inversion list?

Maybe you could have an Inversion list on here with a picture next to the name of the inversion and describe it. Just a thought.

73 coasters and counting... I'm only 15 too.

Like what the have for the different kind of tracks? that would be really cool. Wasn't it Badnitrus who did that for you? If it was, then put a request in to them. I love the track-type list.

"If somebody throws a rock and knocks a man off his donkey, do we say that he's stoned off his ass?

yeah Its really nice to know about the different tracks, now why not the inversions? ps- webmasters could speed up the response.
There are lots of other sites that have something like this.

If the shoe fits, find another one.

ravenguy98 said:
There are lots of other sites that have something like this.

If the shoe fits, find another one.

yeah I know this but they arent always up and running, and I'd like to be able to go to one page and find it all (hint) this would really help you guys I think (hint)

73 coasters and counting... I'm only 15 too.

Here's an idea Steve... next time you come across one of those inversion lists online, print the damn page. It's guaranteed to always be "up and running" in paper form, unless you lose it.

Or better yet, buy your own domain and server, build a webpage from scratch that has your list on it. And then if it goes out or doesn't work for some reason, you can just blame yourself.

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes MCS
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

Calm down Zero-G. He was just suggesting something that could make the site better, this is the suggestion forum isn't it?
It's not the idea that pisses me off, it's the attitude: "ps- webmasters could speed up the response."

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes MCS
"Thank You Jeff Putz" "My Fellow Americans, Lets Roll!"

Okay I agree with you there that he could be a little more patient.
Jeff's avatar

Steve: As remarkable as it may seem, the moderators and I do have real lives that have absolutely nothing to do with CoasterBuzz. Relax a little. Step away from the screen.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

If you have lives, and have no time to add anything to the site, than what is this forum for? No offense, but it doesn't seem that many if any suggestions are even given a chance...

I know I will get hounded for saying this but I feel it had to be said.

I like the suggestion. It would make this site even better. Since there's already a bunch of other coaster information on this site. This would be one more thing to help people learn more about coasters.

Millennium Force......It has its ups and downs.

I have 32 coasters in my track record.....I'm so proud of myself.

RubberDucky, they have this forum for suggestions. Many suggestions are rejected because they are trivial, and wouldn't help the content of the site. A few are actually quite useful, but they take time to get taken care of. The moderators don't just sit in front of their computers waiting to cater to the needs of every single person as soon as they post something.

IU shocks the world!

(and screws up 99% of people's brackets. :))

I know that the webmasters/mods have lives, that is exactly why I am saying if they have no time to add anything to the site than why have a suggestion forum because obviosly nothing in it will be done if they have no time for it. I am not saying that they are bad people, I am just saying that Jeff and all the other webmasters seem to reject everything that comes at them.

OK, everyone is blowing this out of proportion. I think what Jeff was trying to say (and sorry Jeff if I'm taking this wrong) is that him and the mods aren't going to necessarily be reading the forums 24/7, not that they have no time to put into the site. If they had no time to put into this site, would the news be updated frequently? Would the forums be moderated as they are?

While I think that your idea can hold some water, Jeff made this site as is states on the home page, a "portal" to content, not the actual content itself. Thus, he'd link to a site that has the list on it, but wouldn't put it on the site. He's stated this a couple of times before when the suggestion of a picture gallery came up that this site is premised on being a portal, rather than chock-full of content like that. If I've got this wrong, I'll gladly delete this post, but that's just my take on the issue.

Welcome to Six Flags Great America, home of the fastlane and delay-ja vu! We have now officially been deemed the world-wide wait!

*** This post was edited by V² Fiend on 3/24/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar

That's pretty much what I mean on both points. One that we're not sitting around waiting to answer questions, and two that our mission is to get you there, not generate the goods.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Here you go:

If you have any question about an inversion type, and every single one of the inversion explanation sites is down, which i have a hard time believing would ever happen, just ask your question in the forums. I promise somebody will answer you within a completely reasonable amount of time, and more than likely with the amount of knowledgable people in there, it will get answered within a half an hour. If i see it I promise to be first in line to sort out any inversion name confusion you may have. :)

If the shoe fits, find another one.

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