I keep trying to get to Holiday World...but....

Wow NLC he took your keys so you couldn't drive there? Sounds like a great relationship...

Coasters and Chronic
What a Combo!

Okay Josh, like I tell "T" so often, there are certain things about you and your life that you should never EVER share with people.

Mark that story down as one of them!



--who would be damned to Hades before he let someone bogart *HIS* keys to *HIS* car (aint that about a bytch?!?)

I wasn't sure if the boyfriend actually *took and hid* the keys so she couldn't go, or if he just drove somewhere else using the keys so she couldn't go. If it's the former:


He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

CPLady's avatar

It's all about compromise, and if that doesn't work, then being able to do things on your own. After 24 years with my guy (22 of them married), we've been able to work things out. I go to his drag racing events, he goes to amusement parks with me.

My husband likes coasters, but is far from being an enthusiast. His back hurts if he stands for any period of time (long lines kill him), so going to parks to ride coasters isn't exactly his favorite thing to do, and I understand that. So if he doesn't feel like riding, he sits out with a book and I ride alone. He sat for 90 minutes while I waited in line for Deja Vu at SFGAm.

He wasn't interested in Timbersfest (which BTW was held the same weekend as Father's Day) but was willing to let me go alone. He wasn't the last bit interested in going to a small park like Holiday World, but after meeting a few Cbuzzers at Coasterbuzz Con and hearing them all rave about the park, he's promised we'll hit SRM next year, even more so after I showed him the Golden Ticket Awards.

Not every significant other is willing to compromise, so you have to decide what is more important to you. Although, even *I* am concerned that your BF is enough of a control freak to steal your car keys to prevent you from going alone. Breaking dates is one thing, but preventing you from doing something you want to do is another thing entirely.

BUT...on our way back from SFGAm, I REALLY wanted to stop by MiA and catch a few rides on Timbers. It would have taken us an hour north out of our way, and the hubby wouldn't have anything to do with it. Considering he'd just spent a day and a half at SFGAm, I didn't complain.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

*** This post was edited by CPLady on 8/27/2002. ***

No he just took them from me... didn't hid them... they were in plain site I just didn't feel like fighting so I didn't grab them back.

I dont mind comprimising... I like too.... but like I said there are other underlying problems and I dont want to make him out to be a monster or anything or that I'm totally innocent. I was just VERY upset when I first posted this morning because I had even took the time to find a nice little hotel (the Santa's Lodge) and I was REALLY looking forward to going because of all the wonderful things I hear about the park.

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
Check me out sometime on MSN Instant Messenger. Address: nolimitchic@hotmail.com Name: Sarah

*** This post was edited by NoLimitChic on 8/27/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by NoLimitChic on 8/27/2002. ***

On the same story line, here goes one....

For this season, my mom promised a trip to CP, and BGW. I live in VA, but we have relatives in ohio and PA, so it was a win-win trip going to CP since my mom got to see her parents.

Anyway, my mom said we would take a trip to BGW before school starts up again in our area(sept. 3rd). but now, she has already started work again, and she says she doesnt have any time to take us. so, my long awaited ride on apollo(i went last season[last operating day], and apollo was closed...2 rides on alpie tho), went down the drain. being on MF, Superman: RoS @ SFA, and Magnum, i wanted a ride on a B&M hyper to see why some prefer the B&M's over the intamin. but now, i have to wait until next season.

the only good thing is that i will get to ride the new rumored rocket coaster @ CP next year because my mom didnt spend any money on BGW.

#1-MF #2-S:RoS #3-WT

To answer your actual question (no amateur Dr. Phil advice from me), Holiday World is in the middle of nowhere, literally. I seem to remember a motel or two by the interstate, but I am not sure of the names. The HW web site has links to about a dozen local places to stay.

Also, Louisville, KY and Jeffersonville, IN are only an hour or so southeast and you can always find relatively worthwhile rooms in suburbia.

I hope you get an opportunity to visit HW. I went this year for the first time and was blown away.

Sometimes lurkers speak . . .

