Kennywood applies for beer permit

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

If Kennywood begins to sell beer, the West Mifflin amusement park will maintain the family-friendly reputation that it established more than a century ago, a spokesman said. Founded in 1898, Kennywood has never sold beer regularly, except during two weekends in September during Oktoberfest-themed events. That could change by the end of June if the park gets approval from the state Liquor Control Board to begin selling beer throughout the summer season.

Read more from The Tribune-Review.

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Jeff's avatar

These are the same people who probably eat at Applebees and think it's good food. And by the way, they sell beer, too, and I've yet to see any vomit or fighting at an Applebees. And believe me, that would be an improvement.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

This is exactly what will happen by allowing alcohol sales.

Except the kids will be 15-19 instead of 12.


Edit: Copied wrong scene.

Last edited by tambo,
Jeff's avatar

The chubby kid was the vampire in the episode of X-Files where Moulder thinks Luke Wilson has bucky teeth.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I miss X-Files...

Jeff may prefer to post this in news, but I figured I'd just put it here since this is where the conversation has been:

But on Friday, Mr. Ferlo said that if Kennywood representatives agree to certain safety protocols, including identification checks and increased security presence, a formal public hearing may be unnecessary. Meetings today and Tuesday will further define these protocols, he added.

Update here

eightdotthree's avatar

Senator Ferlo Announces Compromise Reached with Kennywood Regarding Alcohol Sales

The conditions provide enhanced and enforceable limitations on the sale of the beer, wine and liquor in Kennywood Park, and strive to minimize minors’ and visitors under the legal drinking age’s exposure to alcohol consumption. Some of those conditions include limiting wine and spirit sales to two (2) designated catering areas which lie on the park’s outskirts; limiting beer sales to a single, designated, fenced-in area, monitored and controlled by local off duty police; and limiting the hours of beer sales on “school picnic” days to four hours (1:00 to 5:00 PM).

Notice he wants LOCAL off duty police to monitor it.

kpjb's avatar

That's an awesome compromise, if by compromise you mean that it's exactly what the park has said they're doing since the get go... except that the park originally wasn't going to sell alcohol on school picnic days at all.

Great job, senator. My tax dollars at work.


Vater's avatar

I see he really brought the hammer down, hard.

sws's avatar

kpjb said:

... except that the park originally wasn't going to sell alcohol on school picnic days at all.

That was added so that the poor teachers wouldn't have to be around their students sober.

eightdotthree's avatar

I don't even understand the point of limiting sales between the hours of 1-5 on picnic days. It's all so stupid.

rollergator's avatar

So, they''re going to sell beer on "school picnic days" from 1-5pm. That means they'll sell beer while the kids are there, but not after the kids leave? I've gotta be reading that part wrong...

kpjb's avatar

Yeah, but children are limited to 12 oz. servings of light beer.


unless accompanied by parent or adult guardian

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