Markey at it again, giving numbers and no evidence

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Like your roller coasters? Representative Ed Markey wants to protect you from the horrible brain injuries you could sustain on the rides. He's concerned about your children, and knows better than you what kind of physical activity you should participate in. His latest report indicates that more than half of his "injury inventory" is from unpublished incidents (i.e., no proof or research). So even though your chance of dying on an amusement ride is 0.0000002% (according to IAAPA), Markey would again like to dictate guidelines to keep you safe.

Read more Markey malarkey on his site.

You can also read Jim Fisher's editorial on the flaws of the Consumer Product Safety Commission's report, as well as my open (and ignored) letter to Markey regarding his pointless pursuit.

ApolloAndy's avatar
Well, just to play devil's advocate, I have no idea what a safe level of force on my body is. I know Goliath did some things to me that aren't supposed to normally happen (Graying out). Of course whether this should be regulated by designer, park, state or fed. is a whole 'nother issue.

AC?, RB?, MF?, DD?, PR? Who can keep track of it all?

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Man, someone vote the idiot out of office!!!

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

Out of curiosity, why do you all want to write to Markey? He is *obviously* well entrenched in his position that the rides carry some inherent "danger". Even with all the information that he has that screams that the amusement industry is safer to patrons than the majority of other activities, he *still* contends that regulation is needed. Fine, let him have his opinion!

If you feel the need to *do* something, the best thing is to write *your* local representative(s) and let *them* see the staticstics. Furthermore, you should make it clear to them that this issue is of little concern to you in light of greater problems facing the nation (pick one, the environment, public healthcare, tax cuts, farm subsidies, etc.). Let them know that these are the issues you want your rep to work on, and if the current rep wont do it, you'll find someone else who will.

Moreover, I would forward a copy of such a letter to all the other members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and let them know that I was displeased with such a "frivolous investigation". And further that such a venture is "irresponsible" in light of the current state of the economy (Commerce) and nation's intense debate over America's dependence on fossil fuels (Energy).

Third, and this is if you *really* care, let the people of Markey's district know that *this* is his primary concern. I'd be willing to wager that most of his constituency has no idea that this is what he chooses to address "for betterment of the nation". I'm pretty sure that they would rather have him trying to expand education or lower property taxes than regulate some "silly rollercoasters".

Remember kiddies, when it comes to politics, VOTES talk, bull walks.

Now, I'd do this myself but a) I dont think this has a snowballs chance in hell of becoming law; b) Even if they *did* regulate rides to a certain G limit, I know our ride manufactures will *still* be able to make great rides; c)My Representative cant do **** but talk anyway so what can she really do?
--"Taxation Without Representation"; didnt we fight a war over that?

Funny kinda, coasters are safer than toothpicks. Guy must have no life or a black heart.

At least I dont call a vertical loop a "loopdie-loop"!

Stoogemanmoe, you said it!

My SFGAdv Website:

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Man, Markey really really irritates me!!! He must have had a bad experience as a kid on a coaster. Maybe it scared the heck out of him and his mommy had to wipe his behind because he pooped hisself. I hate this guys guts. Heck, he probably still don't wipe him self. I say build the coasters bigger more G's, bigger inversions. Put this guy on a rocket to mars and hope that it don't come back.

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 5/9/2002. ***

Wow. When you have over one thousand people a day killed by legal tobacco products you would think.......

Off with the trims!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!

It seems to me that Markey is simply trying to ride a wave of publicity in order to advance his own career. He couldn't care less about the actual numbers. He just wants exposure.

If he ignored coasters and took a stand on issues that really matter, he wouldn't get an publicity, and it wouldn't help him at all.

Politicians should get free surfboards after they're elected.

All the world is born right-handed. Only the greatest can overcome it.

I simply do not believe this man! Where does he get off saying that people would need training to ride roller coasters? He fails to mention that the space shuttle pulls the G forces for more than 8 minutes straight, while coasters pull them for less than a quarter of a second. I cannot stand this man. I should write him. When it comes down to it, people, don't vote for him! Even though he's an incumbent and he'll probably win since he is incumbent. Darn incumbent party ;)

I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest
thingintheworldhelpmeIamgoingtodieAHHHH!!! *** This post was edited by haux on 5/9/2002. ***

Federal legislation is not the only threat from Markeys bull. State legislation of G limits is probably far more likely. Or we can worry about Markey and friends convincing ride inspectors or insurance companies that G forces should be limited.

Of course, the whole space shuttle thing is bull since it is based on the assumption that the forces imposed by the space shuttle have some relation to the limits that the human body can endure. Old guys like me can remember the early days of the space program when the G forces were twice as high as the shuttle.

I haven't had the time to do a thorough review of the incidents that Markey lists. It could take months to track down things like how long after the ride did the symptoms appear. However, one thing that I notice is that there seems to be no correlation with the G forces of the ride or any other obvious potential risk factor. Many of the coasters listed in fact, such as Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain as particularly mild coasters.

