Looks like the "counter" is back

Rctycoon2k's avatar
18775 visitors to the site right now. Just thought I would let you know that the bug is back, Jeff.

That would be a nice little amount of hits for one time of the day though, wouldn't it... ;)

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

ohhh.. .Look at that. Over 20,000 now... holy!!


i'm not sure what to put here..

21184 visitors, at 382 members. Wow! ;)

-Steve, who wonders why we all feel the need to post the current count whenever this happens.

I've often wondered from time to time, how to write good poetry- and make it all... Work.
The bug never left. As jeff has explained many times before, it is a bug in the code, and will not be fixed until the next version of the website is "released".

I do not mean to sound like a jerk, but we do not need to mention it every time we see the counter going weird.

Guess who's back? Back Again? James K's back. Tell a friend.

Jeff's avatar
Yeah, what he said.

I was actually working on PF v8 tonight. It'll be sweet when it's done, but this won't be the first site to get it...

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

thinks the counter might be ok right now...I can't wait to use the new version of the site.

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