Hypersonic Not Listed on KD Website

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
Things that make you go hmm....

Not that its much of a surprise to anyone but it seems that Hypersonic XLC has gone missing from the 'Thrill Rides' section of the Kings Dominion website. Could it be that we will no longer see this ride running at KD?

Seems pretty clear to me that this is the case. I would miss it, only for the reason to ride it once and be done with it. Unfortunately the wife missed out on it due to weather, although we did get to see it roll back.

~Rob Willi

Jeff's avatar
What a piece of crap that ride was. I can't believe I endured sun burn for it.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Jason Hammond's avatar
Well, it's been for sale for a while. Maybe someone bought it. http://www.italintl.com/detail_page.php?record_id=937

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Word on the street is that it's being dismantled now.
Did it really deteriorate that quickly? I only rode it on opening day. Way too short, but MAN was the launch and hill awesome.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
I haven't had a GREAT ride on Hypersonic. But I'll usually ride it if I'm at the park (it's a 9 hr drive for me). However, every ride I've had I've been beaten and shaken to death.

It was an awesome concept but not very well executed.

~Rob Willi

Vater's avatar
The launch and hill were always awesome. You're right though, everyone's complaint was that it was way too short. To me it seemed like a waste to launch a train to 80mph only to stop it short after a few seconds. I think it's got the most impressive launch out of all the launch coasters, but somehow it falls short of the other one-trick coasters like TTD and KK, even though it gives way more air. I won't miss it all that much.
I loved it. I'll be sorry to see it go.

I, too, was a fan and will miss it. Any word as to what's going in its spot?

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Good riddance. I hated it when I rode it in 2005. Those rubber wheels made it WAYYY too bouncy for my taste.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Pagoda Gift Shop's avatar
Probably some CF trash cans. Lame, but still an improvement!

Jeff said:
What a piece of crap that ride was. I can't believe I endured sun burn for it.

That's exactly what that mess was: CRAP!

Jason Hammond's avatar

dannerman said:
I, too, was a fan and will miss it. Any word as to what's going in its spot?

If you believe the rumors, it could be Head Spin from GL

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Hypersonic was a piece of garbage. The ride was short, the drop was disappointing and it rattled like the whole structure was going to collapse.
Rick_UK's avatar
Has anyone ridden Hypersonic & Dodonpa. I loved Dodonpa - is it a better/worse ride?


Nothing to see here. Move along.

I've heard it's better than Hypersonic but that's like saying one Wayans Brothers movie is better than another.
Dodonpa offers about the same ride as H:XLC. It sucked too. What's worse is that during the extremely slow moving queue you're forced to listen to a pre-recording of a male voice chanting DO-DON-PA over and over and over and over. One positive was that Dodonpa had extreme ejector air over the top hat.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Jeff's avatar
My complaint was the sheer agony imposed by the crappy restraints. A ride should not bruise your thighs.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

rollergator's avatar
I have to agee with those that say "amazing launch, more forceful than any other...but too bangy". Strange, because I'd never though of it as painful before the trip last year. In one lap, it went from "short but sweet-aggressive" to "that will probably be my last lap ever on the ride".

Still have to wonder if it might not end up in Logan... ;)

dannerman said:
I, too, was a fan and will miss it. Any word as to what's going in its spot?

It really didn't have a "spot" - it rode around and above a lot of things. Visually I don't think it will be missed much. The area where the station and shed is, they should just let the trees grow back and maybe in a hundred years The Grizzly can be The Grizzly again.

Does the website still say "14 coasters" or are they as careless with that as they were with leaving all the Top Gun references in the Flight Deck copy?

Jason Hammond said:
If you believe the rumors, it could be Head Spin from GL

I've heard that, I heard some months ago that Carowinds could get it, I also heard it could "replace" Dorney's Laser (oh, YUCCKKK!!!). But it's still standing at Geauga Lake, and everything that's being moved has been taken down already, so maybe it's for sale and they're waiting until it's sold before they take it down and have to "put" the pieces somewhere, in the absence of a new owner who would just take it all away. I hope they sell it, there's not a park in the chain that could really use it in my opinion.

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