When you log in with your E-mail address and password, click the save box and you will be fine.
Here's To Shorter Lines & Longer Trip Reports!
Lines were too long....it *almost* sprinkled and every coaster shut down for an hour....I severed off my arm to pay for my food at Coasters....Maverick is not only possibly the best coaster at CP, but maybe in the world!?....TTD kept shutting down, and I never got my rollback! :( ....the line for DT was laughably long, who are these people in line for it???...Raptor had some headbanging which I never noticed until this year....I almost passed out in the Mantis queue from lack of shade....did I cover it all?! *** Edited 8/17/2007 7:00:44 PM UTC by tigellinus***
When writing long trip reports, it always pays to write it first on an app that can save, then copy it onto a forum.
^^ ...and the Red Garter was pumping with local hard rock bands.
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
I'm not a computer wiz like some people...How would one go about changing the time a session expires? How does one access apps?
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
Its not like I am typing anything long usually, but when I do a trip report I type it in a text editor like TextEdit, or Notepad and then copy and paste it into Coasterbuzz.
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