Is TTD up?

is it up yet and if it isn't does anyone have an idea of when it will be up because I'll be there Friday and Sturday and if its not up Sunday. And just for the record in that previous post I didn't mean I was going there only for TTD.

Today it is not up....They have been testing it all day, it should be up by friday and saturdaybut not today.
420 ft. 120 mph twice, 270ยบ twist, brakes. ONLY at cedar point.

Xbox Live Gamertag: coasterdude 16

CPLady's avatar
People on Guide to the Point say it IS up and running

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Hopefully the majority of the problems will be resolved when I come up to visit family in Michigan and hit up CP and SFGA. (July 14-19{going to the parks somewhere in this span}, back in FL by 21)

You are no longer who you were and tomorrow is now yesterday. In the event of an emergency, do not become alarmed. Move Quickly to the nearest exit.

About an hour ago i saw on the web cam that the line was full and the station was full of eagerly anticipated people, so my guess is that its up and running. Good job CP in getting this coaster running!

Join Rideworld, and tell them that coaster-freak sent you!!!

Jeff's avatar
Where are all the gloom and doom people now?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM

They were sadly trapped under magnum when it sank last night.

Jeff said:
Where are all the gloom and doom people now?

My guess is they are probably sitting at home trying to figure out how to come up with ANOTHER $44 they payed yesterday to get in to ride TTD since they will have to come back another day to ride it. ;)

PS-for most of us that is all sarcasm but some non-enthusiast, that is very true.

I'm very glad this wasn't a long term issue, and I'm also glad to see they finally got the tower lights up.
"The Future of Roller Coasters"

Yeah, TTD is up.. way up in fact, around 420 feet or so if I can recall. ;) (sorry, had to to it)

This ain't no book you can close, when the big light hits your eyes. Cropduster-Riot Act-Pearl Jam

Yes, it was up today! They said all day that it may be up. Well a little after 3:00, a line began to form outside the entrance. I joined the line quickly, and four hours later, they opened the ride. It was at 7:40. There were 20 minutes until closing. Now what does that say about the park? Most parks would have just forgot it!
Dunno about gloom and doom, but I guess I'm in that catagory. We're hoping for the best since we're going Monday, but at the same time, just waiting for the other shoe to drop (trains not full capacity), or the other shoe to drop (not all trains operational), or the other shoe to drop(tires flying off at 120 mph), or the other shoe to drop (cable 'seperation' zzz) or the other shoe to drop... et al. zzz.

I'm not an enthusiast. I just play one on message boards.

Aww, Homey, you're just being negative.

Maihama, Maihama Desu

Jeff's avatar
I'll say. I haven't been there to see it, but it sounds like capacity is finally getting very close to where it should be. That's good news to hear. Nice to see this morning that there are zero trains on the storage tracks, as best I can see. Perhaps today is the day for that six-train operation.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM

joe.'s avatar
Jeff, I was there on Monday and They were really cranking people through once they were up and running. I wouldn't be surprised that within a week or two they will get up to near projected capacity.

CBClub member #30 and #364 (renewal)

ShiveringTim's avatar
Throughput was pretty good on Monday around 6pm :) Although I did wait 3.5 hrs, 1.5 were due to downtime and the queue was almost full when we entered. There's still a huge delay between pairs, but maybe they took care of that as well with the downtime this week. I think they'll be where they want to be with PPH around Coastermania-time.

Scott W. Short

So with all trains running, high capacity, and no downtime, what would you estimate the wait time to be? About 1.5 - 2 hours?

Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"

Jeff's avatar
That would be nice, but it isn't July or August yet. The big 35,000+ crowds haven't been seen quite yet. The good thing to keep in mind though is that there are now so many rides, so while overall attendance remains relatively flat, the number of rides the park gives on the whole keeps going up. More rides = spread out crowds.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM

I was in line with ShiveringTim on Monday, and we decided that each 5 que section should be about 15 minutes, and the 3 que sections would be around 9 minutes, making a full que right around 2 hours, or slightly less (if there are no breakdowns). Now when it gets outside the ques, that's another story.


SFGAm...When you need a good example of a SF park, this is where you look.

Monday they were pumping people thru with only 4 trains running. It's happened both times I've ridden TTD now, they have had 5 trains op, but within an 1 to 1.5 hours, a mishap occurs between the blocks, sending one of the trains back to bed. I have waited 2 hours and 1.75 hours, ridden front and back, two totally different rides. Both outstanding.

Here's the overall question: After studying this contraption for 5 hours now, does TTD work more efficiently with less mistakes with an even number of trains operating? Does the odd train create a problem in the blocks? Jeff, maybe you can clear this up. Was this coaster created to make 3- double shots, then reload? I hope you understand my lingo.

And I love the negative comments, since we have never heard of any problems with any other coasters during their first seasons......cough.........X, DeJa Vu, MF, SoB, Stealth..........Give it a rest.

There's nothing like a woodie...
*** This post was edited by Woody 5/29/2003 1:10:50 PM ***

ShiveringTim's avatar
Pre-snap, the delay was between pairs of trains. The problem lies in the fact that they weren't moving trains together in pairs, but rather one at a time. Moving them together would clear the blocks sooner, allowing the train waiting at the launch point to launch. Reports are saying that the delay is shrinking. The 5th train, which affectionately call The Oddball, basically takes the place of a pair and introduces the long delay. The system keeps a placeholder for the 6th, hence the problem.

To answer the original question: It's about 420' up :)

Scott W. Short

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