majortom1981 said:
I thought the parks in coney island were the first ones?
There's a difference between an amusement park and a theme park.
Oldest amusement parks. Neither CP nor Compounce are theme parks. Holiday World is the oldest U.S. theme park. Knotts became a theme park after Holiday World and Disney.
Mamoosh said:
Sorry but its you who are wrong. Ghost Town was added in 1940 but Knotts was not a theme park at that time. It became an official theme park the 1960s. My first visit was in was not a theme park at that time.
I had no idea elder men in their 50's patronized these boards so frequently. That's so cute. :)
I don't see Holiday World or Disneyland contesting this claim or making it their own. And just because Knott's was not a "closed gate" park back in 1940 does not mean it wasn't a theme park then. It was the first park attraction that was...themed. Hence, first themed/theme park.
If you're going to argue that Holiday World was the first to have multiple areas of its attraction with separate and distinct themes, then you'd be correct, however that's not what my original suggestions was. Knott's is still technically the oldest theme park. You're more than welcome to continue the debate, sir. :)
I'm still quite a few years from 50, thanks. You were probably confused because I act 12 :)
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