Kingda Ka debuts to press as world's tallest and fastest

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Kingda Ka, and Intamin rocket coaster and the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster, has opened at Six Flags Great Adventure.

Read more and see video from CBS News.

Well now Six Flags can get more people into one of their parks. Too bad the same can't be said about the rest...

I have never been a fan of six flags or how they steal Cedar Point's concepts.....

Wow, this is good....

How can you bash SF for adding some height, speed and a hill to one of CP's coasters to make it the biggest when CP basically took S:UE from SF and added height, speed and a twist?

Also, I guess you can say CP "stole" the inverted coaster concept from SF when they built Raptor in 1994 since SF had already built an inverted coaster in 1992.

I think it's great that parks look to other parks for ideas and improve upon them. While KingdaKa may or may not be an improvement I'm still excited to try it out.

I think that Kingda Ka would be a great coaster to ride. Sure, they took the idea from TTD (duh) but you cant bash them for it. The only problem I have with Kingda Ka is that it is so far away (Great Adventure is a long way from Ohio!) But Im sure that I will get there one day. As far as people arguing about stolen ideas and whatnot, who cares??? Let us all just enjoy all the coasters, no matter how similar they may be...
Stealing who is stealing rides. Just wondering, the company makes them available to anyone who wants to put them in a park. The companies are making the money from the owner of the park and then the park gets hopefully compensated by the people the ride draws in. Is it any more simpler than that.
Mamoosh's avatar
'Engineers at Great Adventure say it's possible to build a faster, taller coaster. But, observes Axelrod, given the expense and the practical limits of today's technology, Kingda Ka is likely to be the heavyweight champ of coaster for quite some time.'

Just an FYI, "some time" means less than a year.

Do you know something Moosh?
Ok check it out...

its not that cedar point was beat, its the fact that SF ripped them off. Kingda Ka is just a SLIGHTLY altered version of TTD. Its not the first of its kind and CBS is gonna catch hell for that.

Magnum it is good to visit other parks and explore but you still have to stay true to the home park. I will be traveling to other parks when i get that opportunity and i will support other parks. but ill still love my CP and all that it offers ABOVE ALL. it is the best park in the world 7 years running.

Oh yeah, well Millennium Force is just a slightly taller and faster ripoff of Superman:RIde of Steel. Mean Streak is most definately a ripoff of Texas Giant. Mantis a ripoff of Iron Wolf/Vortex. Raptor a slightly bigger longer Batman, etc.

Get over it. I've been going to CP every year for twice as long as you've been alive, and love it as much as anyone. It's great, but CP is not the end all God of amusement places.

why does MaxAir look like I've ridden it before??

DELIRIUM does that ring a bell.. I mean come on it 4 hrs south!

*** This post was edited by Earnhardt2 5/23/2005 7:19:22 PM ***

Or maybe even less than that now, moosh ;).

Its not the first of its kind and CBS is gonna catch hell for that.

From who? Not that they even care. I'm sure they'll laugh when you send your emails and letters...

ill still love my CP and all that it offers ABOVE ALL. it is the best park in the world 7 years running.

"My CP"? And you bought it when? But you're right, it is the best park in the world...right after Dollywood, Knott's, Family Kingdom, and a whole slew of others. Heck, I'd rather go to Geauga than CP, truth be told. It is a good park, but not the 'end all, be all' some people claim.*** This post was edited by TeknoScorpion 5/24/2005 3:45:07 AM ***

Jeff's avatar
The fanidiots are giving the fanboys a bad name.
CPLady's avatar
It's too bad another decent thread has turned into a$$holes bickering again.I was clearly surprised to see the OSTR's on Kingda Ka. Obviously I wasn't paying strict attention to the restraints.

Rollbacks on TTD take anywhere from about 15 minutes to as much as 30 minutes. Late last year, they were re-launching rolled back trains more at the 15 minute intervals. I suspect there is more to it than just resetting the ride at times.

CP has always been known for putting in larger versions of previous rides. I've always figured that was so they could make sure all bugs were worked out before they installed a larger version in their park. Now the tables are reversed, with SFGAdv hopefully installing Kingda Ka with less bugs to deal with and less downtime than TTD has had.

Do I care that another park has built a taller/faster coaster and taken the steam from CP,. my home park? Not one friggin' bit. I honestly hope that SF has great success with Kingda Ka.

And I SERSIOUSLY hope both the SF fanidiots and CP fanidiots can keep the "I told you so's" to themselves. Grow up and act like adults for a change.*** This post was edited by CPLady 5/24/2005 2:49:48 PM ***
*** This post was edited by CPLady 5/24/2005 2:51:23 PM ***

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