Legend lovers

How do you guys rate the Legend? I thought it might have a chance to have been on tv monday but was'nt. I think this ride has some of the best laterals i have ever felt. It has some suprise air time in the middle of the ride to. Every time i have been to HW it's always been super hot , and the ride just screams around around that track when it's in the upper 80's or more. Both of them do. So waduya' guys think?

Roller coasters with out trim brakes. HW you rule!!!

It's only Beat by Papa and Raven in my book. Pure CCI Chocatlatey goodness.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Legend is my second favorite wooden; right behind Viper at SFGAm. They both give me the one thing I look for in a ride - fun.

I believe this coaster is too often overlooked because of Raven. I like Raven a lot but I'll take Legend any day over it.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

*** This post was edited by DEK on 5/30/2002. ***

The Legend is currently my favorite coaster. There is, however, a certain little CCI a few hours north that is hot on its heels.

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Someday there will be something here.

It looks beautiful but is a little high on the laterals for my tastes. I love the air after the spiral drop though.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

It's my second favorite wood. I give a slight edge to Raven, though. I prefer out-and-backs over twisters and Raven has some great hills which might make the difference for me. This is in no way an attempt to take away from the Legend's first drop, which still gets my heart going. Oddly enough, my favorite part of Legend is when it tears around and over the waiting line on people.

See you at SRM!

Wood - Raven
Steel - Millennium Force
Generic, isn't it?

*** This post was edited by Jeff Finazzo on 5/30/2002. ***

Even though there is that whole "Different Strokes for Different Folks" business, I just cannot comprehend how someone could like Raven over The Legend. I could understand Shivering Timbers or maybe even Boulder Dash, but not Raven. The Legend does everything Raven does, and more.

Anyway, The Legend is my favorite rollercoaster, wood, steel, plastic, doesnt matter. Even my 2nd and 3rd favorite woodies (Lightning Racers and Son of Beast respectively) dont really come that close. The Legend is just a flat out WILD ride with no "dead air". Wonder-rous!
Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? :) I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

how far away is raven from legend, distance wise?

coasters5 said:
how far away is raven from legend, distance wise?

About 100 feet.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

coasters5 said:
how far away is raven from legend, distance wise?

You're not Kevin Page, are you. :)

(Sorry, inside joke for SRM '01).


Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

The Legend does not do everything the Raven does. The Legend does not go flying through the woods, dodging back and forth among trees, low to the ground.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

It's my number one, with close to 100 wooden coasters under my belt. There's no comparison, CCI or otherwise, to anything else I've ridden, especially during SRM. It's perfect. I can't find a negative thing to say about it...a perfect, perfect wild ride.

Where was THIS on Discovery's top ten? Oh, that's right. I forgot that there were groups of coaster enthusiASSts that logged onto Discovery.com for hours and hours to make SURE their favorites got on the show. THAT'S really cool, lemme just tell ya...

Sorry, that's just been bothering me. I had to get it off of my chest...

-Rob Vaccaro

2Hostyl said:
Even though there is that whole "Different Strokes for Different Folks" business, I just cannot comprehend how someone could like Raven over The Legend.

This has been my take on it: It seems that the majority of Raven lovers (not all, just most) rode the Raven for the first time before the Legend was even built, making it a "sentimental favorite."

"He's blazin' away like the stars in the universe.." A. Vega + M. Rev "Ghostrider"

Someday there will be something here.

Strange, I distinctly remember The Legend being a) set in the woods b) running between trees c) low to the ground. Hell, I think all that happend right after the spiral drop.

Though admittedly, The Legend is so much like a mind-altering drug to me that I may have hallucinated the whole thing (I *know* those pink elephants weren't real....) Guess I'll find out tommorrow.
--"If there ain't nothing we can do that's cool. I'd rather be alone and on to something new" Res: If There Aint Nothing

Well there's a reason my CBuzz name is Legendary!

Simply put, it's the greatest wooden coaster I've ever ridden, and I honestly can't fathom anything beating it ever.

Jeremy, you hit it RIGHT on the nose. I have said it so many times, Legend does everything Raven does but better. That is why I rarely ride the Raven during ERT (I'm usually forced by friends over there...I count the time riding Raven and time I'm *not* riding Legend).

I am really glad you're going to make it to SRM again! We'll have to take a ride on The Legend together once.

My God, you have no idea how excited I am for tomorrow at 6:40pm...

"Hey, what were the 80's like, were they cool?"

I am really looking forward to my trip down there in July (first time) to finally ride these CCI wonders. Legend sounds like the ride for me as well and might just give Papa a run for #1 on my wooden coaster list (which unfortunately isn't a very long one). Not to get off topic but when you describe Legend it makes me think a lot of my favorite CCI to date Zues at Big Chief's in the Dells which is also a "wild ride" with plenty of air. (so does Cyclops for that matter).

Josh (who notes that the only other CCI he has been on is Villian at SFWOA. Yeah I know I've been missing out.)

Jeremy, I don't remember that at all. I remember the Legend weaving around the water park and the log flume and its own queue.

Of course I may not be remembering correctly. After all, on my one visit, I rode the Legend three times and Raven 25+ times.

All I'm gonna say is, when this jaded enthusiast rode the Raven, he forgot about airtime and G-forces and angles of drops, and just got completely caught up in pure, unadulterated fun. The Legend, while fun, did no such thing for me.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

Den said:
The Legend does not do everything the Raven does. The Legend does not go flying through the woods, dodging back and forth among trees, low to the ground.

BING! BING! BING! We have a winner!

That's my take on it exactly.

Wood - Raven
Steel - Millennium Force
Generic, isn't it?

In my book, Legend at night can't be beat. I have never ridden Shivering Timbers at night, but I'd be willing to bet that ST is outstanding at night.

Mmmmmmm........Only two days 'till SRM! Can't wait!

So many coasters, so little vacation time....

And there's a reason it has been featured in my signature for the last few months! ;) Sure, Raven is short and sweet, but Legend does have plenty of out of control, through the woods, "oh my God we're gonna lose our heads" kind of maneuvers that leave you begging for more. It is a very physical ride, and perhaps that part is the only thing Raven doesn't overdo. Of course it is only a challenge during SRM each year since we enthusiasts look forward to numerous rides on both in a short period of time.

Folks, I cannot tell you what it is like on either coaster at night. Even the other legendary night rides still have a light on somewhere along the course. These don't. Both are perfect examples of a well paced, non-stop ride that doesn't let up until the very end. Every enthusiast likes air and laterals, and these specialize in both. The staff is the friendliest anywhere, and they really care about each and every person there. I have never been happier with a park, and I hope the newbies will find themselves surrounded by a truly special place. If only it wasn't 5 hours away!
Brad Sherman
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
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