Is Phantom's Revenge Overrated?

The term overrated is, to put it best, overrated. Especially in the world of coasters. In order for something to be overrated, an illusion of quality is created by factors other then itself - such as in sports, where a team is having a really great season, not because they are a good team but maybe because they have a really easy schedule or everytime they play, the other team has a bad day. eventually the true colors will show through. In the case of a rollercoaster though, the quality is entirely dependent on the opinions of the riders. A great ride is one where most people think it is a great ride. their will always be somebody that doesn't like a coaster as we have seen time and time again on this board. So there really is no way for a coaster to be overrated, if a lot of people say they like it then a lot of people like it - very simple. If you are one of the people that don't like a ride that most other people do (such as PR) then the coaster can be overrated to you and to others that feel the same way as you. Phantom's Revenge has received mostly good and great reviews and only a few average or bad reviews - therefore this coaster would be considered a good coaster. I am sorry you were dissappointed by this ride but you have to admit that most people here have really enjoyed it.

I think that the ride is underrated actually. People that have ridden it say it is awesome, but I don't see it getting as much attention as I thought it deserves. Read jdanscin's comment, it is very true.

Craig, nearing 1,000 *** This post was edited by Craig the Coaster Freak on 7/19/2001. ***
How can the coaster be underrated when most of the people just love this ride to death. I am the only one who truly believes this ride is overrated!
I think the word 'overrated' is overrated.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

I must admit being a Newbie to this site . . . however I am concened that to offer a dissenting opinion leaves one open to the charge of being a naysayer, nitpicker, and crybaby.

McDonalds has some very popular hamburgers out there, but I would be hard pressed to equate their popularity with quality.

Each coaster is designed for a targent audience and marketed accordingly. After all, why build something that will put your park out of business or not be ridden?

By overrated, one must ask to whom is Kennywood targeting the PR and just what is there promise to the consumer?

Not all Coaster are Created Equally

No Fear said:
"McDonalds has some very popular hamburgers out there, but I would be hard pressed to equate their popularity with quality."

I am not sure that you can find a person, over the age of 7, who honestly thinks Mcdonald's hamburger are good. They are good for what they are - cheap, fast, and reliable but beyond that they are just a soggy bun, a thin piece of "meat", 2 pickles, and rehydrated onions. Yumm!!!

Now instead of using the word overrated, saying the ride is eulogized or panegyrized would turn more heads.

I personally can't wait to ride it in the next week or so. It sounds like a cross between my two favorites, Millennium Force and Magnum. :)
jdancisin couldnt have described it better. we, the enthusiasts are making the coaster overrated. everyone expresses their opinion on the coaster. many say its an awesome ride and when we go ride it and its not what we expected we say its overrated. its only overrated in our heads because we wanted something better and we didnt get it. if you dont like the ride fine its your opinion. certain people like hypers and gigas certain people just like the old classic woodies. there is no coaster that everyone loves but i hope to change that when i become a coaster designer. :)
I've never met them, but what is it about Just Coasting and StealthF5m3 comments that just irritates me? JC's initial post is ok, but his reply to a "challenger" is so incredibly ignorant. Making comments like the ride wasn't designed for speed etc. What do you actually know about the design of Phantom's Revenge or Steel Phantom JC?
Batwing-Bow Down
When the Steel Phantom was constructed, it was constructed with inversions. Anytime you have a rollercoaster with inversions on it, the rollercoaster was not designed for speed! The G-Forces would just be too much. To take a ride and attempt to turn it into something it isn't is ridiculious. Look, they can't even operate two trains because the train enters the final break run at too high of a speed and park officials are afraid the train will over run its brakes and hit the train in front of it. Oh that has already happened, luckily the other train was on the lift hill already.
Jeff's avatar

BrandonR said:
"I think the word 'overrated' is overrated."
Testify... brother.

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