I'd let it dissapear. - 63%

I am shocked by this statistic. I really believed that I had found a special group of people who appreciated the hard work that goes into this awesome web site.

Jeff, where do I send my check?

That stat is very sad. If I had to pay to use this website, I sure would. I cannot find a better one on the internet! Should it be a one-time fee, or monthly, I would pay.

V2, Deja Vu... how can it be better? Add Viper! Oh, wait. It's already there!
That upset me when I say that! But when I saw it, it was only at like 53%. After seeing the poll, I decided to use the sig option for the first time ever.

(Who at 16 years of age would be more than willing to pay a $15-$25 dollar subscription in order to keep this site running)

*** This post was edited by CPgenius on 4/23/2001. ***
I don't think it's shocking... there are many other coaster sites on the Internet, which are free, and lots of the people who chose Dissapear are thinking they'd just go there. Also, not everyone here would be able to pay the fee. Do they want $25 to spend on NEEDED things, or do they want access to CoasterBuzz? I'd bet they'd go with the needed items. ALSO, the payment method would most likely have something to do with a credit card. Not everyone here HAS a credit card, and for those under 18 with no credit card, would all their parents let them spend blah dollars on a coaster site subscription, even if they wanted it? Many would, but not all. And it's just some poll. If CoasterBuzz was not free, I doubt that the number of people paying would match what the poll says. I voted dissapear, by the way. I wouldn't pay anything, a coaster site isn't really that important to me. I'd be much more likely to subscribe to a gaming site (like IGN insider). Of course, I couldn't, since I have no way of paying them.

You may now start the "YOU'RE AN IDIOT" posts.

Guess who didn't use the spell checker?
*** This post was edited by LocoSpitz on 4/23/2001. ***
Jephry's avatar
I would make a donation if Jeff needed it.

You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
Help! I can't see the statistics of polls. Up until about one month ago they polls worked for me, but now I give my vote, and when it comes back, it just says the question and answers and I could vote again. It doesn't make sense. How do I fix it?
Thank you. My computer does some goofy stuff.

I voted 25+ donation... Why you might ask, because CoasterBuzz is the next greatest thing to ridding a coaster(man do I need to ride a coaster :) ). I know how much time and money it costs is to run a website. Also Jeff if you need any help just drop me a line and I will help.
Ride with full FORCE
I think a subscription fee would work better than a monthly fee. It might not bring in as much money, but I think people would be more willing to pay a one time fee rather than a recurring fee. I am also very willing to donate money, as soon as I'm out of school for the summer and working more, I hope to send Jeff some cash, he's done a lot for me and everybody else.

Joe Cernelli
Head Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
For some reason I also think that a subscription fee would be good because you wouldn't have as many people just getting on the site to post crap rumors etc. I for one hope you do this! I think it would clean up the site and be more like a family (GTTP). :)
Parks For 2001: PKD, BGW, Funtown USA *** This post was edited by PT300 on 4/23/2001. ***
I would do something if it were a fundraiser, but as I see more and more formerly free sites turn to subscription with nothing added, it irks the hell out of me.
I am not going to vote in this poll. I would not pay money simply because I am 15 years old and money doesn't exactly overflow for me lol. If I was an adult I would almost definitly pay because this is the best coaster site on the internet. Seeing this poll scares me, because I know for a fact coasterbuzz is having trouble with money right now with the ad problem as is every internet site. My web host shut down, go.com is closing, bytecenter.com is trying to get on a new server, and other sites are begging for donations.

*EDIT* I would probably pay an annual fee, depending on how much. Anything 20 bucks and under I would pay without hesitating.

"I traded my soul for a ride on Millennium Force"
www.starcoasters.com *** This post was edited by StarCoasters on 4/23/2001. ***
I don't know what I'd do without my CoasterBuzz. Whatever the fee is, I'll pay it. I'd bet that making this cost something would get rid of 99% of the noise. On the other hand, it might just get rid of about 90% of the members. It just wouldn't be the same. It would be like napster with a hundred people. Just doen't work.
I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
I also voted disappear. I agree that this is easily the best coaster site on the internet. But even the best coaster site is not worth paying for, IMO. BTW, thanks for keeping the site free, Jeff!
kpjb's avatar
The problem with a pay site is this:

Where do the new members come from?

I stumbled on to this site, and have found it to be the best out there, by far. I work in the amusement industry, and am sick of the junk that you see on most other sites. General rumors I don't mind, but it's so obvious that people make stuff up just to inflate their own sense of importance. There is a much more intelligent and educated dialogue on CoasterBuzz than any site that I've found.

That being said, if CoasterBuzz was a pay site, I NEVER would have logged on in the first place. I'd just have to had assumed that it was the same or similar compared to other coaster sites.

So, yes, I'd pay for this site now, but who else would leave... and who else would never join?

I like the site, but if it's just me, Jeff, John Peck and 2 others, it's not a forum... it's email.

I refuse to add a signature. Damn, too late.
I am young but I would be damned before i would let a great site like this with a great headmaster just dissapear. In my opinion it wouldn't bother me to pay for a subscripition or monthly fee for all this site has to offer me. IT is the best source for anything about rollercoasters or themeparks in general. So as they said before me, if it comes to this were do I send the money.
Come on does it surprise you when people are complaining about parking and thinking of ways of cheating parking. I for one have no problem paying for what I use.

Army rangers lead the way
I have been from the beginning
of this great site. Some of the people who post here have become so faniler they are like family.I would pay to play.
Jeff its a great site do not let it die.

I hate to say that I voted "Let it disappear." I just don't think ANY site is worth paying a stupid 20-25 bucks, I'm 16, no job, parets don't want to pay any fee. There is other sites, but Coasterbuzz is the only one that has caught my attention.

Dorney Park just... rules!
I'm into my mid 20's... but I don't pay for porn sites, and I would certainly not pay for a rollercoaster fan site.

Sorry to say...

But it's an excellent site and a great place to meet other enthusiasts and their opinions, but when I got 100 bills to pay off for the next 20 years, I think I'll just find someplace else to get my thrills.

Unless... that is... a T-shirt is thrown into the package for free (ie: $15.00 gets you access to here + a free T!)... other than that... it's definately not worth it.

There's gotta be alternatives.

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