Kennywood closing time?

Well guys, thanks for all your helpful advice.

After getting away from Chicago an hour later than expected due to a furniture delivery, nastier than normal mid-day traffic at the Indiana state line, and the realization that I hadn't accounted for the time change (which cost me an hour) I calculated we wouldn't get there till about 8:50. That's okay, I thought, even if they close at 10 instead of 11 I can still get an hour, and if it's not too busy I can make it a good hour. I called around 7, from near Cleveland and they still hadn't set a closing time, but the guest relations girl said 'probably 9 or 10.' 9 O'clock?! Noooo! Breathe, breathe, breathe. Apparently it had been raining, and was supposed to again. They'd have a definite time by 8:30. Okay, 9 o'clock. That would suck, but I could still make it there and pay the 8$ geenral admission to ride one ride. Oh man, it would suck to be at Kennywood and just ride one thing (how could I choose?) but at least it would be something after all the stress of speeding from Chicago to Pittsburgh. I kept thinking, even if they close at 9:00 i can still get one ride. 8:30 approached, and we were almost to the 'burgh. We would make it there just before 9:00. Time to call again and find out the closing time.

And do you know what time they closed?


Noooooooooooooo. After all that.

Anyway, the intense disappointment and frustration gave me enough energy to drive all the rest of the 6 hours to my folk's house in Richmond, VA. And hopefully I'll figure out a way to stop there on a trip later this summer.

Oh, btw, I pretty muh decided my one ride would be Jack Rabbit.

Touchè, teacher, touchè.

Yeah it was 8:45 last night. It had been storming since around 5:30 and people were leaving when I left around 7:15. It was a slow day yesterday, so that's one reason they closed early.


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