I think Coasterbuzz would be a very good site, if it were free. Because it costs $20, a lot of would-be members do not join. I have not joined, because I'm not paying. I think you should make it free. Also, switch the forums to IPB.
bobthecoasterguy's avatar
Sigh. Technically it is free, since you have created a free account. If you don't think it's worth it to pay $20 to keep a well-run coaster site, with probably the best forums out there, so be it. Plenty of people have already joined, and the site isn't about to change just to appease you.


I'm sure Jeff would like it if bandwidth, hardware, programming time, etc were free, too.

$20 a year is nothing. I have no problem paying the membership fee, since I get a lot out of the site, and want to support it.

Pinball and Coasters...Any Questions?
Gemini's avatar
If he goes to IPB, does he get a cool URL like I always thought was too cumbersome. That alone makes it worthwhile.

Sorry you had to spend $20 an hour ago when you signed up. But this post, your first (at least under this screen name), was worth every penny.

*** Edited 4/7/2004 12:27:26 PM UTC by Gemini***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Jeff's avatar
Since this articulate individual apparently joined just to spam the site, I bonuced him (thus his spamming sig is gone).

You can tell it's spring. Seems we go through this every year.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

"How about no, Scott?"

Start the Kid's Revolution; the tyranny must end. Free Pancakes.
Yup, the Spring Rush. Similar to the fall rush newsgroups used to get every year when the new undergrads got to school and discovered netnews...

(As Greg dates himself...)

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

Yikes. I remember that. was especially fun during the first few weeks of fall. Lots of new fish in the barrel.

TTDTom said:
"How about no, Scott?"

Hey, what did I do wrong? :)

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

Another question for Jeff, Why did you make people start paying? I mean i would pay but i'm out of a job, I just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask now would it? I was just wondering if it was to cover the site? or expences of the site? if thats not too much to ask.
Jeff's avatar
Make people pay? I'm not making anyone do anything. You're posting, aren't you?

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jeff said:

You can tell it's spring. Seems we go through this every year.

Haha, just wait until summer!

I personally don't have a problem with having to pay to be a member. Since I can't really afford it, I'm just enjoying the perks of getting to talk with other cool enthusiasts on a fan site for free. If you think it costs too much, or even think having to pay is ridiculous, then just get a free account. You should try and see how much fun it is to try and run a site when you pay for stuff out of your own pocket. *** Edited 4/8/2004 2:49:56 AM UTC by Twistytie***

Jeff is just a bully like in school beating kids up and taking their lunch money.

It's a persons choice if they want a pop-up free coasterbuzz and mess with their track record and be in the club and go to events!

I feel like IPB has been tainted by that moron plugging for it... arg.

And, in case Gemini really didn't know, most IPB installations are on their own host, not hosted by IPB itself.

Pay? I don't pay to post here, and I appreciate it. One of these days, probably when I have some debt payed down, I might join, but until then, I sincerely appreciate this site, and Jeff's willingness to make most of it free.

If you don't want to pay to use the premium features, then don't. No one is forcing you. If you do not like the site, you can leave. I prefer to read posts by people who actually appreciate their ability to post here.

Besides, it is not like anyone is making a killing from the membership fee. Jeff, doesn't most of the money end up going to help cover expenses?


AFAIK, you can go to CB events such as CBCon and BeastBuzz without joining the Club... But it is a little bit extra. I was planning to join at some point, but I always manage to blow my last 20 (my "play money" that I don't save ;)) every week for some new DVD. Last week 60 bucks went to the DVD cause and this week isn't looking too friendly either with Friends Season 7 (a TV favorite), Matrix Revolutions (didn't love it, but I have to complete the series), and Freaks and Geeks: The Complete Series (one of the best shows you probably never watched) out. Poor me, right? :-p


NOOOO!! I just realized now (after all this time) that I could join the forums for free...I've wanted to do it all year, ever since I started looking at all this stuff...and only now I realize it's free!

Oh and hi, I'm a new guy here. :-P

I'm Jim, I'm 21, go to college about an hour from Hersheypark, and when I'm at home, I'm a good 20 minutes or so away from SFGadv. Hmmm...I'm not single (sorry ladies)...I'm a coaster lover...and yeah I don't really know what else to say...start expecting to see posts from me flying up all over the place now! :-P :-D

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

nitro_ownz_u said:
I think Coasterbuzz would be a very good site, if it were free. Because it costs $20, a lot of would-be members do not join. I have not joined, because I'm not paying. I think you should make it free. Also, switch the forums to IPB.

Coasterbuzz is probably the best coaster enthuist site you will ever find on the internet and the $20 membership fee helps to keep it that way.

If you would like it to be free then cough up the $300 plus per year that it would cost to host a site like this. And that cost goes up in magnitude when you want the site hosted on dedicated hardware. And yes before any flames me I know Jeff hosts the site on his own dedicated hardware but that does not make it any less expensive to do.

And if you think there are other forum software packages out there, be my guest to go use them. POP Forums is one of the slickest forums I've ever seen. I'm a computer programmer and do .NET and web stuff and it just amazes me what Jeff has been able to do with these forums. Not to mention the response time to forum bugs and site downtime.

nitro...maybe you should go talk to Bill Gates...I'm sure he could use your vast knowledge.


edit for grammer

*** Edited 4/8/2004 7:02:15 AM UTC by Curtis***

Jeff's avatar
$300 a year? Try $300 a month...

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

joe.'s avatar
Only $300? I thought it was more than that. Wait, you aren't paying colo expenses anymore, are you Jeff? (Just curious, especially since I need to run to our colo today.)

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