Locals perceive "death spiral" at Geauga Lake

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

As Geauga Lake sends X-Flight to Kings Island, and puts Steel Venom to storage, some locals around the park perceive the changes as a "death spiral" for the park.

Read more from The Plain Dealer.

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john peck

john peck's avatar
The nice thing about Cedar Fair owning Geauga Lake is that I rarely ever see guests in line to complain to Guest Services. Back in the Six Flags days, I once waited 20 minutes in one of those lines to tell them the garbage cans needed emptied.

A truth about business:
If you have a nice time, you tell 1 or 2 friends
If you have a terrible time, you tell 10 or more friends.

A couple other points:
The old waterpark hasen't been abandoned for 3 years.
They used it in 2004, and part of it in 2005.

Keen observers and businesses acrossed the street will notice the repainting of the Boomerang, the largest ride closest to the street this year.

I believe a main focus on marketing that park is to become more community-friendly and continue a strong relationship with it's neighbors and begin to develop relationships with guests from outside.

*** This post was edited by john peck 3/5/2007 5:48:06 PM ***



Taking out 3 rides in one winter 2 of them coasters and one of them arguably the best in your park and replacing it with nothing is never good for business i work at kennywood park in pittsburgh pa. and anyone in the amusement business will tell you no new rides or less than before means less guests people come for new rides not a water park thats just a nice touch its not gonna solve your problems. Last year kennywood say its busiest year in 5 years most of the guest who came to the park were from ohio old geauga lake guests they came to kennywood because we had a new ride...guests always hate to see rides go i hate to see rides go but if you are replacing it with something better right away you know that the park is taking the right step but cf is taking every step in the wrong direction sure six flags ruined that park it was drity and the rides looked terrible but people have reason for concern what park takes out three rides and replaces it with what? a new show? not very convincing if you ask me


I,ve Been To Geauga Lake For 40 Years And Ive Seen it Went Through Good And Bad Times and I believe That Six Flags Made The Park Better By Making 3 parks in 1 not 2 And Built Several Good Looking Coasters But Six Flags Suffered From The Economy And the 9/11 Attacks Thats Why They didnt survive if They Held Longer On the Park They could Of made it. Six Flags Kept Adding To the Park And Kept the old tradition of the fright fest Cedar fair is treating Like Junk! Its A Shame That That You Have to Pay More To Get less Park Because of these Things they used to Have such as Getting Rid Of the Holloween Thing and three Coasters! to pay for that Bring Back The Scare Fest. from Twistercoasterman


if cedarfair wants to cut down the park's size they should do the same with season passes and admission.


Here is the real problem. I was one of those 2.1 million guests that traveled to the park a few years back. It was a horrible experience. Even being an enthusiast and knowing the park is in better hands, I have not returned. Basically because there is no "wow" factor to the park. There is nothing special here for me to travel out of my way for. If they want to be a local park instead of a US tourist hotspot that is fine, but they need to work on their marketing. I live in Pittsburgh and laugh when I see the GL billboards. Why would I travel up there when I got better in my back yard?

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