Jeff i have a suggestion

why dont you make a fourm, where people can just talk about what is on thier mind, where it doesnt have to be about roller coasters.
I'm not Jeff but I would think that would cause a problem moderating it...

Matt Bleiweiss
why whats wrong with people just talking to eachother and talking how they are doing???? you moderate everything else dont you, cant you just get another moderator to do it??? cuz i think that this is a great idea, and people would really appreciat it.
Some people just don't get it... Guy's, this is one of the best coaster portals on the net. And that is mainly due our control on the noise. This type of forum just doesn't make a good fit.

Pittsburgh, PA
Jeff's avatar
There are thousands of place on the Net to "just talk." This isn't one of them. Neil is right, this is a coaster site. We talk about coasters here.

Webmaster/Admin -
William Coaster_ Fan, If you want a place to talk about anything how about you make one yourself. Go to and buy Pop Forums. Pop Forums is the same great program used on this site.;) :) ;)

Ride with full FORCE
Regarding the phrase: "...where people can just talk about what is on their mind, where it doesn't have to be about roller coasters."

Hold on. Wait a minute! Jeff, Neil,...I need a recount here: Iz there something about the name CoasterBuzz that I'm missing? ;)

bukweet FL
It makes some members mad when somebody asks something that has been asked before or if somebody goes off subject or the famous "it's not that kind of forum, so on and so on...." approach. Then there's all the contradiction that comes with it (peoples opinion and the basic forum idea). I am member on another forum (not coaster), that has a general topic. People with similar intrests talking of differant things. It is obvious there are some conversations that go really "goody" here, and an idea of a general topic would give people a chance to understand each other better when back on Coasters (blow off steam without blowing off steam). *** This post was edited by p_c_r on 11/28/2000. ***
I can see your point, and that of many others on this board. But having a "general" forum (not the general forum we already have in place, mind you) will create a lot of noise for the moderators to keep under control.

You know, I have been to a lot of other sites out there myself that have these types of forums you are talking about. I find them to be redundant, noisy, inflammatory and most times boring. We don't want that around here. That's what makes us unique.

When I come here, all I want to see is what the latest buzz is on the amusement and coaster industry. I could care less about topics of what so-and-so's favorite movie is, or so-and-so thinks that Gore should concede. There are literally thousands of other sites out there where I can join in discussions on topics ranging from psychiatry research to coin collecting to basket weaving with Martha Stewart to the recent election.

If your reason is to get to know your fellow buzzer's better, send them an e-mail (by clicking on "info" next to their name.)

Most people who come here want to talk coasters and amusement parks. If you scan through many topics here, you will find that Jeff and the moderators do a great job at keeping topics from straying too far from this, while keeping the noise and profanity out.

Please understand this. Jeff works very hard to bring you one of the best coaster sites out there (and what he makes on this site is break-even.) So please enjoy the site!

Pittsburgh, PA
I agree with those who think that coasters and coaster-related stuff should be the only topic here.

I had pretty much gotten the idea Coasterbuzz does not want a general forum, it just seems there is a differant kind of "noise" from time to time. This site could grow larger than massive. If a site is giaganic, and wants to be the best, it'll have how ever many moderators it would have to have. This site is what it is, and as a member, I appreciate the work Jeff puts into it. I have know doubt that as it grows, the same quality will remain. I know not of any other coaster forums (I tried the rest) and enjoy basic forums every once in a while, it sounded like an idea I should have supported.
We definitly respect and encourage your suggestions, but there are just some things that don't fit in the equasion that Jeff's got going.

...This site could grow larger than massive. If a site is giaganic and wants to be the best, it'll have how ever many moderators it would have to have...

It could grow into a massive site that offers things like instant messaging, live chat, etc... But those things cost bukoo bucks and make lots of noise. The purchase of bandwidth alone to support all this would break the bank!

Agree or disagree, but I think this site is close to being the best. It's the closest thing to being at the park on a mid-summers day!

Pittsburgh, PA
One kan only imagine how much no-doze iz consumed by many of the poor "general chat" moderators around the web.

I wouldn't wish it on Jeff, or anybody. Have you seen the "content," definitely a loose interpretation of the word?

If CoasterBuzzers wish to get more acquainted, in general, maybe something could happen with the "Roll Call" section, but no "general chat."

CB Radio of the 90s, indeed.

bukweet FL
I think the point has been made here. Let's put it to rest.

Pittsburgh, PA

Closed topic.

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