Mantis converted from a stand up to a floorless

My last post "Can you stand....Stand ups????"
received a lot of replies. Most seemed luke warm towards Stand Ups. What do you think of changing Mantis at C.P. to a floorless or a sit down.Would it make it a better ride. Launched (If possible)add tunnels theming. What's your thoughts.
Jeff's avatar
Why fix what isn't broken? A lot of people sure do ride it every year.

As mentioned in other threads, you'd have to re-engineer the entire station to accommodate the different trains.

Webmaster/Admin -
Yeah, you'd probably just be better off building a whole new coaster

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually

I wouldn't touch Mantis with a ten foot pole.
It's one of the smoothest rides I have been on for any kind of coaster.
CP has the best, smoothest coasters of any I have ever been on.
Must be the
It doesn't jerk you around and with the exception of force on your legs through the helix, it was awesome.
I wouldn't touch a thing.
Coaster Chic
Wow, CoasterChic, you're one of the only people I have EVER heard say Mantis and smoothest in the same sentence. I don't have a problem at all with Mantis, but it sure isn't one of the smoothest coasters, IMO. Seems like the stand-ups are actually the "roughest" genre of coaster. RRv, Mantis, Chang, IW, Vortex etc. seem to be rougher than their inverted or floorless counterparts. I sure as heck don't find 'em rough though!

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Is this possible, can you run floorless trains and stand up trains on mantis also could that change CP's coaster count. Just a thought.

Army rangers lead the way
Mantis is fairly smooth but Iron Wolf is as rough as an Arrow.

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Jeff's avatar
The B&M stand-ups aren't rough. What you perceive as rough is actually just quick change in direction, and that can cause some head banging. Think about how far above the track your head is compared to a sitdown, or especially an inverter. The further away from the track your head is, the more it gets tossed about from sudden changes in direction. Mantis is really prone to that following the incline loop, where the train rolls left than right at fairly high speed.

Webmaster/Admin -
I felt that RRv was and is one of B&M's finest creations. It ranks in my top 5 coasters. The smooth transitions and nonstop speed of this ride is great. I just wish it wasn't so far away.

I agree also that B&M standups are not rough. Iron Wolf definitely has quick change of direction especially considering the small footprint that it is on. I am going to try Jeffs advice this year on how to situate yourself on a standup. If it works then Iron Wolf is definitely going to jump up on my favorites list.

john peck's avatar
The roughness I usally feel (and its not really roughness in the first place) are the transitions which will quickly change your bodies natural direction... thus head banging.

I felt that Manhatten Express grinded along the track very uncomfortibly, I am guessing due to shocks, SOB bounces for some odd reason, Magnum had a bad axel last summer, Raging Wolf Bobs has a trailered train as well as Predator. Otherwise, "very rough" coasters tend to be a thing of the past.
I think Mantis is smooth too. But i believe what spot you are standing in has a lot to do with this. Of all the standups this has to be one of the best if not THE best, so pick another ride to mess around with. leave mantis alone.

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It cant be done, cause the calculations and track-bending is diffeerent for a stand-up than for a sit-down. The centre of mass is differently located on the stand-ups. So it wouldnt be a nice ride.
Jeff's avatar

tricktrack said:
"It cant be done, cause the calculations and track-bending is different for a stand-up than for a sit-down."
I don't think that is correct... the trains are virtually identical other than what is attached to the bogies (seats or stand-up restraints). They function the same. The center of gravity might be a little higher, but I doubt enough to make a difference. Remember, the stand-ups generally have longer transitions compared to a floorless, which quickly snaps you around.

Webmaster/Admin -
I don't think it would be a problem either to use a floorless train. But, instead of a floorless, how about a regular sitdown like Kumba or Wildfire. I've been on BKF and Medusa and I really don't see that big of a difference(except maybe in the front) between a sitdown and floofless. I'm not a big fan of stand-ups, to much head banging and unneeded stress on the back. Some themeing for Mantis would also be great. The area under Mantis is about the only place in the park that always has trash in it. Probably because no one wants to walk through that stagnant water to clean it out.

Jeff said:
"The B&M stand-ups aren't rough. What you perceive as rough is actually just quick change in direction.

The Iron Wolf does make alot of quick direction changes but it always used to be smooth, it had no headbanging at all in 97. But now there is alot of headbanging,It has not aged well at all. I hope other B&M's do not age like the Wolf.

edit to correct use of quotation. -j *** This post was edited by Jeff on 1/8/2001. ***

Mike M. said:
Some themeing for Mantis would also be great. The area under Mantis is about the only place in the park that always has trash in it. Probably because no one wants to walk through that stagnant water to clean it out."

Cedar Point doesn't do themeing (for the most part) they are an amusement park not a Theme Park.
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Look at Disaster Transport. I think CP wants to stay as far away from theming as possible. ;) Even Camp Snoopy is on the low end of OK,but it's for kids. The old western type area is decently themed though.
Jeff wrote:

What you perceive as rough is actually just quick change in direction, and that can cause some head banging.

And is headbanging NOT considered rough by a lot of people? I don't get your logic, it's like your making an excuse to say Mantis is smooth. If it hits your head a lot (aka headbanging) the majority of people I talk with equate that with "rough." Now I know rough can be different for everyone, but the people I talk with say a coaster is "rough" when there is headbanging.

On another note, all the stand-ups I've ridden (listed above) have a "rattle" or "shimmy" to them. Every single one of them. Now, that's the main reason of complaints I hear on Mantis, Chang, and Riddler. Not the changes in direction, but the constant rattling around.

Then Jeff says: Think about how far above the track your head is compared to a sitdown, or especially an inverter. The further away from the track your head is, the more it gets tossed about from sudden changes in direction.

Completely agree! But that's exactly my point, I'm saying that stand-up's ARE "rougher" than their inverted and floorless counterparts.

And again, *I* do not find the stand-ups rough, but to someone who is smaller/doesn't know how to ride them, I certainly can see how they could find them rough.

Oh, and jdancisin wrote: Of all the standups this has to be one of the best if not THE best, so pick another ride to mess around with. leave mantis alone.

Please get a grip. No one is insulting you personally. Someone who doesn't share the same opinions as yourself doesn't mean they're insulting you. If you think Mantis is smooth, great! I don't think it's rough, but it's not the smoothest, as I was commenting on in my first post. Please do not tell me to "leave mantis alone," like I'm picking on a five-year-old-kid. Thanks.

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What I meant was if you were going to try this experiment that you are suggesting , pick a stand up that has serious problems, not one that is relatively okay and that many people. I think it is a good suggestion but I wouldn't want them to mess with Mantis - it is the only stand up that I have truly enjoyed.

Messages on boards like these always seem to imply an attitude that wasn't meant by the writer.

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