*** This post was edited by CoasterDad64 on 8/27/2002. ***

I had a girlfriend that basically told me that since she didn't want to spend time with my family and friends, I couldn't either. It did take me long to kick her to the curb. NOBODY keeps me from my friends and family!! :)

NLC, all I can say is follow your heart.. it will guide you the right way.

Santa's Lodge is a wonderful place to stay. And its right next to one of the only places to eat outside the park... a pizza parlor.

Holiday World is a wonderful place to spend a Saturday or Sunday. The bad thing is, every family within 4 hours of the place is doing the same thing.. going to HW. But, thats a very good thing for a wonderful group of people that run that park. If its a warm day, expect to see about 75% of their customers in the waterpark. I've heard reports of the wave pool being so packed, you literally couldnt see the bottom of the pool.

Good job HW staff... Kudos on the Golden Ticket Awards!!!!

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P

Coasterdad, I think Santa's Lodge is the only hotel within miles of HW... I don't think there's anything at all off the interstate exit (coming from I-65 anyway).

When I went, I stayed in Tell City, which was 45 minutes away.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

Den - There's a motel that opened just prior to SRM this year right at the exit to Holiday World. All the reports from SRM were that it was pretty decent.

"The perfect machine, you seemed to be, when I built you up in my mind..." - Reverend Jon Autry

*** This post was edited by chris on 8/27/2002. ***

Dale, IN has a few hotels, they are about 7-10 miles from HW. Tell City and Jasper (both IN) are about 20 miles away. These places are not on the interstate. The Motel 6 in Dale has HW tickets @ $22 each.

Sometimes lurkers speak . . .

Actually, there *is* a Motel Six right off the Interstate. There is also another hotel (Sleep Inn maybe?) that is right across the street. These are off of the 57exit (the westernmost exit) not the 63exit (the easternmost exit). If I'm not mistaken, the Motel 6 *is* the one in Dale, but dont quote me on that.



"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

The Comfort Inn is at Exit 63 according to Holiday World's website.

"The perfect machine, you seemed to be, when I built you up in my mind..." - Reverend Jon Autry

*** This post was edited by chris on 8/27/2002. ***

Sleep - Comfort, it's all the same chain :)

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

Sarah, I am sorry about your situation. Though I hate being one of those "single coaster loving guys" it is easier than trying to work things out with someone that doesn't share your primary interests. Best of luck to you. And Dale is a great place to stay. It is also part of the GOCC event on Sept 28th, in case you're a member and want to join us that weekend! It is worth the drive, and certainly a great place to get away from the stress at home. It doesn't matter if he looks like Tom Cruise! If it keeps you from the lifestyle you want, then something must be done. He has his interests too, and it's too bad you can't combine them by showing him how great some water rides are! HW's Frightful Falls is a thrill in my book (and you can take him on the world famous Raging Thunder flume at Americana on the way back!). It sure beats a Sea Doo! :)
Brad Sherman
"Well sir, there's nothin' on earth like a genuine bona fide electrified 6-car Monorail!"
Model coasters and rides

Sleep + comfort go hand in hand.

You're right about Motel 6, it's at Dale. So is the Baymont, but I'm not sure what exit number that is.

"The perfect machine, you seemed to be, when I built you up in my mind..." - Reverend Jon Autry

There's a Motel 6 at Exit 57, and also a Baymont across the street...I stayed there during SRM this year, and it was quite nice.

Wow.....I feel like I just went through a session with Dr. Phil. Even though Holiday world is a must.....I think you should wait till you cool waters with the boyfriend. If you did decide to go and the boyfriend didn't your not going to enjoy the park and probably think it wasn't worth all the crap you wen't through. Bottom line: Wait and go to the park when you can actually enjoy it with no worrys about your bf on your mind.

Cornball Express- America's first stand up woodie.

Cedar Point 1 I think your correct. I was thinking about that last night. I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much if I was in a bad mood over the whole situation. I think I might suggest going to Kennywood (which is only 2.5 roughly hours away) so we could go after his Sat. morning class and still have a decent amount of time there.

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
Check me out sometime on MSN Instant Messenger. Address: nolimitchic@hotmail.com Name: Sarah

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