I keep trying to get to Holiday World...but....

Have you ever tried to plan a trip to a park that you had never been to before and everytime it gets foiled? Well thats what keeps happening to me. I am so friggin p***** right now because I REALLY want to go to Holiday World before this season is over but it doesn't seem that I'm going to be able too. I hear all these GREAT things about the park and I REALLY REALLY want to go. Every time I have tried to plan this trip something comes up and we can't go. Anything from my boyfriend not wanting to go because he would rather go out on our boat on a Saturday then to some "stupid" amusement park to now he can't go because he signed up to take a 5 hour Saturday morning class. I threatened to make the 6 hour drive by myself last weekend...and my boyfriend took the keys to my car so I couldn't.

My question to you guys is has this ever happened to you where you want to go to a park sooooooooo bad you can taste it but nothing ever seems to go your way to be able to? What did you do?

Also for when I do FINALLY get to go...what hotels are around. I called Santa's Lodge and it seemed like a decent place to stay. What are some of your opinions on it or other hotels in the area?

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
Check me out sometime on MSN Instant Messenger. Address: nolimitchic@hotmail.com Name: Sarah

*** This post was edited by NoLimitChic on 8/27/2002. ***

That happened with me and IB. I tried to go 3 times, it got foiled every time. My last chance is this weekend, and I may finally go!

I love Deja Valley. And Stunt Stall too!

Kick The Sky's avatar

Well my wife has been resisting me on going to Holiday World as well and I have been telling her that it would be a good park for her, the non-coaster rider, Christmas lover, to go to but I just can't get her to commit to a 6 to 8 hour drive to get there. I will go next year though. I put my foot down and told her that I am going to SRM on my own(and TimbersFest, ect). In exchange she gets to go to one of her Country Music Fan Fairs or something like that on her own(I hate country music!)

Bottom line, it all comes down to comprimise when your loved one hates amusement parks. It sounds like your boyfriend and you should work on some kind of comprimise so that you can do what you want to do(go to Holiday World) and he can do what he wants to do. If he won't comprimise, then you may want to look for a new guy ;)

BTW, the real reason that I am not going to Holiday World this year is I used up all my comprimise points this year with trips to BGT, SWF, IOA, USF, SFGAm x 10, SFWOA and CP x 2. I owe my wife a lot of plays, country music concerts, and all the christmas decorating she wants(did I mention I hate Christmas too?)

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Operation Wicked Twister - Goal: Lose 50 lbs by next season to ride it! (updates soon)

john peck's avatar
You know, there are a lot of "single" coaster loving guys out there (sorry, Im taken).....perhaps with the sounds of the bickering on your end, this relationship was just not meant to be.

Hiding the keys? Theres a problem there. Just my opinion.

I got my wife to go to SRM with me by making a fun weekend out of it for both of us. If your boyfriend is anything like most guys, he really just wants to spend time with you, and probably doesn't care what it is that you're doing.

Propose a weekend trip to St. Louis. There are plenty of great things to do there...see a baseball or football game, check out the arch, take a riverboat ride, etc. Then, just add a few hours at Holiday World to your itinerary on the way there or back. It's all about compromise :)


The only thing that came close were my plans to get to PKD this year. It is not that it was a pressing, unresistable need... its just that my wife and I had planned it three times, and three times it did not materialize for work related reasons.

First, we had planned on going the first week of April. However, work schedule dictated other wise. We had to cut the trip short so we chose to do BGW instead of BGW and PKD. The second time we planned it for Aug 26-28 (right now actually), but I work at a college and with the first week of classes being this week, there was no way I could get off. The third planned trip was when we moved it from Aug 26-28 to Aug 6-7. However, again because of work requirements, my V-days for then were also "changed" (instead of a 2 day trip to PKD, we did an evening trip to Hersheypark on the 7th).

Oh well... a few more weekends left this year... and there is always next year.

(oh, by the way, Bob (aka Kick The Sky), I can relate to your "Operation Wicked Twister" goal. Recently at Hersheypark the OTSR's on Great Bear and lap bars on Comet seemed to be fitting much tighter than they were last year. Since I know the restraints didn't get smaller, there is only one other explanation....)

