Leeched Images


Whenever I goto Coasterbuzz, all I see is "This Image Has Been Leeched from Coasterbuzz.com" which is quite confusing, because I would have thought the image is on Coasterbuzz. Also, it is doing the same thing on another site of yours. It seems that some people are getting it and others aren't. Any help?

"If two coaster trains almost hit each other, why is it called a near miss and not a near hit?"

I stumbled upon this by accident. It appears Jeff has started some sort of image blocking feature. Here's an example, my personal photo: http://www.coasterbuzz.com/personal/images/2373.jpg

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes MCS
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

That works, if you click to it from within CoasterBuzz (like the above message). If you were to copy that URL into another window, and DIDN'T start out at CoasterBuzz, then you'll get the "Leeched" result.

Yes, Jeff has installed a new feature to do this, because there are web sites out there that are linking in directly to his images without bothering to ask for permission. When the result is that the images LOOK to the viewers like they're on site X but they're really from site Y, that's rather rude.

Not that I speak for Jeff directly. I DO agree with this, though.

"The collective women in your life have more baggage than a Samsonite factory..."
My page

*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 3/9/2002. ***


Regardless where the image is (except in club.coasterbuzz.com) I see the leeched image. I was just wondering why it is happening on the site because I know that usually image programs such as this allow the host to show the images. Oh well, at least it works in the club! :)


"If two coaster trains almost hit each other, why is it called a near miss and not a near hit?"

Jeff's avatar

There is apparently a problem with certain software and especially certain caching schemes... I've not been able to nail down the specifics. Basically, it works like this: For every incoming request for an image, the site checks to see if the referring URL (normally a page), and sees if it's from CoasterBuzz. If it's not, then it sends the message.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I get the "leeched image" a lot but the images work whenever I refresh... Using IE 6.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

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