Log out

When i try to log out and sign in under my good name, it wont let me, i click log out, it still comes up with the old name. It will only work on afew occasions. Personally i am tired of typing in the right screen name everytime.
the return of Intaminrocks
It's probably a cookie on your system. Try erasing them (don't ask me how, as I am not 100% sure). I'm sure Jeff or someone can give you the exact name of the cookie file and you can search for it and then delete it (of if it's not a cookie, explain how to fix it).

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You can select to keep your profile stored in the "edit account" options.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
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If i cant get into it becuase it has me logged in as a neame delted than i cant get into it

the return of Intaminrocks
Thanks Joe the Cookie Thing Worked

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