictures of a car in the vertical, tilting elevator lift. About half a second before the brakes are released:

The pictures are taken from a massive article about the security checks of "Winjas Fear" and "Winjas Force" at Phantasialand. Sadly, the park did not allow to take pictures of the spectacular vertical and lateral tilting sections. You can find the full article at the wonderful "coasters and" website. (this is still in german, but the site is slowly translated in english. check it out, its worth it.)

Kustom Koaster Kommando
*** This post was edited by tricktrack 11/10/2003 8:25:17 AM ***

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