Markey's response to industry report

I havent heard that monkey's name in a while.

You know he might be a bit more believable if his press releases where actually checked for spelling and grammatical errors.

It sounds like he's sorta giving in to this argument until you read on. He really goes into propaganda and stuff saying people get hurt on them but not saying these accidents are the fault of the riders. He's making it sound bad using buzzwords and leaving out important facts. It's total propaganda.

Curtis: That's funny stuff! It's like he (or whoever types his stuff) typed it up in five minutes and didn't have time to check grammer.


This just in...

Bad grammar and poor spelling causes brain injuries. Rep. Jeb Malarkey has taken up the cause and vows to get legislation passed to mandate government oversight of this problem.

"Hour research shows that 52 peeple a DAY our killed or seriously injured by bad grammer and pour spelling. The written word industry is a giant beeheemith that is free from goverment regulashun, and its' killing every day. We need to send a massage to those peeple that we wont stand four this. I am proposing that we create a new Department of Bibliogr...biblo......Words that will regulate the indusstry and prevent another senseless trajidy."

In response, the Associated Press, United Press International, and 2 internet coaster-related discussion sites have commissioned a study on their own to determine the legitimacy of Rep. Malarkey's claims.

My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge

jimmybob said:
"This just in...

Bad grammar and poor spelling causes brain injuries. Rep. Jeb Malarkey has taken up the cause and vows to get legislation passed to mandate government oversight of this problem.

Yeah, I noticed that too...
2 sentences with incorrect structure, 2 typos, lack of commas, and improper use of capitalization.
I think he needs to fire his press secretary.

*** This post was edited by ThemeDesigner on 1/22/2003. ***

You know he instead of wasting his time with this non-issue he could be putting up stop signs that save lives of 3 year olds trying to cross the street. The fact that were missing is that he doesn't really know anything or really care about "amusement park safety issues". The only reason why he's bothering with this one is because all the good ones were already taken by other politicians. He wants to look important or something. When's the last time someone wrote him a letter commending him on his valiant efforts to limit G-forces in Roller Coasters? I bet he always got picked last for dodgeball as a kid too.

'out the 100Base-T, through the router, down the OC3, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall......nothin' but Net.

*** This post was edited by Colonel Sanders on 1/22/2003. ***

I wouldn't call any studys done by anyone wrong, however they do bend the truth, but arent really wrong. The fact reamins that Markey dose have a point, when he states that deaths may not be looked at indepth the case of "High Speed Rollercoasters causing brain injuries", how could you fix them?, have the park take down a multi Million dollar attraction?

If I where in the industry of any park, I would be disagreeingaswell, as I still do now. Markey is making a federal case out of it (no bun intended), and he knows exactly what he is doing, becuase he is advocating to parents, about unsafe rides, and their childer. Like someone stated above, "I dont know where he comes from, but the speed limit on most highways are 60mph"

I dont think it was the best way to spend money for sixflags the way they did, becuase it is like saying, I walked into a store,,and ran out ,but they thought I stole something, but I dident, I just happen to have 20pairs of what I took?, I knowhat is a lame perspective, to put this type of sittuiation in, but it serves the purpose.

I think if rollercoaster caused any type of brain injuries, at least one coaster enthusist, would have been dead becuase of it already, as sad as that sounds, that we have to pair up something we love to do that is very safe with death, it is a shame, and something needs to be done. I think the initiative Sixflags took was a good first step, an it means alot to finaly hear the news broadcasters saying that Thrill rides are indeed safe, however, I dont think they have a chance at winning any case untill a studie is done by someone, out of the industrie, becuase even if the studie is true, under the eyes of a snake like Markey, it is all lie's, and , he will do whatever in his power to stand by his belief. ( side note, I tryed to edit , and fix misspelled words, or any other mistakes, but when I try to it earases text as I go along, so with this side not dont spam this whole page up on, who says what ,and when they say it they cant even spell, that is not the case here, everyone makes mistakes)

This guy is unbelievable. I think he must have had a bad experience at an amusment park before. No one would go after the industry like this unless there was a real problem.

I'll never forget what someone had once said in response to Markey's opinions.

More kids are getting killed in a simple game of baseball than ever riding rollercoasters or going to a theme park. Why don't we have regulations for that?

"Life is like a roller coaster; there are ups and downs and it's over all too fast."

Fight Back at:

Does anyone know what's behind this obsession? Niece pinched her finger in a restraint or something? This isn't even something that it would seem one could get a lot of political mileage out of.

Let's see: lower taxes? No. More cops and prisons? Not quite right. Smaller classrooms? Maybe. Coaster safety law? That'll really get out the vote! That's what I'll be known for!


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