Some notorious head bangers do seem to figure prominently, but other equally notorious head bangers do not. *** This post was edited by Jim Fisher on 5/9/2002. ***

This is, without a doubt, the single worst compilation of 'data' I think I've ever seen.

I don't know what frightens me more - the fact the he's trying to pass this off as substantial, or the fact that someone, somewhere is bound to believe him.

Ugh. I'll be writing to him as well as my Congressperson, making sure they know how I feel about this.


The email Markey page refers to him as " The Honorable Edward J. Markey ". Har.

This man is truly the biggest idiot ive ever heard of. Instead of "investigating" something like the number of car injuries and fatalities caused at a 4-way intersection, he looks into something that is way more unlikely to happen.

I'm not saying that injuries and fatalities cant and wont happen in amusement parks, I know they do. But way, way less than injuries and fatalities happen at amusement parks happen. I wish I could actually see this idiot go to an amusement park. Then have someone get his opinion on what he thought of the rides and the day. But knowing him he would probably have some biased opinion and say it was very unsafe.

I seriously hope that New Jersey declines this law that limits g-forces. That would be the best thing that could happen to Markey. Then he would see that, not many people really care about this as much as he does and that he is a complete idiot that really needs to shut his mouth.

Mamoosh: I agree that he should actually look and see how many enthusiast have been injured on rides.


Jeff's avatar

Anyone else who cares to post something like "markey is gay" or "markey sux" is headed toward my special list of stupid people.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Well, I don't think it is entirely fair to pick on this guy so much. I love rides just as much as anybody here, but I can't say that I am fully against Markey. We all know there are rides out there that pull a lot of G forces, some even enough to consistently make people black out. That is just too much if you ask me. Now, obviously the coaster enthusiast crowd is very biased on this issue. Almost everybody on these boards repeatedly used the catch phrase "it was a pre-existing condition" when that lady died of an aneurysm on Goliath. Well, sure it was, but it wouldn't have been aggrevated had the ride not been so intense. And, yes, "it could happen on a park bench." Sure, it can, but very rarely at that age. The point is, I don't think there is a person on here who would not agree with me that rides are still fun even when they don't pull these very high G forces. I think we all get defensive when it seems like Big Brother America is taking away another freedom, but maybe they should in this case. -Allan

Magnum Allan - FLCC member.

well here's wha t I wrote my representative.

I am writing concerning Mr Markey's(D-MA) persuit of trhill ride legislation. Myself and othere around the nation enjoy our days at amusment parks and local and state fairs thourgh the summer. no one I know has ever been imnjured or killed riding a Roller coaster or any other ride at an amusment park or county fair. he uses inflated and out right wrong statistics to win the opinion of his constituents and the media. Being from virginia I am sure you are no doubt familiar with Paramount's Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens Willaimsburg. Both are large and very popular parks for in and out of state tourism. if legislation is passed regulating these parks in a manner he deems fit it would virtually cripple thier ability to build new rides and even possibly remain in business. I am not aware of th estatus of the bill hepropsed last year I assume it;s dead but I ask that you oppose any regulation of amusment parks. for the sake of all of us, wether or not we enjoy riding Apollo's Chariot at Busch Gardens or not.


I felt that I had to register to comment on this issue. Yes, I don't agree with most of the things that Sen. Markey says, especially when he directly equates speed to g-force (Must not have many mechanical engineers working for him). However, he does make a few good points. Calling him an idiot, gay, baby, or whatever wonderful words you have lined up for him will not get you anywhere, except discrediting yourself. The only way to get him to see your point is to write a letter CLEARLY stating FACTS, not just opinions, and send away to him and/or your congressman. I do feel that his energies can be better spent working on some other issues...but that's just my opinion. Also, G-forces that are felt on the space shuttle are placed on the astronauts for an extremely long period of time, as opposed to the fraction of a second felt by riders on a roller coaster. Anyone who has had the opportunity to take a spin in a centrifuge will tell you that there is a HUGE difference in the experiences. Another thing, most people who have taken a statistics class will tell you that this is one of the WORST compilations of data that they have ever seen. If you want, you can get statistics to tell you to tell any story you want them to. Compared to the fraction of people killed by various other things in the world today, apparently we shouldn't drink, smoke, drive in a car, fly in an airplane, or even walk outside. Like I said before, there are MANY things that would be higher on my priority lists as a senator than getting some G-Force/speed limit set on a roller coaster.
Tolian, I don't really agree with your statement that future legislation would cripple the ability to build new coasters. I think what Markey has in mind is not allowing stuff like Goliath's "centrifuge" to be built - only excessive G-forces will be limited. Not many rides that are currently running would not be allowed if such legislation existed when they were built. If that is not the case, then I do not support Markey's movement.

Magnum Allan - FLCC member.

When was there a death in Missouri that was caused by excessive Gforces in the 1990's? Is he considering the death of the girl on Timber Wolf who thought she was riding the EXT instead? In that case, it would be a "lack of" Gforce as opposed to excessive. What an idiot.

(In cyberspace no one can hear you scream)

I hate this guy so much! I mean really, the Golith lady already had brain complicataions!

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