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

*** This post was edited by SLFAKE on 8/27/2002. ***

Believe me Kick The Sky I comprimise. We dont live together so we dont see each other very often (usually only on Fridays, Saturday and Sundays.) and even when we are together we are usually doing things with outher people. So I made him promise me on a Tuesday to spend one whole Friday night with me and ONLY me and he agreed. So what did he do you ask, well his friend asked him over to play video games on the computer (which they do EVERY night over the internet) and he decided that that would be more fun so he canceld OUR plans to be alone with me for the first time in 2 MONTHS to play video games with his friend. And I comprimise every weekend to go boating even though I'm SOOOO sick of it right now. So I know what comprimise is I do it every weekend. I REALLY wish your suggestion would work but I fear that it will not.

Mark, I also wish your suggestion would work too but unfortunatly that one would work less than Kick the Sky's would because I unfortunatly am not made of money :) and my boyfriend is unemployed. (Has been for about 3 months now and before that he worked for only 5 or 6 months and before that he was unemployed for 6 months..he likes to take his time finding a job in his field of Mechanical Engineering) so I could not afford a trip to St Louis since I would be the only one paying for everything, this trip to HW would be taxing enough on me. (I still have college to pay for and a car and other things too)

Ok I know I came off sounding like a whiney complaining B**** in this post but you dont understand that he and I have been together for 3 years and I love him truely but when it comes to amusement parks he just doesn't like them and would rather be out on the SeaDoo. I would like it if we could do both but he doesn't want to, he only wants to ride his SeaDoo and when I suggest going to a park he gets MAD and says things to me like "Well I might as well F****** winterize the SeaDoo now since we NEVER ride it anymore." He siad this in July after we had been out EVERY weekend since JUNE! (and by everyweekend I mean Saturday AND Sunday) I would go to the parks with friends but really I dont have many and the 1 person who actually likes them like I do is married and even more broke than I am. OK OHMIGAWD I sound like a whiney b**** so I will stop now...this post was not supposed to be like that.

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
Check me out sometime on MSN Instant Messenger. Address: nolimitchic@hotmail.com Name: Sarah

No offense, but what is your point?

If your boyfriend is that lame, and the relationship isn't that serious, then move on.

"The perfect machine, you seemed to be, when I built you up in my mind..." - Reverend Jon Autry

You don't sound whiny, but your boyfriend sounds like a selfish prick.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

Kick The Sky's avatar


I think we need to hook up and I can give my wife to your boyfriend and we will just go ride coasters all the time ;) jk

Seriously though, my wife HATES coasters. She hates it when I come home excitedly from work and I spout off how CP is building this or SFGAm is building that. The thing though is she puts up with it and in return I put up with listening about how the kids she watches for a living(she is a nanny) did this or that even though I couldnt give a flying you know what about it. In the end it is all about comprimise. Every relationship (trying not to sound like Dr Laura here) must have comprimise to be successful. If he is unwilling to comprimise then you may need to find a different man. I really hope things work out for you.


Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Operation Wicked Twister - Goal: Lose 50 lbs by next season to ride it! (updates soon)

Am I the only one that thinks NoLimitChic does sound whiney?

As depicted by NLC, the boyfriend is extremely lame, but who's fault is it that said lame-o is stopping NLC from doing what she wants with her time?

chris - Who knows it's really none of his business, but he's not the one who "threw it out there."

Den: Now, I am a firm believer that there are two sides to every story so it would be presumptous to go around calling this cat a prick without at least hearing what he has to say. But since we cant, then maybe we shouldnt be name calling either.

NLC: I would *think* that the two of you as adults who have been in a relationship for several years could find some *middle* ground. Now, I dont know how Holiday World in particular could fit into this arrangement. But it would seem like you all could plan trips where y'all could both visit a park and ride on the boat (I am assuming it's a small "hitchable" boat). Heck, Holiday World has Lake Rudolph (sp). Perhaps they allow boats on it. Then he could be on the boat and you could wave to him from Raven :).

Y'all'll come to some conclusion, I'm sure of it. But dont worry, HW aint going anywhere. And if anything, by waiting, you give Jeff Hammersley time to shave a few more moments off of The Legend's cycle time! (and that friends, is a GOOD thing ;))
--happy to have a "GP" girlfriend

Jeremy - that's why I said he "sounds" like a prick, not that he is one.

Bob - I am in your boat. My wife used to love coasters when we were dating, but now, she hates most of them. She always gets grumpy and annoyed when we go to new parks together, and refuses to ride anything (even rides that are similar to rides she likes, i.e. Millennium Force or Flight of Fear). But hey, I love her whether or not she loves coasters. Besides, I hate going shopping at outlet malls, yet I tag along when she does that. So it all evens out.

-steps over line -

If her boyfriend is as depicted, and if she refuses to leave him, NLC should prepare for a miserable life of disappointment. I have friends in her situation (in love with someone who doesn't care about their feelings).

