Let me be editor

P>here have been some poorly worded news submissions, and I think i'd be good for the job. For example;/P>
P>FON face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" size=2>"Liseberg, a very nice and good park located"/P>
P>Come on, a third grader could have worded it better. /P>
P>I just interviewed the Buffalo Sabres wednsday for their magazine, and I write for my school paper. What do you think? (From a man who foreshadows some insults coming his way)/P>

Why should Jeff (or anyone) make you their editor when you, despite your statements, obviously are not a wordsmith?

Your topic title of "Let me be editor" is grammatically flawed. Not to mention your poor capitalization skills shown in the words "I'd" and "Wednesday" (which you managed to misspell).

Proper editing would also catch mistakes such as a missing letter in a word (There - the first word of your post), only a single space after a period in a sentence - or the lack of punctuation in general.

But, that is just my two cents worth...
"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra

Jeff's avatar
You also may consider that the guy who wrote it speaks English as a second language, and frankly I was too busy playing with NoLimits to edit myself.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

P> had the "T" in their, but it dissapeared due to whatever it is that keeps appearing in my posts. 'll admit that i made some mistakes, but this is a post in a forum, not a news item. didn't think that this was important enough to take the time to read over. also think you're being a little too picky about the single space, because my college English teacher never seems to notice it on my papers. /P>
P>FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">Oh well, tried./P>

Edit: My computer is obviously having a problem. It seems that all of my "I"'s are dissapearing. I was surprised with all of the mistakes that "I" made, but maybe it's not me after all.

*** This post was edited by scanz on 11/10/2001. ***

Can you stop with the font stuff............it never works, and just looks dumb and degrading.  Anyway, you should try editing your own replies because it is easy to read and looks nicer that way.  And don't try to use contradicting wordings as Bush did........see my signature.
"We have universal support around the world."-Our ever learning (yet good) President Bush.

*** This post was edited by garik_law on 11/10/2001. ***

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