Maurer "Xtended" (jawdropping)

I would not be surprised if the Maurer Söhne booth at the coming IAAPA will be the centre of attention of the coaster world.

On their website you can now see pictures and renderings of their new extended coaster designs and the sensational new x-seat.

Just navigate to see all the possibilities they will offer in the future.

Their new seat with the new lap (or what ever) bar looks sooo science fiction. There are as well renderings of proposed new ride designs. The pictures are hopelessly small, but the descriptions will make your mouth water.

I think everything about those new concepts looks amazing. From the "drifting car" to the new swaying freefall tower which will simulate an earthquake (make sure to check this out too).

Lets just hope that the current market situation will not eliminate the chances of this amazing new concepts. Maurer rides are not on the exactly cheap.

i was a teenage rollercoaster designer
*** This post was edited by tricktrack 11/3/2003 4:11:09 PM ***

I thought that Maurer was fairly inexpensive, at least when it comes to European manufacturers? I could be wrong, though... and most likely am!

Those seats look like something out of the X-Files... truly insane. I'd be great if we started seeing some of their new concepts come this way!

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kpjb's avatar
That "drifter" car looks pretty cool. The right layout could really take great advantage of that derailing sensation.
Maurer's price-point is in the ballpark with Mack. For example, it is probably a hair cheaper on the mouse (but very close).


I like the layout on the SC 2000. A compact wild mouse type ride with some amazingly banked turns - and spinning cars as well.

I hope to see some Maurer Sohn designs come our way in the future.

X Factor

Wow! Amazing stuff...check out the description of the SC3000 being built in Germany!

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

Also known as Winjas Fear & Force that opened last year. :)
X Factor

That is the ride they installed at Lagoon this year. FANTATIC coaster that every park without a mouse (hell, *any* park) needs! Ahem PKI! ;)

"It's no party at the park, either."

I have to agree, pretty damn jaw-dropping. Knotts and SFMM need a mouse!!

Mike Miller - That earthquake thing? Ah, hell no. THAT I'm not going on. No way, no how.

I have a feeling the SC 2000 is aslo the same one Camp Snoopy and Worlds of Fun will be getting.

That 70's Show Rocks, but coasters are okay too. :)

Except that those coasters are being built by GERSTLAUER and not MAURER SOHNE. ;)

Oh, and these new ones will have face to face seating (dissimilar than Lagoon's) and will not be as compact.

"It's no party at the park, either."

LONNOL said:
Maurer's price-point is in the ballpark with Mack. For example, it is probably a hair cheaper on the mouse (but very close).

I heard when a certain park in northern europe had to decide which new ride to buy, they had the new Maurer Xtended looper on the agenda as well as two other famous manufacturers.

They decided against Maurer, because they wanted a prooven, reliable ride against a (possibly) complicated prototype. They were fascinated by the Maurer design, but the price tag was in the same range as the swiss made ride they eventually decided to buy.

Please note that I am in no way intending that the cost or the reliability of the product led to this decision.(I think you can guess which ride/park I am referring to.)

swiss army wife

They had the cars for the SC3000 at their booth last year.
I am one.
I am Turbo.
Top Thrill in the front row... anything else is lame
so is that X seat in use anywhere? I am confused, is this produced yet? or what, I know the SC3000 was made, and I believe the SC2000, but what about the Xcoaster?

I am one.
I am Turbo.
Top Thrill in the front row... anything else is lame

Remember Alton Towers is getting a custom Maurer Söhne Coaster next year. I wouldn't be suprised to see the x-seat in use on it.

If I could have any superpower, it would be divide by zero.

I for one would be very surprised to see the X-car on Alton Tower's new coaster due to the fact they are building a spinning coaster and it appears the X-car does not spin.

You know how they say every day is the first day of the rest of your life. Well that's true for every day but one, the day you die. "American Beauty"

They do have a spinning version but I still would be surprised to see the new X-car on the two new Maurers at the Tussauds park.
WOW! I havent been to this site, nor have I posted in a LONG time. It is great to be back. But back to the subject, these new cars and tracks look absolutely awesome! Hopefully these designs will make their way here very quickly!

That restraint looks like it might be the answer to sob's leg hurting problems not sure tho. Not enough pic's of it. But im sure it would feel better then what they have now.

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My life is spent in between metal railing, where I stand for hours just to sit down for 3 minutes then to get up and do it allover again.

Turbo said:
so is that X seat in use anywhere? I am confused, is this produced yet? or what, I know the SC3000 was made, and I believe the SC2000, but what about the Xcoaster?


The SC 2000 is produced many times. There are many mobile versions travelling european fairs and the SPYDER (Lagoon?) is one too. The ride at Alton Towers will be a SC 2000 as well.

The SC3000 is located at Phantasialand, near Cologne. You can see a detailed layout with all the special FX on Maurers site (see link in my first post).

The X-seat is for the Xcoaster, which is a whole different story. The offer spinning cars (up to 6 people sitting in "Delirium-Style") and a large variety of other positions. The XCoaster uses (probably) a different track style and there is no installation anywhere as of now. (just navigate the above link, its very interesting)



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