Kingda Ka complete circuit video

Why would it be anticipointment if you already know in your mind it's going to suck?

I agree, nothing about this ride excites me, and so far I haven't seen any positives come out of video footage, especially nothing that makes me want to ride it.

It's going to be the fastest and tallest, but also the coaster no one gives a damn about. Just like no one gives a damn about TTD.

Hey Michael Darling....shut up. If your so worried about the video then go do your own. Who the hell says tool anyways?

I like how the ride looks. If you don't like it, then don't ride it and keep your mouth shut.


Lord Gonchar's avatar
You know you're a tool when your best comeback is questioning someone's use of the word tool. :)

hey, i appreciate the video and thank you for it. As far as anticipointment goes, the GP will love it. And thats all that matters. Your gonna see everyone come off the ride with a huge smile and probably jumpin for joy. *** Edited 4/19/2005 11:11:44 PM UTC by Ride It*** I love the old "I know this ride will suck - No, this ride will be great" discussions before just about every major ride opening.

I dont think the OSTR's will have too much of an impact on the ride itself. Having been on storm runner, I have nothing bad to say about the OSTR's at all, still liked the ride a lot. Not even gonna get into the whole thing about whether or not OSTR's make the ride any safer, or if they are necessary, but isn't it better to err on the side of caution?

and lets not use the word tool negatively...happens to be a great band

Mamoosh's avatar
The ride has OSTRs. Nothing any of us can do about it. Accept it, move on, enjoy the ride if you can, ride something else if you can't. There are more important things in life.
Does this topic seem like an episode of Home Improvement to anyone else???

Fever I really enjoy the Simpsons. It's just a shame that I am starting to LOOK like Homer.
SVL yeah a little bit lol, but I really don't think the OTSR's are going to be a problem but don't you think it's a little weird that Chiller that goes upside down has lap-bars but KK does not?

Above and Beyond.
It's not when you look at the number of times an Intamin ride has ejected a rider from a train as opposed to how many times a Premier ride has ejected a rider. There could be a completely different reason but it seems as if this might be the most obvious one.

^^post above^^
You can definately see the effect of the trim on the tophat. Right when the back should be getting air the train slows down.
Mamoosh's avatar
I can't think of one coaster's trains that looks [and most likely are] travelling slower without passengers, such as during testing.

RELAX, PEOPLE! Let's see how it is when the ride is open.

As for the brakes on the tophat ruining airtime on the drop anyone who's ridden a drop ride, where you're released and dropped from a complete stop, can attest that you get PLENTY of airtime. Does anyone really think the brakes on the tophat will make that much difference?

Lets hope its not TTD and breaks down for a whole season, and then the next season every other time it works, then malfunctions, then breaks, then works, this ride might just be labled as malfunctioning!
Good point about the drop ride, I never thought of it that way! And the way I look at it, if you don't get airtime, at least you had an awesome intense launch and a vertical drop 456ft down. And I don't know if i'm just crazy, can't remember, or was stapled in too much, but on TTD I don't remember getting any airtime in the back seat... *** Edited 4/20/2005 2:40:10 AM UTC by Gamfan***

^^post above^^
Mamoosh's avatar
Well one thing you have to remember: there is a difference between airtime and negative G's.

It is the sensation of negative G's that gives us the freefalling sensation many of us crave. Negative Gs are a product of physics and are independent of how a rider is restrained in the train.

Airtime means you have enough room in the restraints to rise slightly off one's seat. Airtime happens when negative g's meets room in the restraints.

But even if a riders is duct-taped, stapled, and glued to the seat you're going to feel negative g's if the ride's design allows for them.

So did you get airtime on Dragster? Not if the restraint was tight. But did you get negative G's? What do YOU think?


Well thanks for that lesson in physics Mr. Moosh. ;)

i'm not sure what to put here..

Oh, free physics on CB, *starts taking notes* now Mr. MOosh, can you teach us the effect of too many Positive or negative G's? ;) *** Edited 4/20/2005 3:07:54 AM UTC by DC2Beltz3***
Is that going to be on the test?;)

^^post above^^
Mamoosh's avatar
LOL! Yer all welcome!
There is a difference between a drop ride and KK/TTD and that is the twist. It is there to put you back in your seat. Of course we have not ridden it yet, but I would guess the negative g's will be fairly different on this ride than on TTD.
How does the twist (lateral movement) put you back in your seat (vertical movement)?


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