
Tyler is seeing my view crystal clear. Jeff will still get my hits long after I am banned, but I feel sometimes things need to be said and hopefully changed at least a little.
Jeff doesn't mean to treat people like dirt. And from what I have seen, I don't think he ever has. What you need to realize is that there are rules in everything. Yeah, we live in America. But can you go into 7-11 and grab yourself a hot dog and walk out w/o paying? There are rules to everything in life. Deal with it, if you don't like Jeff, go to another site. Jeff sure as hell ain't leaving anytime soon. If you have a problem him, e-mail him. Don't start some revolt against him on HIS site, that is just childish, exactly why I am calling YOU kid.

*** This post was edited by RubberDucky on 7/7/2002. ***

Thanks Superdisk. I knew there were more out there.

One of the things I love about this site is the freedom to be a smartass. I often jump on people for grammar mistakes. I ask you to please do it back at me.

I enjoy the fact that Jeff joins in this fun. Yes he does get away with more than others, but thats because its his site. If you don't like it leave. If you don't want to leave tell Jeff how ya feel, but if he vanishes u....Sorry bout your luck.

If you didn't have a voice this thread would have "never happened".......
Watch it get closed real fast. I am actually shocked it is still open. Take a guess who is getting the last shot too.
What are you guys talking about? Jeff pays for the site, and runs it. Hello? All of you if you have such a problem with the way he does things you don't need to be here. No one is putting a gun to your head to be here. How many of you are paying club members? Thought so. I usually don't get into these arguments but it ticks me off to watch people complain about the site and how it is run. Not to mention Jeff said nothing wrong in the post Raptor mentions. He was telling the truth. As for the 'seen' it is in the toss to use proper grammer and Jeff was just pointing it out. No one wants to have to read your 'fight the power' posts. We want to read about what we all love: Rollercoasters.

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free." Dominic from The Fast and the Furious

Its been nice....I hope you all the best of luck being second class....I'll be long gone.
Why do you continue to post here if you don't like it here. Make a site of your own and find people to help monitor it, maybe then you will see how much effort it take to make a site like this come together.


I don't know how you people can "suck up" like you do....I really don't.


I don't know how you people can "suck up" like you do....I really don't.

Anytime now folks, anytime....

*** This post was edited by Tyler 7692 on 7/7/2002. ***

It got your attention. I think there are other ways of going about it. Why would I join the club and pay for the site?
Has anyone not read the posts? I know the work that goes into it. Does that come with a free pass of smart comments? I do not think it does. The bottom line here is simple. It is too bad some of you are missing it.

Being second class how? If "not being able to speak your mind" is second class, than we are all that way. I bring it up again, do you say everything you want to when you are pissed off at your parents or teacher or a cop? You can't always say what you want. There will be many times in life where you have to hold you lip, and just because I can't say everything I want to on the INTERNET does not mean I am being "second class." This is a internet forum about coasters, it's not a matter of amount of respect.

Raptor it did get my attention but do I like these topics? No I hate them. They are pointless. Just a bunch of complainers who have no right to complain about a site that they do not pay for or run. It's Jeff's site he can do whatever he wants with it you don't like it you can leave. Simple as that.

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free." Dominic from The Fast and the Furious

Or maybe the ratio 5 to 1 means that your missing the "bottom line"...

Why do I get the feeling that Tyler 7692 and raptor94 are the same person posting under different screen names?
Again, the comments go to a low level. That is what I am talking about. If people still do not see it, I am not sure what it will take. I am off to bed now. Goodbye since i am most likely banned. Jeff, you still got my daily hits and great job running the best coaster site on the internet. (just stop the comments, please?)
I dont know why you get that feeling SFGA2001. I swear on the Raptor we are not and judging by my screenname you can tell im serious when i say we are not the same person. Goodnight !!
If you think it's the best coaster site, then why are you trying to stir up trouble on it? It just doesn't make sense. I don't really want to start anything, but FoF hit it right on the nose on the very first post, saying things like this should be e-mailed to Jeff, not posted here to get attention from others.

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