-returns to other side of line -

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

*** This post was edited by Den on 8/27/2002. ***

Ya know what Chris, I couldn't give a rats *** about what you think about me. Truthfully. Yes there are 2 SIDES to this story and I proclaimed to be blaimless. And I NEVER once said that the relationship isn't that serious for gosh sakes we have been together for 3 years.

I asked for truthful opinions and that is what I got form you Chris which is cool but sometimes it doesn't hurt to be nice.

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
Check me out sometime on MSN Instant Messenger. Address: nolimitchic@hotmail.com Name: Sarah

Been trying to get to Tusenfryd for 2 years now (since i heard about Thundercoaster) but i can't find anyone that could go with me to enjoy a park and a woodie. But now when i'm a member of ECC and they're having a scandinavian trip next year i'm pretty sure i will make it to the park and the other parks too next year.

NLC, if your boyfriend really love you then he shouldn't have so much problem with comprimise at least once per year. And it doesn't sound like comprimising when you're only doing what he thinks is fun and not doing what you would like to do. Also, choosing playing a game over being with your girlfriend/boyfriend, what kind of guy is that?

Just take ya a couple bucks and get ya an extra set of keys made. (its always good to have an extra set of keys anyways, right? right!)
Then git yerself ta Holiday World!

NLC - Whoa, whoa, whoa...Slow down a minute.

You're right, you shouldn't give a rat's ass about me. I'm some anonymous person on a roller coaster message board, for god's sake! I honestly don't have an opinion of you, I just thought you were being "whiney (and you said the same thing multiple times yourself).

While you stated you've been with this guy for three years, the relationship you described is not one that I would consider "serious." Seeing each other only on weekends, never spending time alone together, etc. I only made this observation based on the information you provided, so don't take it out on me.

And, yes, that is my truthful opinion, and the advice I would give to my dearest friends. Regardless of how "nice" it seems, I only offered it with your best interest in mind. Serioulsy.

What is better, to be stuck in a realtionship with a lame-o and complain/whine about it or to move on and actualize your life on your own terms?

Sorry I was so blunt, but I think it's better to just say what you mean.

Here is an observation I got in a really cool fortune cookie once: "Truthful words are not always beautiful; beautiful words are not always truthful."

I apologize for offending, as that was not my intention, and will vow to never give my opinion on anyone's personal life on these forums ever again, even if they asked for said opinion.

"The perfect machine, you seemed to be, when I built you up in my mind..." - Reverend Jon Autry

Chis I never meant to jump you I'm sorry if it seemed that I did but you got to understand that when you are dealing with peoples feelings about someone else they thend to be a little well tense. and your fortune cookie is very correct.

And the relationship has just recently been taken down from "serious" to "somewhat serious" because there is another factor that we fight on constantly and that adds to our problem so yes it is a serious relationship just giong through some really really really rough times right now because of something else and is really bad

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
Check me out sometime on MSN Instant Messenger. Address: nolimitchic@hotmail.com Name: Sarah

Well, if you ever do decide to dump the loser deadbeat, there's plenty of coaster enthusiast guys. (Not me, I have my coaster chick.) Of course, most coaster enthusiasts are also weirdo losers....(No offense guys, I don't know any of you--you could be the most well-balanced group of people I've ever seen....or not.)
Raven-Phile's avatar

NoLimitChic said:

Chis I never meant to jump you I'm sorry if it seemed that I did but you got to understand that when you are dealing with peoples feelings about someone else they thend to be a little well tense. and your fortune cookie is very correct.

And the relationship has just recently been taken down from "serious" to "somewhat serious" because there is another factor that we fight on constantly and that adds to our problem so yes it is a serious relationship just giong through some really really really rough times right now because of something else and is really bad


You know what the scary thing is?

I dated a girl for 2 1/2 years that absolutely HATED coasters. She didn't hate them all that much at first, but one day she just got b*tchy with me about them. She did go to CP with me once, but refused to let me ride anything. I was pissed. She agreed to wait in line for Millennium Force with me and then step out at the end but once we got about halfway through the line she started screaming and crying about how she "hated me for making her ride this" and all these people were staring at me like I was some kind of criminal. She then stormed out of line and I was forced to follow her. When I caught up with her on the midway, she turned around and punched me in the face in front of TONS of people.

So, yeah...we used to fight all the time too.

She's a psycho and I never want to have anything to do with her again.

Thanks for listening to my little story.


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