
Does no one else care about the comments made by Jeff that are reprehensible? Seriously, was the comment made by Jeff in the thread CP-People Dropping Like Flies posted by Burkes2005 called for? People should start sticking up for themselves when stuff like that is said. For those of you who are saying "this is just a fun website, it does not matter" you are wrong. It does matter because there is a thing called common courtesy and you can say things without being demeaning. This is a free site and I know Jeff probably puts a lot of time and effort into the project but it is also a business. There are other companies that pay for advertising space, take a look at the right side of the screen if you need proof. With the business comes responsiblities such as treating your guests with respect. Many times lately i have found that Jeff has made comments that would not fly in say, a department store or restaurant setting. The next time a supermarket manager demeans your speech and then follows it up by calling you "chum" lets see how you react. Take a look for yourself, it is not all that hard to find some questionable comments. Again, Jeff does a great job here with the site and I hit it at least once a day. But come on here, everyone needs to stop the smart comments. It starts at the top and filters down. So I say to Jeff, set the example. If you have nothing nice to say, do not say anything. It is as simple as the Golden Rule.

First off its Jeff's site, therefor he can do what he wants. also Jeff has said in the past if you have any problems with him E-mail him persoanlly
I find this to be a bigger problem that people need to start recognizing.
Looks like Raptor94 is going to become a bannee of the "Buzz"

*** This post was edited by Tyler 7692 on 7/7/2002. ***

Ya, your just asking for trouble
I can get a new account. I do not post much anyway so it is not much of a loss. Like i said the site is the best amusement park site but some comments need to be eliminated. No one else sees this?
I see this plain and clear....I always have.
Well... unless that "people dropping like flies" was edited since your post... all I can say is if you call THAT reprehensable I hate to see what you would all something that is really reprehensable.

Face it, call ourselves what we want, but to the parks we are all "GP".

All I am saying is stick up for yourself. These things should not be tolerated. I think I just sold the farm but I am glad to see one person in agreement, which is better than none when these threads pop up from time to time.
It is uncalled for. I can get that much cant I? Let me start throwing around things like that around at work in e-mails and the water cooler and see what hapeens.

Hell yes stick up for yourself.

God bless you all....and if he doesn't do that, then God damn ya....and if he doesn't even do hell with it.

Sure, we may not all get a along with Jeff. But when the president raises taxes do you get along with him. My point being here is everything has it's advantages and disadvangtages. Jeff has the authority over what is done with HIS site. He was worked hard and continues to work hard for this site, so let him speak his mind. Afterall, that is what forums are for, right? Just stop complaining, it won't get you anywhere.
Yeah, thats the attitude. Let people walk all over you. I have said it a few times now, the site is great. Some things need to be put to a halt.
How can anyone speak their mind when they don't let anything out because they are afraid they might offend Jeff...they might get...eek...BANNED.
Thank you very much Tyler7692!!! I have a feeling there are more poeple out there who feel the same. Rolling over will get you nowhere.
I agree somethings Jeff says aren't right but don't complain because this is his site and he pays the bills for it, so its really all up to him what he wants to say.

*** This post was edited by Chadster on 7/7/2002. ***

When your at school and you feel like calling your teach a ***** do you do that? Speaking your mind isn't always the best thing. There are rules in life kid and you have to get used to it. Sure there are things I want to say, but can't on this site. Not because it will offend Jeff, because of the TOS. But that is why I am not only a member of coasterbuzz. Other sites have other webmasters and other rules.

yeah well Cedar Fair owns Cedar Point so does that mean that Cedar Fair can treat you like dirt in THEIR park?

Its not THE Shivering Timbers, its just Shivering Timbers. And its pronounced Michigan's Adventure.

Who are you calling a kid? One rule is common courtesy and if someone steps out of line dont you try to put them back in?
RubberDucky, we are not trying to revolt against Jeff (Not stooping to his sometimes low-level). We are just trying to get some order in this place...equality...a place where everyone has a voice.

Closed topic.

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