Life size Titanic replica planned for China with theme park style sinking simulation

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

A life-sized replica of the Titanic will become the centrepiece of a landlocked theme park in China, featuring a museum and a shipwreck simulation to give visitors a harrowing sense of the 1912 disaster. The Chinese version of "the unsinkable ship", with a price tag of 1bn yuan (£100m) and an expected opening date in 2016, will be built at least 930 miles from the nearest ocean in the central province of Sichuan.

Read more from The Guardian.

Vater's avatar

I know who they should use as consultants. The developers of Hard Rock Park executed a wonderful Titanic simulation.

One of my "Pipe Dreams" was to have a Las Vegas Casino Resort themed after the Titanic. The hotel would be a 40 story leaning tower shaped like the ill-fated liner. In front was to have been the Iceberg, which would be the centerpiece to a waterpark. That all changed on a September day in 2001, I decided that glorifying a Disaster wasn't exactly in good taste, and that "Sank my Battleship".

PS, Across the road from the Titanic I had an idea of a Casino themed after Ohio's Idora Park, which would have its Coasters moved and restored. Unfortunately Those were demolished in 2001. :(

Answer my Prayers, Overbook my next Flight!
a_hoffman50's avatar

So, 2001 was a bad year for you all around, huh?

This seems absurd, but after visiting the museum in Gatlinburg, I think it might work. It has to be done VERY carefully though.

"It's been approached in a very delicate and a very sensitive way and they are very aware of the extent of the disaster in 1912," he said.
"I don't think it will belittle that disaster."

Well, ok.

They also promise that patrons will think they're about to drown, and must escape with their lives. Um... No thanks.

I've been past the Titanic attractions in both Pigeon Forge and Branson many, many times and I've thought about it, but can't bring myself to pull in. What confuses me are the ads for the attraction you see everywhere that feature some smiling, costumed, servant-type re-enacter ready show show visitors the grandeur of the ship. All I can think of is "girl, in a couple more hours you're all dead". I don't get it.
I visited a small Titanic attraction once, maybe at our zoo, (I don't remember), but it included a lot of actual artifacts from the ship as well as stories about the passengers including letters and such they had written once they realized they were doomed. I suppose it was interesting to some, but I found it to be morbid, if not downright upsetting.

Last edited by RCMAC,
LostKause's avatar

The Titanic Museum in Pigeon Forge was really cool. I found it very interesting, and kind of emotional at times.

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