LoCoSuMo a ACE coaster classic?

Actually, it was open just for a few minutes after 6:00 PM. I'm not sure what the deal with it was, but I think it had something to do with the brakes inside at the top of the double down. I rode with my cousin and two very nice people from Alabama...didn't catch their names though! I think they did only about 3 runs of it with people (and I was lucky enough to be one of those) and then it was down for the rest of the day.

Ride "The Lost Coaster of Superstition" @ Indiana Beach!

*** This post was edited by Glitch01 on 6/15/2002. ***

That would be really phucked up if LoCoSuMo was an "Ace Classic" but the 40+ year old Blue Streak @ CP isnt and the biggest travesty Wild One (SFA) at 85 is not a classic


It doesn't matter how old a coaster is to be a classic. The 40 year old Blue Streak at CP used to be an "ACE Classic", but had the status removed when they recieved updated trains with ratcheting bars. Same with the 85 year old Wild One. It got new trains and it contains ratcheting bars and seat dividers. ACE has a certain set of rules to go by to decide if a coaster is or is not a classic. Another example is the Jack Rabbit at Kennywood. An ACE classic, it did not lose this status when they decided to add the new breaking system this year due to the fact that it wasn't in the ACE guidelines.

*** This post was edited by Coaster Ken on 6/15/2002. ***

From what I've gatherd, the mechanics of the ride are not a factor in classification. You don't need a lift hill. (Indeed, "classic" coasters had a variety of lift methods and track styles)

Seatbelts, as far as I know, aren't disqualifiers either, are they?

2Hostyl said:
That would be really phucked up .....

Geez, what ever happened to the people who are supposed to be editing these posts????? H E L L O!!!!!

Actually Ken, I am *quite* aware "why" those rides have been disqualified. I just think that these "requirements" are a bunch of bullschitt (just for you O-doc :)). It allows an "instant classic" while glossing over the "oldies but goodies".

I mean do even *YOU* consider Zack's Zoomer to be a classic over KennyWood's Racer?
--Coaster Snobbery Abounds....

Ya, those qualifications are kinda dumb, Beastie at PKI is, although the trains are tiny.

Can we change the name of Top Gun to your mom so no one wants to ride your mom?

Lord Gonchar's avatar

I'm just wondering how a coaster that's been open less than two weeks can be called a "classic".

I think that proves how much meaning certain titles hold.

Dorney Park visits in 2002: 11

Doesn't the ACE site list all the classics?
Sawblade5's avatar
I checked the guidlines for ACE Coaster Classic @ http://www.aceonline.org/classics.htm. From what I read it is indeed an Ace Coaster Classic. I also read that there is no rule against Indv. Seatbelts in use that would DQ a coaster from being a classic EG. Beastie @ PKI. I wonder if they should have a rule against Indv. seatbelts. BTW What type of seatbelts does LoCoSuMo have?

Chris Knight
CP Sea Gull population 1,000,000
CP Mufflehead population 1,000,000,000

Well it can be a classic just like a sports game say from 2 nights ago be an instant classic on espn classic. Same basic idea.

It's got indiviual seatbelts, or atleast it looks so in that picture up there.

As far as the netting goes, I took a tour in March, and it's just dangerous even walking in there. All of them upside down cone things, and the track is close enough to the wall that I'm sure you can touch it with ease.

Duct tape-"The Force"
It has a light a side and a dark side, and holds the universe together.

It does have individual seat belts.

Ride "The Lost Coaster of Superstition" @ Indiana Beach!

I'm not against ACE coaster classics, I'm happy that ACE recognizes them, but who really cares? The GP doesn't know what ACE is or even more an ACE coaster classic. The only problem that I have with the qualifications to be a classic is the word "classic." I think it's dumb to have special qualifications. To me any coaster built before 1950 is a classic. This certainly isn't.

It's his turn to feast, when you ride the Son of Beast.

I think the classic status should be more around what the ride is like, not the trains. As it stands, the requirements only relate to the type of train on the tracks, not the age, or history of the ride.
Doesnt ACE determine when a coaster becomes a classic? Just because lets say I build a coaster made to those specific guidelines, ACE still has to come along and say, "We honor this ride to be an ACE coaster classic." So just because a ride like LoCoSuMo is built to those guidelines doesnt mean its an instant ACE coaster classic

SOB crew in twenty 02
77 SOB laps, and not tired of it yet!

It doesn't necessarily mean that but in effect it does. As soon as a coaster opens that meets the criteria ACE is usually out there presenting the plaque.

I think several people on here are missing the point of the coaster classic designation. In some cases it's meant to honor a traditional coaster but it's main purpose (to my understanding at least) was to inform people about coasters that run like they did "back in the day"...that is, with the "buzz bars", no seat dividers, and so on. The ride itself doesn't matter as much as *how* you experience it for the designation...hence you have rides like the Blue Streak @ CP which lost it's classic status when they removed the buzz bars and added seat dividers and head "rests". The ride itself is still historically significant but it doesn't *ride* anything like it did before the change-over, it's still fun, but it's certainly lacking that special something that the older trains gave it.

Back on the main point though, from the looks of it if any new coaster is worthy of a classic tag it's LoCoSuMo. Yes, the trains are oddballs. Yes, the lift is new fangled. However, look at the radius of those turns! Look at that double dip! LoCoSuMo looks very much like a throwback style coaster in that it's insanity factor is through the roof! Thus I'll be happy to see it receive the "classic" tag :-)
* The Legend @ HW
* Superman: Ride of Steel @ SFNE
* Track Record: 101 Coasters @ 17 parks

but if it's for the 'expiriance' given, why is Blue Streak, for example, on it. It provides as classic a ride as any ride I've riden at least, is plenty aged, and to boot is in a historic park. Yet, because the trains were changed it loses the designation.

WOO! We're in the Quarterfinals! Take that world! Ole!

Because, as I said above, with the changed trains the Blue Streak runs *significantly* differently than it did for it's first 30+ years of existence. The *ride itself* is still classic, the experience however has been altered and hence it lost it's classic designation.

I think the one thing that this thread has brought up is a need for ACE to look into the possibility of altering the Coaster Classic designation or simply adding a second label, one for historically significant rides (my preferred choice) as too many people either don't understand how the coaster classic designation works or don't agree with it.
* The Legend @ HW
* Superman: Ride of Steel @ SFNE
* Track Record: 101 Coasters @ 17 parks

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